Mystic Dominator

Chapter 396: It's a trap

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The detection ability of the power of 'Rage' immediately began to target it.

And then... Ronald was very helpless.

There are too many people and the situation is not good!

The position above the two of them now really happens to be an internal theater of the Oak Theater. The performance of the show seemed to be reaching its climax, and the emotions of the audience and the actors fluctuated violently.

I want to distinguish the enemy who took away the legacy of the saint from this.

It was as difficult as finding petrels passing by on a stormy night at sea.

And according to what Marda said before.

What she actually guaranteed was that the Sword of Santa Caterina was above their heads, not that the enemy was 100% above them. With reference to the other party's turn in the sewers, it was no problem to regard this situation as a trap for the other party.

Feeling the change in Ronald in front of him, Marda immediately whispered:

"Mr. Ronald?"

Ronald stared at the manhole cover above, and then explained to the nun behind him:

"The above situation is very complicated, and no trace of the enemy can be found in a short period of time."


Marda frowned, and then quickly said what she thought:

"Mr. Ronald, can we find the saint's legacy and leave immediately? The investigators in the river bank area should all know you, so it should be smoother, right?"


Find the legacy of the saint and leave immediately.

There is nothing wrong with the idea in Marda's mouth, after all, this is the purpose of the two of them.

However, in practice.

Things couldn't be as easy as the nun thought. Regardless of the enemy's calculations or the interference of ordinary people in the theater, Ronald and the others would be very difficult to move.


"I'll go up and take a look first, you wait here."

Having decided to help, and now there is still the trial of "Paradise" hanging on him, Ronald has no plans to give up halfway anyway.

After asking about the saint's legacy, and instructing Marda, who has no fighting power, to wait here quietly, Ronald crawled over to the manhole cover above his head by himself.


The power of 'Rage' monitors the flow of people directly above.

Aiming for an opportunity where no one noticed the location of the sewer, Ronald lifted the heavy manhole cover and jumped out in a flash.

Immediately, he quickly covered the manhole cover and looked around.

Under this lightning-quick action, no one noticed that Ronald appeared on the edge of the inner road of the Oak Theater.

Gently patted the corner of his clothes with both hands, Ronald's gaze immediately shifted to a performance theater beside him.

There is nothing special about the ordinary theater.

The impression is no different from the rest of the Oak Theatre.

And what makes Ronald feel good is that it is very far away from [No. 37] where Heloise is, and he probably won't encounter any **** plots today.

Next, find the legacy of the saint in this theater.

Then figure out a way to slip away and you'll be fine!


Ronald thought so.

But the reality doesn't seem to want him to have a smooth day today.

The staff who bypassed the entrance to check tickets slipped into the theater and walked to the center of the auditorium. Ronald's casual footsteps stopped abruptly.

Originally, he felt that the enemy should hide in a large audience.

He used his excellent observation skills to find the opponent and retrieve the Sword of Santa Caterina.

But that's all there is to it.

Because at this moment, Ronald noticed the show on stage.

A man dressed in a handsome knight costume stepped onto the stage, then waved the sword in his hand, and slashed the actor who played the villain in front of him with a sword.

"Kruze, you damned persecutor of the people."

"Today is the day you pay everything back!"


Immediately afterwards, the actor who fell to the ground began to speak to the protagonist dressed as a knight.

It's true that both of them performed very well.

Ronald's attention, however, is now completely off the repertoire these two guys are performing.

--the reason is simple.

——The sword in the hero's hand.

The secluded and pitch-black sword body is as deep as the night sky. The elegant sword grid composed of several black roses connects the sword body and the hilt, and the extra parts are extended to the back to protect some fingers, making this sword look very beautiful.

Ronald recognized it.

Isn't this what Martha said, the Sword of Santa Caterina!

The legacy of the saint appeared in the hands of this actor, could it be that the enemy...


You are in big trouble!

Ronald's thoughts turned sharply, and he immediately realized what trap he was stepping into.

The enemy's method is not a mysterious side spell in the ordinary sense, but a lore that uses the ability of the saint to create a complete advantage!

The abilities of the Sword of Santa Caterina were mentioned before.

After defeating the enemy, it automatically applies a psychological hint to the surrounding crowd.

In such a crowded performance theater, if ordinary people are controlled by the ability of the saint's relic, they will start to attack.

How should normal mysterious side casters deal with it?

Casting spells shows the power of repression, and the 'world alienation' hanging over the head is the biggest obstacle.

But no spells are used.

Without the blessing of the mysterious side spellcasting ability, can ordinary spellcasters be able to compete with hundreds of ordinary people? Even if my spell can bring powerful physical power, I am afraid it is not convenient to use too much.


Suddenly, an imperceptible breeze blew through the theater.

Among them is a magic that is even harder to find.

This wind of magic reached Ronald, and the [Guardian Angel] spell that he had been maintaining took effect immediately, and a soft white light began to emerge.


This thing cannot be seen by ordinary people in the theater.

Ronald frowned, and before anyone noticed the movement on his body, he took the initiative to cancel the surgery on his body.

Fortunately, the spell fluctuations of the Sword of Santa Caterina quickly dissipated in the theater.

It seems that Ronald does not need to be constantly careful of each other's interference.

What happens next.

Basically the same as Ronald guessed.

The actor who was standing on the stage a second ago suddenly stopped performing, and then raised the sword in his hand to point to Ronald's position.

"Ladies and This guy interrupted our sacred show! Will you forgive him?"


"Will not!"

"How can you let this guy go!"

"kill him!"

With the first voices in the crowd, the audience turned their heads to look at Ronald, and the words they shouted became more and more radical.

That's three or four breaths.

The audience's focused gaze, originally immersed in the performance, became full of murderous intent and madness at this moment, and the shouting and killing sound of one after another was almost continuous.

Facing the situation in front of him, Ronald sighed helplessly. .


Obviously, he was in trouble.

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