Mystic Dominator

Chapter 418: Half body siren

The figure hovered in the air, and Ronald made a simple self-analysis.

The person called out in this song is a beloved adventurer who is waiting for someone. He, Ronald, was recruited by the royal family to work as a coolie today. Maybe it doesn't fit the type of call in the song?

And in the direction from which the singing came, he could still feel very clear magical fluctuations, something mysterious must be playing a role there.

Such an obvious trap really makes people do not know how to sigh.

"Six hundred meters..."

Before returning to Claudia's side, Ronald made a rough visual observation of where the singing came from.

The power of Kunlun picked up a palm elm tree on the island, and the [Archangel Chief Angel] cut off the excess branches and leaves. Aiming at the direction from which the singing came, Ronald shot the brand-new 'throwing spear' fiercely.




After a series of reactions that proved Ronald was right, the singing came to an abrupt end. Ronald didn't even have the idea to check it, turned around and flew to Claudia and the others.

Because of waiting for the results of the probe, Claudia was obviously controlling their 'ferry' to slow down.

Wait until Ronald can be identified in the raging wind and rain.

The princess who was in charge of leading the team shouted loudly:

"Ronald, how is the situation on the island?"

"Most parts of the island are the same, but when I was about to come back, there was a non-human, unidentified thing singing there, I gave it to her!"


Hearing Ronald's answer, Claudia lowered her eyes and began to think, and the plank she was stepping on began to speed up at the same time.

Then the other companions asked:

"Mr. Ronald, is that unidentified thing dead?"

"I can't guarantee this. The other party is not human, and there are very obvious magic fluctuations in his position. I just don't want to be entangled by that thing on the way out."

Ronald briefly finished all his discoveries, and the people on the board also began to express their opinions. Some people hope to continue to test the situation on the island, and some people hope to start with the singing that Ronald encountered.

But when Claudia spoke again, everyone immediately fell silent to show respect.

"Everyone, the most important thing we need now is time."

"In fact, as time goes by, the wind speed of this typhoon is also slowly increasing. Some things cannot happen in Springs, so we need to hurry up and avoid it from happening..."

Claudia's eyes were very serious at the moment.

She hadn't planned to bring it up together.

But regardless of her identity as Princess Grid or the educational concept she received since she was a child, she could not accept the impact of the continued expansion of the typhoon, so she deliberately used this information to strengthen the idea she wanted to express.

After uttering this question and concern, Claudia glanced at the people again. Seeing that everyone was watching him attentively, the princess continued:

"Everyone, I'll assign the work now."

"Ronald, you continue to go to the location where you heard the singing before, Modeste and Connor are searching along the coastline, Severus, Connie, Jobis, the three of you enter the island together to investigate. "

"As for Phyllis..."

Finally, turning her eyes to Heloise, Claudia hesitated for a moment before speaking again:

"I'm going to be in charge of your liaison work on the island side. I'll leave it to you to protect my work."


"Get ready for action."

After some explanations and assignments, Claudia pulled out the [Mobile Library] and whispered a spell, and arranged her own communication skills among the seven people in turn.

This is a very powerful information communication spell.

After receiving the blessing of Claudia's spell, people can communicate with each other on a conscious level without opening their mouths, and at the same time, they can learn the location of each other. According to Her Royal Highness, the communication range she can maintain is more than enough to cover the entire island, and now they don't have to worry about all kinds of troubles caused by distance!

Silently accepting Claudia's spell, Ronald also took off again and flew to the island.

He glanced back at the people still on the deck, feeling a little complicated.

Unexpectedly, the person responsible for protecting Claudia's safety is actually Heloise, the former Entrod spy?

This kind of thing is really weird...

While thinking about this in his heart, Ronald's figure also disappeared in the wind and rain brought by the typhoon. Several other people are acting in teams and cannot just focus on their own fast flight like Ronald.

And this round is flying very fast.

It didn't take long for Ronald to return to where he had thrown the palm elm.


The scene in front of me was quite bloody.

The palm elm tree cast out by the blessing of magic is very powerful.

After hitting the singing 'she' the wood pierced all the way through the body, and then hit the rock behind and exploded to pieces. Wood, sea water, gravel, stones, limb fragments splashed all over the place.

If it was an ordinary person at the center of this attack, I'm afraid it would be too dead to die.

"Fortunately not human..."

Muttering in a low voice, Ronald snapped his fingers to reset [Guardian Angel]'s defense, and then landed in this reef.

- This is a very strange creature.

The guy who was hit by Ronald's attack, the center of the body was directly torn off by the middle of the palm due to the explosion of the palm elm tree, the upper part of the body that was the beauty was still lingering, and the bird-shaped lower body lay motionless in the wind and rain.

Is this a siren?

Ronald immediately thought of a monster from mythology.

The human-headed, bird-shaped monster sings at sea to lure ships to the rocks, and then treats the crew like a meal on a plate.

If I remember correctly, there are monster legends with similar shapes in this world, but they have nothing to do with singing.

Typhoon...octopus sea monster...siren...

So what is involved this time is the original text of a certain mythological system?

Looking at the monster in front of him, Ronald still asked synchronously in the communication spell to be safe:

"What I hit was a monster with a human head and a bird body. The body broke from the middle and did not die immediately. It seems to have a very close connection with the singing. Do you have any clues?"



"never heard of that."

"Our school has not recorded this kind of monster."


A series of replies came out of the communication, and they were basically denials.

However, at this moment, the upper body of the siren lying on the reef lit up, and spoke with difficulty.

"Ni... Nipper..."

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