Mystic Dominator

Chapter 395: Marda wants to be a priest

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Sitting in the rental carriage, Marda was a little nervous.

As a nun with outstanding talent, she was sent to the Three Spirits Monastery at the age of sixteen to be trained as the next Holy Priest candidate.

Priesthood is a very special position within the church, with the same general rights as a bishop but with some privileges, but this position can only be held by one person within the church.

Generally, after the death of the last priest, the Church will confirm the next person within ten years.

Marda is a candidate for the Holy Priests trained by Springs.

As long as there is no accident, when she is twenty-five years old, becoming the new Holy Priest is almost a certainty.

However, there are still three years before the selection day.

Since becoming a candidate for the Holy Priesthood, or to be more precise, since leaving the orphanage and joining the church organization.

Marda has the most difficult choice of her life.

- The legacy of the saint was taken away.

In the first year of entering the monastery, the old man in the monastery had instructed Marda. As a candidate for the Holy Priest, she only needs to study the knowledge of the church and prepare for the twenty-five-year-old future.

Other than that, there is no need to do anything superfluous.

Even if the Sword of St. Catalina was taken away today, Martha doesn't need to care about it, she just needs to stay in the monastery.

No one would criticize her as a candidate for the Holy Priest, and she was completely incompetent.

I want to take over the status of the Holy Priest safely from the alternate.

Turning a blind eye to what happened today is undoubtedly her best choice.

Marda, however, did not make such a choice.

Naturally, she was troubled.

However, being raised by the church from a young age, the girl still can't make the choice of "keep it right". Even if the action may fail later, and then be squeezed out of the position by the alternates of other parishes.

But she still chose.

At this moment, Marda knew Ronald next to him.

According to the elders in the church, although he is less than 20 years old, this is a very powerful original holder, and even the Pope decided to open the collection of the monastery to him to show the attitude of the church.

When checking the ruins of the clock tower just now, Marda also saw the crushing strength shown by the other party.

If such a powerful caster...

Is it okay to take back the legacy of the saint with me?

"What's wrong?" Just as Marda jumped out of the carriage and wandered slightly by the roadside, Ronald noticed the nun's stunned expression.

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about the next battle." Marda didn't want to express her worries, so she just perfunctory.

"Is that so..." Ronald nodded noncommittally.

The power of 'Rage' maintained in his hand is investigating the emotional activities of the surrounding people. As a companion who is acting together today, he is naturally also observing the state of the nun.

It was obvious that the other party wanted to stabilize his state of mind.

Ronald can only make such an attitude.

The two stopped talking, and Marda took Ronald with a clear goal to find their target.

In the process, their route does not lead directly to the target.

Marda stood on the side of the street and hesitated for a few seconds. After thinking, she followed the direction of the road and walked directly to the side of the Beruk Bridge, and then walked over the railing with Ronald to the embankment.

Remembering what the nun said before, Ronald asked:

"Marda, I remember saying that the location of the saint's legacy can be determined?"

Carefully bypassing the pool of water on the steps below, Marda immediately replied:

"It's possible to determine the location, but it's only an approximation. If you want a more accurate result, you can only judge by looking for the other party's previous movement trajectory."

The two continued to go down while communicating.

Stepping on the steps on the edge of the Beruk Bridge and approaching the water surface of the Wes River, Marda stopped herself.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a drain in the city sewer.

Although there are roads above the water surface on both sides of the sewers for the convenience of maintenance by workers, the dark space and the unpleasant smell really make people very uncomfortable.

In the face of such a situation, Ronald also experienced the inconvenience brought about by his strengthened body.

You must know that the strengthening of "The Divine Comedy" is comprehensive.

In addition to the most basic physical qualities, Ronald's senses and reaction speed have also improved significantly.

Therefore, in the face of rancid sewage in the sewer.

The smell he smelled was also far more unbearable than the average person faced.

Should I prepare a pair of earplugs in advance if I'm going to fight someone with Spencer's voice type next time?

With these things in mind, Ronald's actions in reality did not slow down.

Seeing the embarrassed expression of the nun beside him, he took the first step into the darkness of the sewer:

"I'm going ahead, do you need lighting on your side?"

"Please wait a moment." The nun nodded immediately.

Wiping from the shoulder pocket of her clothes with one hand, Marda took out a cylinder the size of a glow stick. After an almost imperceptible amount of magic power was injected into it, the cylinder began to glow in her hands.

Although not the kind of brightness brought by ordinary light sources.

But there is no problem in helping the two move forward in the sewers.


In the dark sewers, Ronald and Marda walked all the way by stepping on the sewage that they could encounter occasionally, turning east and west in the complicated terrain of the sewers.

On the one hand, there was the unease deep in the nun's eyes.

On the other hand is Ronald's confusion.

He had never been able to detect the power of "Rage", but after exploring the depth of the sewers, he found no signs of enemy activity.

Except for a few ordinary homeless or desperate guys who are hiding here, there is no enemy nearby who fits the mentality of "taking away the saint's legacy".

Ronald didn't doubt the abilities of the nun beside him.

But look at the current situation.

The enemy's action was to take the sword of St. Catalina and run all the way from the church area to the river bank area. Then they didn't think of a way to get out of the city at the first time. Instead, they turned east and west in the sewers to make misleading behaviors.

The enemy expected someone to come after him.

And then deliberately do something that has the function of procrastinating and confusing?

"Mr. Ronald, stop." Just then, Marda behind Ronald stopped him.

Turning around, the nun was pointing at the top of their heads with a serious face.

At the top of this location, there is just a ladder leading to the opposite side and the manhole cover.


Ronald immediately understood what Marda meant.

"They went upstairs?"

"It's not just going up." However, the nun shook her head, lowered her voice and said in a serious tone, "The saint's legacy is up there."

"The distance error... will definitely not exceed 100 meters!"

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