Mystic Dominator

Chapter 406: Commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

In the days that followed, the accident that Ronald and Heloise feared did not occur.

After sneaking out to the port and registering to enter Springs, Heloise came to the riverbank area under the name Phyllis, and then lived with Ronald naturally.

There was no redundant cross-examination by the Bureau of Investigation, and no additional investigation by the church.

The only change that exists.

Probably because of Heloise's arrival, the landlady increased Ronald a negligible rent, which was within a reasonable range.

And arranged everything in the afternoon of the third day.

Heloise, who thought she should fully assume her new identity, followed Ronald away from the third floor of the boarding house.

"Mr. Ronald, are we going to the ginkgo biloba?"

Like a little valet, Heloise walked behind Ronald with a smile on her face. The young girl was now wearing a cotton wool shirt and a black woolen coat, and her smooth black hair was tied into a high ponytail. The back of his head revealed a smooth forehead.

A few days of being intimate with Ronald passed.

The current Heloise's face did not show the weakness of the day at all, and her skin that could be broken by bullets was blushing a little, and the dimples on both sides of her cheeks were looming. A pair of snow-white slender hands rested confidently around his waist, a purple waist chain swayed with his slender waist, and a small tan cloak that reporters often wore was draped over his shoulders.

As soon as he walked to the street, many eyes around him were immediately attracted.

Against the complicated eyes around him, Ronald reluctantly said to Heloise:

"That's right, it's the ginkgo leaf. You're going to be my apprentice now, so it's necessary to go to the workplace to get acquainted with my daily life. Also, remember not to be like home."

Hearing the tone of Ronald's exhortation, Heloise immediately narrowed the distance with Ronald, and then asked in a playful tone:

"Home, what's your home like?"

"And Mr. Ronald, I heard that you know the great aristocrat of the Nicklaus family. When will you take me to meet him?"


"Next time, definitely next time."

"What do you mean next time? We two are at home every day these days, aren't we very free!"


"The carriage is here, I'll call the carriage!"

Ronald really can't do anything about Heloise now.

In the midst of the girl's continuous teasing, he soon had to go to the street and call for a carriage.

The road to work that I take every day is amazing.

Leaving the river bank area by horse-drawn carriage, it didn't take too long to arrive at the commercial area next door.

Ronald as a senior professional hired by the Chamber of Commerce.

Even if someone saw him walking into the chamber of commerce with a beautiful girl, no one around pointed at this behavior, the two went straight through the office building along the street, and then came to the back of the courtyard.

Heloise looked very familiar with this place.

Although Ronald was leading the way, she herself showed an understanding of the building structure of the Chamber of Commerce, and she didn't even look around curiously.

Ronald asked in a low voice:

"Phyllis, have you been here before?"

"The headquarters of such a large chamber of commerce, sometimes when businessmen come to Springs, they also have to come to deal with things."

After a somewhat subtle answer.

Ronald already understood what Heloise meant.

Among the identities she has used before, there should be a certain trader who has come to the headquarters of the Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance, so it is reasonable to show such familiarity.

When he came to the office, Ronald habitually sat on the chair and opened the cabinet, and looked through the books he had put there, while Heloise finally got some interest and began to look around in the office.

The two stayed in the office without disturbing each other.

A quarter of an hour later, Ronald's work assistant appeared at the door of the office holding the documents.

Seeing Heloise in the office, Karin's eyes were obviously a little surprised.

But Ronald just sat at the desk without saying a word, she thought for a few seconds, and then walked to Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, who is this lady...?"

"She is Phyllis, my apprentice. After that, no accident, she should be by my side every day." Ronald answered immediately.

Karin followed Ronald's introduction and turned her head, her eyes fixed on Heloise.

"Miss Phyllis..."

"Yes, just call me Phyllis."

Heloise showed a very gentle attitude at this time, and even took the initiative to step forward and bend slightly to Karin.

"I came from the teacher's hometown. People in small places have no experience. If there is anything in the future, just tell me directly."


Seeing how well-behaved Heloise looked, Karin didn't say anything more.

She knew that the Chamber of Commerce took Ronald's presence very seriously.

Even if there is such a little girl, the big figures in the chamber of commerce will definitely choose to accept it.


Maybe happy or not...

Looking at Heloise, Karin could of course see what a beautiful and moving girl she was. Once this kind of thing was communicated to the top of the chamber of commerce, they would only be happy to have mastered Ronald's preferences.

"Nice to meet you then, Miss Phyllis."

"I will organize and report your affairs, but before that, I hope you will fill out this basic information form."

Karin is very skilled.

While speaking, she took out a form from the document she was holding and placed it on the side table in the office.

"Miss Phyllis, are you literate?"

"Of course." Heloise took a pen from Ronald's desk and leaned over the desk, "Do you want to fill in all of it?"

Karin immediately began to give instructions:

"Name, age and place of birth... these are basically required fields, but because you are Mr. Ronald's apprentice, you don't need to write your personal experience..."

Handle Heloise's information entry.

Karin confirmed a few more words with Ronald and left the office by herself.

The quiet air in the office has been maintained until the time to get off work.

When Ronald put away the and pulled Heloise out from under the desk, the closed door of the office was knocked from outside.

bang bang bang --

"Mr. Ronald, I'm in."

It was still Karin.

But this time she knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds, then pushed the door and walked in.

Looking at Ronald and Heloise for a few seconds, Karin wrinkled her nose before walking to the desk.

While putting down the sorted documents in her hand, she explained at the same time:

"Mr. Ronald, Miss Phyllis's information has been entered."

"We put her on your entry, except that the official salary will not be distributed, and there is no problem with the basic benefits of the Chamber of Commerce members."

"And today, the Chamber of Commerce just has something to do with you, and I hope you can take a look here."

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