Mystic Dominator

Chapter 471: what happened at the castle

In the middle of the night, the brightly lit White Shore Castle stood quietly on the Wes River.

On the wall of the castle, you can see the spellcasters officially arranged by Springs to provide protection every few meters. In the suburbs outside the castle, there are also quite elite forces ambushing around to deal with possible emergencies. .

Plus detective church personnel to help.

Tonight's White Shore Castle is as difficult as it is to conquer it. Even if someone really assembled a powerful legion to attack, the 'guests' who participated in the party could use their powerful spells to tell the other party what a stupid choice it was!

However, this is the White Shore Castle.

Incredible changes are taking place at this moment.

From the upper reaches of the Wes River, there is a magic power lurking in the rushing river that flows down the river. The nearby investigators were naturally aware of this situation, and they, who were skilled in their work, immediately began to work, preparing to intercept the unknown magic power outside the city of Springs.

The work isn't the first time investigators have conducted it, either.

However, while they were skillfully deploying their spells, a powerful and evil magic force suddenly erupted from the White Shore Castle on the outskirts, which instantly combined with the magic power in the river.

The frequency between the two magic powers is almost the same. After the two magic powers take effect, they immediately form a seamless spell formation, and immediately surround the entire White Shore Castle.

Several investigators responsible for handling the water flow watched this scene.

The younger one of them stared at the outskirts, his tone trembling because of this exaggerated change:

"This...this is..."

"Don't worry, there is now a place where the best practitioners in the whole country and even the whole world gather. Although things of this level are difficult to deal with, it depends on who is facing it."

The older investigator on the side spoke to comfort the young man.

There was no panic on his mature and sophisticated face.

"Who knows if there's a lot of noise over there, just to make us mess up? So let's follow the procedures and handle these water flows so that they don't flow into the city."

At this moment, someone from the investigators behind shouted:

"There's a carriage coming over there!"

"The carriage? Is it from White Shore Castle?"

"Tilda, you and your group go over and check the situation!"


Looking in the direction the investigators were discussing, a carriage was coming from the suburbs. The investigators, who were still dealing with the water flow, heard the order and immediately dispatched their staff to inspect it.

"Hey, stop for a while!"

"What's the matter with you?"

The carriage slowed down at the sound, and the driver above leaned out at the same time and replied:

"Someone was injured in the castle, and now it is urgent to return to the city for treatment."

"We are the Book Club!"

Hearing that it was the carriage of the [Book Research Association], the investigator leading the team immediately slowed down, not as severe as the cross-examination just now:

"How about the injured, is it convenient for us to check?"

The driver gave the investigator the most basic respect:

"The state is not good, it's better to be faster."

With the consent of the driver, the investigator who spoke up got into the car and took a look.

In the small carriage, there was only an old man with white hair and beard and a magician who took care of him. With the driver in charge of driving, there was nothing unusual about the three-person team.

Nodding his head and exiting the carriage, the investigator asked casually:

"Didn't you just leave the castle, do you know what's going on?"

"what happened……"

When asked casually by the investigator, the scholar who was still casting spells to maintain the old man shifted his attention slightly and activated his own perception-enhancing spell.

Immediately, the shape of the Whitebank Castle in the Wes River came into view.

But the magician from the [Book Research Association] opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but he seemed to be strangled by his neck and could not make any sound at all.


The caster swallowed hard, and then shouted decisively:

"No, this magic fluctuation is wrong!"

"This is the magic power fluctuation when the original test is opened, and it is not a normal spell exchange at all!"


The voice fell, and there was an instant silence around the carriage.

Of course, the investigators know how the various official institutions in Springs operate, and naturally they also know that the people in the [Book Scroll Research Association] are doing research related to the original texts.

The judgment made by such a research practitioner...

There are very few times when things go wrong.

Two breaths passed, and an investigator away from the carriage was the first to respond. He confirmed in a tone of disbelief:

"First... sir, are you sure about this..."

"Of course I'm sure!" The magician on the carriage said loudly and decisively, "I followed Mr. Hughes to the experiment of activating the original script just yesterday. How could I be wrong?"

Another investigator spoke up:

"Hugh... is that Maester Hughes who lives on Whiteman Avenue?"

The expression of the caster of the [Book Research Association] became even more anxious:

"Which Mr. Hughes in our Scroll Society can lead the research?"

"It's all this time, will I make this joke with you guys, you... this...!"

The people who saw the [Book Scroll Research Association] were so anxious that they couldn't say anything.

Among the investigators, the elite investigators who were guiding the work came out.

"Sir, don't you want to take this old man to treatment?"

"If you don't mind, please bring our people into the city with you. A carriage is still more convenient than walking."

Someone immediately interjected:

"Mr. Mill, our job is..."

"Things have to be prioritized." The elite investigator interrupted his subordinates directly, "It's fine in other industries to rigidly follow the rules and regulations, but for our work, it's self-defeating. It's hard to keep hands on such a big thing. The people here have made preparations, and since we have discovered it here, we will go back immediately to inform the situation."

After finishing speaking elite investigators turned their attention to the surface of the Wes River:

"Tilda, you go back with this gentleman from the [Book Research Association]. I am here to clean up the river, so there will be no problems."


After this undeniable order and comfort, the investigator no longer had any objection.

The named person boarded the carriage and returned to Springs with the people from the [Book Research Association], while the others continued to clean up the magic power in their hands, and the scene soon returned to an orderly order.

Only to clean up the magic in the river.

The elite investigators in charge of coordinating work turn their attention to White Shore Castle from time to time. It took a lot of manpower and material resources to organize the exchange meeting with China Unicom.

It appears to be only held for one day.

It is about to face the ending of temporary suspension.

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