Mystic Dominator

Chapter 464: meeting exchange

Rumir as an accidental product of the canonical sorcery.

When encountering such a mysterious gathering of big people, and also to exchange the scene of summoning creatures, I will go and join in with each other.

After all, this is the case.

For her, it was an opportunity to explore her own origins.

So two nights later, Ronald left the apartment alone for the outskirts of Springs.

Although there is a great possibility that Rumil will go to this party, it is not a sure outcome after all.

So Heloise did not plan to go with Ronald, but planned to still carry out activities in the city.

Today's night is sunny.

The sky is full of stars and moon, and the air is cooler than it is during the day.

Going out alone at night like this, Ronald turned on the [Lunar Eclipse] spell of "The Great Compendium of Astronomy" while he was out of the city, intending to experience the enhanced effect of this ability first.


At the very beginning of the experiment, Ronald first tried his own jumping level.

The result was an incredibly exaggerated leap.

Although the enhancement brought by [Lunar Eclipse] is not as good as the triple enhancement of "The Divine Comedy", it is also much stronger than the single enhancement. He literally made the standing long jump out of the fast long jump!


Subconsciously turned his head to look at the road behind him, Ronald himself was speechless.

Although there is no one to see at night in the suburbs. But after the physical test, it is better to pay more attention to the surrounding environment.

Gradually move away from downtown Springs.

The reconnaissance range controlled by Ronald finally had an effect.

A few kilometers northeast of Springs, the Weiss River reaches its widest length beyond its mouth. In the center of the river, which is hundreds of meters wide, there is a castle with a gray surface.

The human activity track detected by the power of ‘Rage’ exists inside the castle at this moment.

This is [White Shore Castle].

Ronald had heard of the building's fame before, but it was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes.

Hundreds of years ago, there was a very dangerous and mysterious side force in Greed. In order to ensure safety, the ruler at that time built a castle here under the pretext of a 'plague', and then put the scale at that time. Small Springs residents migrate here.

Later, the ruler dealt with the problem, and the residents of the castle were relocated and evacuated.

This castle was awarded to a very powerful prince at that time by the Greed royal family under a special meaning, and then it has always existed here as the base of the royal family branch.

Until now, the owners of the castle itself have chosen to move out of here, while operating the castle as an industry. Many events that are inconvenient to be held in Springs will also choose the venue here.

Just like this mysterious party, this decision was made considering these.

Standing by the Wes River at night, Ronald looked at the brightly lit castle in the river and couldn't help nodding his head with emotion:

"This business sense is quite strong..."

In this era, choosing to commercialize the castle is truly a pioneering move.

Grid was not only the first to enter the era of the Industrial Revolution under the Queen's reign.

Even the branch of the royal family has reached the forefront of the times in some fields.

I feel the difference between the earth and this world.

Ronald also walked to the entrance of the castle by the river. Two investigators and a priest of the church were standing at the door to receive all the visitors.

Before leaving today, Ronald had inquired about the gathering through the Ginkgo Biloba Chamber of Commerce. If you want to participate in this event, you don't need an invitation or a ticket, as long as you belong to the mysterious side, you can participate.

And thanks to the Bureau of Investigation's strict control of time.

There will not be too many people here, which will cause the phenomenon of 'alienation of the world' to appear.

"Mr. Ronald?"

"Are you going to bring it into the venue?"

Ronald walked onto the castle drawbridge with a relaxed expression, and then the investigator and the priest asked completely different questions.

The investigators were surprised by the arrival of Ronald, the holder of the tome.

The priest's gaze was locked firmly on the sword of Saint Caterina wrapped in black cloth behind Ronald's back.

Nodding towards the three people in front of him, Ronald asked with a smile:

"Can't you bring weapons at this meeting today?"

"No, weapons can naturally be carried." The priest immediately shook his head and denied it, but his eyes were still on the saint's legacy. "However, many people in this kind of gathering will have some disputes, so please exercise proper restraint."

"Don't worry, I'm a pacifist."

Ronald fully understood the priest's concerns.

As the owner of the original book, he also carries treasures such as the Sword of Santa Caterina, which is indeed a very unstable factor that is very difficult to control at this kind of assembly. Therefore, after expressing that he had no malicious intentions, he slowly walked towards the castle.

Crossing the drawbridge and stepping on the land of the island in the river, Ronald looked up slightly.

Except for the investigators and priests working at the door.

On the fortifications around the castle, these people can also be found at intervals, and it can be seen that they attach great importance to this gathering.

Go all the way through the outer perimeter of the castle and into the main passage leading to the hall.

On the way, Ronald met a lot of magicians with extraordinary temperament, and there were also many people who were completely different from Springs' dressing habits. With the gathering of people from all walks of life in the city, everything on the mysterious side was also changing...

"Ah, Ronald?"

Just as Ronald looked around and stepped forward.

A faint voice sounded from the corridor on the side of the castle.

Ronald turned around and looked over there, an acquaintance who used to work together was walking towards him with a happy expression.

- It's Muri.

——From [Book Research Association].

——Muri who uses the spells related to "Analysis of Dreams"!

The thinking in his heart turned Ronald quickly understood the purpose of the other party's coming here.

[Book Scroll Research Association] As a force specializing in mysterious research, it is of course impossible to miss this excellent communication opportunity. As a powerful magician in the organization, Miao Li appeared here as a matter of course.

With a friendly smile on his face, Ronald immediately said:

"Miao Li, why are you here alone?"

"I came with Mr. Oppenheim and the others. There was a heated debate about some spells just now, so I took advantage of my spare time to come out and get some air."

I don't know if it's because I haven't seen you for a long time or something else.

After meeting Ronald today, the shy Miao Li talked a lot. After introducing her purpose, she even took the initiative to invite:

"Ronald, do you want to watch the debate at the seminar?"

"This kind of high-level debate will definitely be rewarding!"

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