Mystic Dominator

Chapter 463: 【Solar/Lunar Eclipse】

Elon's craftsmanship for making accessories is still as reliable.

In less than an hour, he successfully pulled out a suitable groove on the other side of the brooch, and embedded three meteorites of the same size into it.

Ronald tried to put the brooch back in its original position.

Thanks to Elon's craftsmanship, the feeling after wearing it is no different from before.

Ronald has no doubts.

If he summons the original text of "Astronomers" now, he will be able to use three new original text spells smoothly in the next second.

Of course, in reality Ronald wasn't in such a hurry.

Nodding admiringly at the old craftsman in front of him, he immediately asked:

"Mr. Elon's craftsmanship is astonishing as ever, and it looks like my brooch will last a long time. By the way, how much did the crafting cost this time?"

Ronald took out his wallet following the topic.

But before he could take out a few Gert banknotes, the old craftsman in front of him pushed his hand and shook his head:

"Mr. Ronald, I have a bold request."


Ronald paused for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Please speak?"

"In order to inlay accessories on this brooch, I just cut out a part of the material of the main body of the brooch. For our craftsmen, this material is a very good material for guiding magic."

Ronald immediately understood what Elon meant:

"So you want to use these leftovers as the labor fee for this commission?"

The old craftsman bowed and said:

"This request may be presumptuous, but please allow it."

Ronald nodded in agreement without hesitation:

"Of course, no problem."

Elon didn't seem to expect Ronald to agree so bluntly.

In the eyes of this old craftsman who opened a shop alone, he took the initiative to make such a request in order to take these materials, and it was acceptable to pay some price for this.

As a result, Ronald did not bargain further, so he simply agreed?

"This... thank you for your generosity!"

So Ronald left the herbal shop with thanks from the old craftsman.

During the daytime, there are people coming and going in the business district, and after walking for a while, I can't see any place suitable for researching new spells.

Ronald thought that he had nothing to do today, so he continued to go south alone. It was not until he arrived at the no-man's land by the Sea of ​​Springs that he waved out the original text of [Astronomers].

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

The familiar incantation was uttered from his mouth, and Ronald immediately felt that the magic of the original was locked on the new meteorite of the brooch. The next second, three new spells brought by the three meteorites were also activated in Ronald's hands.

The first spell - [measure length]

Within the caster's range of perception, the distance between two objects can be defined every five minutes, and they can be changed at will.

Describe it in simpler terms.

Target the two reefs on the sea in Ronald's field of vision. Now the two reefs themselves remain the same, but the distance between them can be lengthened or shortened at will.

The second spell - [Astrology]

This is an auxiliary spell in the original tome of "Astronomy".

After the caster summons his astrolabe, he can automatically record the surrounding terrain to form a map while the spell is in effect. will be marked on for the duration of the spell.

The third spell - [Solar/Lunar Eclipse]

One spell has two uses, and has completely different abilities.

During the day, [Solar Eclipse] will form a completely dark and non-light environment around the caster, and suppress the enemy's ability to perceive the surrounding.

At night, [Lunar Eclipse] can greatly enhance the physical fitness of the caster, thus providing a good combat power.


"Isn't this repeated again?"

After getting the effects of the three spells, Ronald was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became complicated.

Different scriptures are different spell systems.

"The Divine Comedy" can strengthen his physical fitness three times, and it is understandable that other scriptures have this ability, and it will not change this reality because he already has it.

But if you consider the current situation...

I have the triple enhancement brought by "The Divine Comedy", and I can use [Lunar Eclipse] to raise it one level higher at night. With the blessing of quadruple physical enhancement, what degree of terrifying power will he possess?

And look at 【Astrology】and 【Measure Length】.

Two kinds of spells that do not directly have damage effects are actually powerful abilities that can determine the situation of the battle.

Spells in The Great Compendium of Astronomy.

It's really starting to reflect its power more and more.

With the new spell possessing such power, Ronald naturally returned to the business district in a very good mood, and even the worry brought about by Rumir's reappearance faded a little.

Today's lunch was settled casually on the street.

He also started his 'conscientious' work this afternoon.

Time passed, and the afternoon was spent peacefully.

When the sun in Springs sank halfway in the sea of ​​Shenriyang, and Ronald was about to pack up and go home, Heloise appeared at the door of the office with hurried steps.

"Ronald, the weather is getting hotter and hotter recently, when will it cool down!"

Although the mouth is complaining about the weather in Springs.

But Ronald could see the excitement in Heloise's eyes.

This is the first day of the search for Lumil's whereabouts, and this guy already has news?

Even if he was an Entrod spy.

This exaggerated efficiency is still a bit outrageous, right?

He was a little surprised, but Ronald still followed Heloise's words and handed over the tea, and at the same time comforted:

"Come on, drink some water first."

"The weather in Springs has four distinct seasons, and if you persist, it will be After closing the door of the office, Ronald continued to ask:

"Looking at your expression, is there any news from Rumil?"

"There are some results." Heloise did not continue to pretend, and after drinking the tea that Ronald poured for herself, she immediately explained, "The news is that there will be a mysterious side party outside the city in two days. , I think there is a high probability that Rumil will appear there."

Ronald's eyes narrowed: "Mysterious side party? Do you think Rumil would appear in such a place?"

Herois had long expected Ronald's suspicions.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she immediately explained:

"Ronald, you don't know that."

"This time the Springs heroes gather, many characters on the mysterious side don't want to miss this opportunity, and naturally prepare to communicate with each other and learn from each other. It just so happens that there are many powerful people to participate in summoning creatures!"

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