Mystic Dominator

Chapter 407: Priest priest

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"Teacher, don't you think it's a little hot today?"

Sitting on the carriage back home, Heloise reached out and tugged at Ronald's clothes, biting the word "teacher" with great force, with smiles between her brows and eyes.

So, Ronald cooperated with goosebumps:


"Just the two of us, can't you just call me by my name?"

"He's your apprentice!" This time, Heloise even put her face up, "Isn't an apprentice supposed to call you a teacher, aren't you happy?"


"Let's discuss the work of the Chamber of Commerce."

Ronald wisely chose to change the subject.

In fact, from the time she chose to use her true colors to act, Heloise's character was completely detached from the identities she played before. This girl from a spy organization usually likes to be close to Ronald, and she always jumps on her face.

Although it is difficult to deal with.

But actually, Ronald didn't dislike such Heroes.

After all, when it comes to what really matters, this guy still knows how to deal with it.

Just like now.

But Ronald opened his mouth to discuss the work.

The ridicule and smile on Heloise's face disappeared instantly, and instead it turned into serious thinking about Ronald's next work.

"The White Star District is a special area of ​​Springs. In addition to direct contact with the densely populated and complex port area, at the junction of the two areas, there is also a diplomatic station specially planned by Her Majesty the Queen."

"Ronald, if you represent the Chamber of Commerce in activities there, there will be corresponding social and troubles, and there are many etiquette needs..."

What Herois said was the entrustment of the Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance to Ronald. In fact, to be more specific, this matter is still a follow-up task to the original contact with the countess.

As an important person who came to Grid from abroad.

Although I have rented a place in the organ area, and there will be dances every few days. But at the same time, as a diplomat, Countess Leticia still has her own exclusive residence in the diplomacy, and usually spends more time there to work.

The Chamber of Commerce took this into consideration, so Ronald, who currently has a good relationship with the countess, changed his workplace to the White Star District.

And speaking of this special division.

In addition to what Heloise said just now, the urban area of ​​Springs also has its own unique situation.

Different from commercial or riparian areas.

At present, there are many housing buildings using the latest technology in Baixing District. The emerging aristocrats and some enterprises have set up their residences or private residences there, and various auxiliary buildings with various functions are also available.

In fact, to be more specific, White Star is the city within a city of Springs, like a kangaroo hiding in its mother's pocket.

To be active in the urban area with this special background.

It is more appropriate to do some corresponding preparations in advance.

Ronald recalled this city that he seldom set foot in, and Heloise, who was also sitting in the carriage, immediately opened his mouth to make suggestions:

"Ronald, I'll start after I go back today. I'll give you supplementary lessons these few nights? For some new nobles, some etiquette seems to be quite important. What do you think?"

Heloise's suggestion is reasonable and reasonable, and Ronald naturally nodded in agreement;

"No problem, then I'll leave it to you these days."


Of course, the two who belonged to the action faction would not waste time.

When you go back and finish your meal, start with your left foot first when you enter the door, which is more serious, your neck angle should not be lower than 60 degrees when you eat, and you need to turn your head slightly to the left when you nod, and don't mix 'um' in your speech. uh' or something like that.

Heloise knew every aspect of the social interactions of the new nobles, and she taught Ronald carefully.


The next morning, Ronald and the two split up.

Ronald went to the monastery to read as usual. Heloise, who was unwilling to stay at home by herself, went to the White Star District first to get familiar with the situation, and also helped Ronald make some preliminary preparations.

Come to the church district alone.

Ronald still read in the library as usual.

Heloise made it clear that the Church's reconnaissance technique is quite powerful.

Although she herself is very confident in anti-reconnaissance technology, she has set rules for not only the church district for at least a month from the day the spy agency in Springs was taken down.

This is a kind of prudence, but also a kind of self-protection.

However, things were not as smooth as they were in the past few days.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the monastery welcomed a rare visitor. The other party came to the door of the monastery, and all the monks here went out to greet them, as if they were facing the inspection of the leader.

Hearing the movement outside, Ronald was completely unmoved.

His original intention was to absorb as much knowledge as possible from the church's collection within a limited time. As for the communication between the clergy in the church, he is not very interested.

So after a quarter of an hour, the visitor who came to the monastery entered the library.

Sitting across from Ronald with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Ronald."


This is a kind old man with white hair and beard, wearing a black robe similar to the uniform uniform of the church. Ronald could clearly see the golden geometric textures on the other's clothes. The reading of church books these days supported Ronald in recognizing the other's identity at a glance.

- Priesthood.

This is a special function corresponding to the priesthood in the church, and there is only one per generation.

Except for special status.

Priests need to travel around the church-affected areas often to confirm the operation of the local church branches, as well as the management and disposal of some special items.

What made Ronald more concerned was the back of the priest in front of him.

Behind the old man's black robe, there is a long stick-shaped object wrapped in layers of black cloth. Don't even need to mention what's inside, just the black cloth wrapped around the outside, Ronald can perceive the very solidified magic power.

Facing the old man sitting in front of Ronald nodded politely in response:

"Hello, I'm Ronald."

"Excuse me--?"

"Graeme, Graeme Bradford." The old man seemed to like Ronald's attitude. After the smile still introduced himself gently, he did not mention his special identity.

Instead, it's like a very ordinary old man.

The high priest slowly removed the thing from his back, and then untied the black cloth wrapped around it little by little.

Finally in the untied black cloth.

The Sword of Santa Caterina appears in the hands of the old man.

Holding the blade that was as dark as the night sky, the priest didn't change his smile and spoke in a calm tone:

"Mr. Ronald, I have some questions to ask you."

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