Mystic Dominator

Chapter 419: Wuling and Herbes


Ronald's immediate reaction was that the siren spoke non-human words, so the ability to understand language didn't work.

But soon, he realized that the siren's eyes were locked behind him.

The thing was staring at something behind him.

So there will be a reaction now!

Through Claudia's spell, Ronald knew very well that all his companions were not around now. If there was something in demand, it would most likely be the enemy.

One turned to avoid him, Ronald snapped his fingers.

In complete synchronization with his movements, the shards of the palm elm tree that had just smashed into the ground were dominated by the ability of the [Archangel Archangel], and instantly shot into Ronald's back like a bullet.


The next second, the sound of dense wooden blocks bursting and a strange sound resounded from behind Ronald.

After that, there was a woman who continued to appear and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Human, are you planning to invade our territory!"


At this moment, Ronald turned around and saw what appeared behind him.

This is a beautiful human girl with a beautiful upper body and a fish tail on the lower body... a mermaid?

Ronald is not a fan of dark fairy tales.

So when he saw the mermaid like the daughter of the sea appearing in front of him, he did not choose to attack immediately, but just showed a defensive posture.

"This siren is singing in front of me, can't I do it?"

Ronald's question is a double temptation.

In addition to asking the attitude of the 'mermaid' in front of him, he also called out the race of the sirens to confirm the true identity of these non-human creatures. Now that "The Divine Comedy" can only work on human emotion detection, it can only be used as a snack in dialogue.

Hearing Ronald's righteous question, the 'mermaid' showed a subtle expression on his face.


"If that's the case, then it's up to Mustili to take the blame. But human beings, you should also remember one thing, don't just rely on your own abilities. There are never a few wizards buried in the sea."

After frowning and saying this, the mermaid stopped looking at the siren, who was almost dead, and swung her tail to 'swim' into the sea, looking like she didn't want to continue to pay attention to this side.

Be able to speak openly, and not outright hostile.

In the face of such an 'informer', Ronald did not intend to let her go like this.

Seeing that the mermaid's tail touched the sea water, Ronald immediately said:

"Wait, do you know the current state of Kraken? It attacked our ship before, and many of my companions are missing!"


As expected, the mermaid stopped.

Because of the question Ronald asked, she chose to turn around and answer the question.

"The appearance of Kraken is as untraceable as a natural disaster such as undersea turbulence. What's the use of asking me about this kind of thing? If you can survive it, you can be satisfied with your luck."


If it weren't for that ace investigator, something was wrong.

Perhaps at this time, the creatures in the nearby seas have already eaten the electric grilled octopus.

Silently complaining in his heart, Ronald did not forget to bring the topic back to the center of attention during the conversation.

"And what about this typhoon?"

"Is the appearance of Kraken related to this typhoon?"

After two conversations, Ronald initially understood the mermaid's habits.

Since he can answer his own question in this way, the communication of continuing the topic will not provoke the other party's annoyance.

"Human, you have enough questions." The mermaid frowned when she heard the new question. But just as Ronald expected, she didn't leave directly, but continued complaining, "I know what you're thinking, but this typhoon has nothing to do with me, so don't count on it."


The typhoon has nothing to do with her...

The mermaid's words revealed a key point. She also had more information about this abnormal typhoon, at least it was different from Ronald and the others who were still in the groping stage.

Immediately, Ronald asked in the communication spell constructed by Claudia:

"Everyone, have you ever heard of a creature with a human upper body and a fish lower body?"

"Unheard of."

"This creature is not mentioned in the records of our school."

"It's a human head and a bird body, and it's half human and half fish... I heard that a certain school in the east of Grid is doing biosynthesis experiments. Could it be that they did this thing?"


Listening to the discussion in the communication, Ronald also confirmed the situation.

"Everyone, what I encountered here may be a summoned object or something that appeared under the interference of the original text. The situation is still under control, everyone continues to work on their own, and I will continue to notify if there is any news."

"Ronald, please—"

After ending the communication spell, Ronald adjusted his collar and prepared to negotiate with the mermaid in front of him with a very serious attitude.

As a result, before he opened his mouth, the mermaid standing by the sea took the first step and said:

"Human, do you mean to stop this typhoon?"


"That's exactly what I After a brief question and answer, Ronald and the mermaid fell into a subtle silence.

The wind and rain brought by the typhoon rolled up between the two of them.

On one side is Ronald, who is protected by the original, so standing within the absolute safety range; on the other side is the mermaid standing on the edge of the coastline, where the waves slap the fish tail from time to time, as if it will disappear into the sea in the next second.

The silence that remained in the storm remained for nearly a minute.

The mermaid seemed to confirm something with her eyes, and then sighed in resignation.

"Okay...To be honest, I don't really want to stay in this completely unfamiliar environment, and there is not even the faintest mana in the air. But human, I have to remind you that the end of this typhoon is inevitable. It's a very difficult thing, and I can't guarantee you'll be able to leave alive."

From the previous experience, Ronald knew that the mermaid could just walk away, and he didn't have any coveted place for himself.

Make such a choice without unnecessary interference.

I am afraid this is also the real appeal of the other party at the moment.

So, Ronald nodded affirmatively:

"Danger and difficulty are not a problem. I am quite confident in my own strength."


"Hmph, don't blame me for not persuading you."

Hearing Ronald's answer, the mermaid stared at him for a long time before snorting coldly, agreeing bluntly.

Immediately twisting the tail of the fish, she turned and swam into the sea while asking:

"Then human, tell me your name."

Ronald thought for a while, and then said a somewhat interesting code name:

"I'm from Wuling, you can just call me Wuling."

"And, what should I call you?"



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