Mystic Dominator

Chapter 472: water boiler

"Will we get thirty pounds on this trip?"

"That's what you don't understand! Have you heard of that thing called the Jenny Machine? The thing to be stolen this time is a blueprint of something similar!"


"But I heard that the yarn Jenny spins is too rough, and only mud legs like us can use it? Is it worth thirty pounds?"

"You know shit!"

"It's worth this price in our hands, but it's different in other people's hands."


On the dark street, a group of people walked by the side of the road, feeling the darkness of the night. Occasionally, people in the team could be heard discussing something in a low voice.

As a member of this team, Ronald followed without a word in the last position of the team.

Actually less than a minute ago.

He was still standing in the hall of White Shore Castle, thinking about how to explain his "summoned object" to the surrounding spellcasters. But the demon Lamer activated the spell in an instant, which directly activated a specific scripture in the castle to activate the trial, and even expanded the area of ​​influence.

So as it should be.

After being involved in the huge magic power possessed by the original text, Ronald closed all the original text spells on his body to prevent the conflict between the two sides, and then came to a brand new environment.

If the guess is correct, there are probably many people who are in the same state as him now.

In the quickest case, the casters in the entire White Shore Castle should be involved in this sudden trial of the original script. As an action planned by the [Nine Precepts Secret Society], this is really vicious enough.

Refer to the probability of passing the original test under normal circumstances.

I am afraid that more than 90% of the casters will be killed in this sudden attack.

You must know that this is a major gathering that includes Grid and powerful spellcasters from all over the world. There is no problem in saying that it is an unprecedented event.

If this mysterious side party turns out to be a tragedy...

The Queen Daantrian, let alone proclaiming her hegemony to the world.

This is almost equivalent to being slapped in the face, and the substantial loss of reputation and subordinate forces is unavoidable!

Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help sighing:


"Ronald, what are you sighing for? We'll share a few pounds for each of us after finishing this ticket. Can't you be happy with those little girls in the East End again?"

Hearing Ronald's sigh, another person walking in front of him immediately spoke to him. Under the illusion arrangement of the original test, Ronald also joined the team that was not a good thing at first sight.

Quickly organizing the language in his mind, Ronald did not lower his voice this time, but tried to speak in a normal tone:

"I... I just had a hunch that this trip might not go well."

"We got too little news this time, who knows what the final result will be."


Saying such a sentence, the person who walked in the front to smear and lead the way reacted first.

"Ronald, don't worry, we're just going to steal the blueprint of a water-boiling machine. It's no big deal. Those nobles just like tossing around with these useless things. It's actually very simple!"

Ronald heard the leader's thoughts.

As the leader of this stealing trip, he didn't want problems such as disputes in the team because of anxiety, so he gave an explanation in a very good manner.

And walking in the dark streets heard this answer.

Ronald's eyes suddenly became dull.


The spinning jenny machine...

City streets without even gas lights...

This trial has only come in, and the information he has harvested is already explosive enough. And think about the team's purpose and reward for stealing...

Trying to control his emotions, Ronald continued:

"But about this blueprint, its owner's identity is not easy to mess with, right?"

"Matthew Bolton? There are so many factory owners like him in Birmingham! If we steal it and run, will he be able to follow us all the way back to London!"


Big trouble...

Ronald in the dark didn't say a word.

The news revealed by the team leader this time has made him fully confirm his current situation. Although it is not like the threat of the Tauren who had to face the [Wings of Icarus], this trial will definitely not be easy.

Matthew Bolton.

There's nothing wrong with the name at first glance.

But if you associate it with the factory owner and the water boiler, you can immediately think of another name - James Watt.

Invented the 'universal prime mover' - the Watt steam engine.

Anything related to the history of human development cannot be avoided, the great inventor who introduced human civilization into the age of steam!

As far as Ronald knows.

Matthew Bolton met James Watt in 1767, and some collaboration between the two began in 1772, which has continued for more than two decades.

This time, I went to Matthew's factory to steal the drawings of the water boiler...

Ha ha--

IMHO Ronald.

To do such a thing in this era, I am afraid that in a few days there will be more hanged ghosts on the gallows in Birmingham!

One of the original trials is counted as one.

It really is an extremely unfriendly environment for those who accept the trial!

At this moment, Ronald has begun to think about what to do with himself.

From the perspective of life-saving, it is naturally the best choice to escape from the team immediately; but if the requirements for successful trials are related to the Watt steam engine, you can get very important clues if you go this time.

Keep going - risk finding clues to pass the trial.

Turn around and leave - get more time to think and investigate.

It's a pity that the unfriendliness of the original test directly exceeded Ronald's time to think.

before he made a decision.

The leader walking at the forefront of the team waved his hand to stop everyone's footsteps.

"Stop first, we'll be there soon."

"Now I put this thing on my face, and my actions are still the same."

This group of people seems to be repeat The leader in front just finished speaking, and they began to pass props tacitly to each other. Even Ronald, who was at the end of the team, got it within a few seconds. A triangular scarf to cover your face.


Looking at the black rag in his hand, Ronald is now in a mixed mood.

From entering the trial to here, the total time spent seems to be only a few minutes.

As a local person who knew the background of the trial, he didn't have time to escape, let alone a group of people from another world who didn't understand the situation at all.

[Nine Precepts Secret Society] This time, I am afraid that I have specially selected the original scripture with a high mortality rate in this trial, in order to let the more people die in Bai'an Castle, the better.

Shaking his head and sighing softly, Ronald also put the triangular scarf on his face.

This time, take the risk yourself.

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