Mystic Dominator

Chapter 392: Revolt of the Golem

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The stone giant, which is several meters high, already makes people feel the oppression it brings when lying down.

And with the core repair and restart.

This 'creature', which has nothing to do with the organism, once again stood in the ruins of the plaza in the church district.

Pieces of rock and dust fell from it.

At this moment, like getting up from the 'water flow', the stone giant recovered and began to search for enemies, and the stones and soil on his body also began to shake slightly.

Just a short distance away.

A church member who had only run a dozen meters away turned around to take a peek, and then couldn't help but shouted:

" this too big?"


At the same time, the man lying at Ronald's feet looked at Ronald who was walking towards the stone giant, and could hardly help laughing and sneering:

"See, this is the first one."


This sound seemed to wake up something key.

Without any hesitation, the stone giant picked up a ruined slate from under his feet and threw it towards the clergy!



Seeing the slate whistling, the cleric who knew he was not physically fit almost accepted his fate.

But after he subconsciously closed his eyes and raised his hands to block in front of him.

A low muffled sound appeared not far away.


"I'm not dead?"


"Be careful, this thing is dangerous."

The priest slowly put down his hands, then opened his eyes tremblingly.

At this moment, what appeared in his puzzled eyes was an empty piece of air.

Then the priest reacted suddenly, turning his head to look at the location where the muffled sound came from just now.


It was Ronald standing on the ground.

Compared with Golem, Ronald is thin.

But the slate just thrown was caught in his hand with ease, and he couldn't even see the slightest tremor.


For a time, the ruins of the square fell into silence.

Some people did not expect this scene, so they were shocked by the picture in front of them.

Some people expected that the priest would be rescued, but they were still shocked by Ronald's ability just now.

The strength of the stone giant is worthy of the strength of its body.

So the thrown slate flew extremely fast, and even if someone reacted, it would be difficult to stop the tragedy before the priest was hit.

However, at this critical moment.

The stone flying in the air suddenly changed its momentum, and then charged straight towards Ronald in another position.

This is what happened in front of people's eyes.

At this moment, the most unacceptable person in the ruins of the square is the guy lying in the pit.

He never expected that the first time the Stone Giant made his first shot, he was blocked by Ronald so neatly that the confident mouth just now stuttered:

"This this……"


"Didn't I tell you to lie down and watch?"

Ronald was keenly aware of the murmuring in the man's mouth, and then bent down slightly to prepare for running.

"This kind of thing won't be too troublesome to solve."


The next second, the stone under Ronald's feet broke.

He did not suppress his strength at all. After bending his knees, he only took three alternating strides, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the stone giant who had just stood up.

"This is for you."

Still holding the slate just thrown by the Golem with one hand, Ronald jumped to the other side and smashed it from top to bottom.


After the sound of tearing the air.

It was the movement of a rock that collided with a rock, and then exploded when one party shattered in an instant.

- The slate in Ronald's hand shattered.

The stone giant has the magic enhancement provided by the core in the body, and the hardness is naturally much stronger than the slate that can be seen everywhere in the ruins. The two sides collided like this, and it should have been the defeat of the slate.

But the fact is more than that.

Although the slate shattered instantly, the power generated by Ronald's blow was no joke. The triple enhancement of the "Divine Comedy" trilogy has given him power far beyond the limits of human beings!

So the slate is broken at the same time.

This great power is also passed on to the giant stone.

Finally, the man who fell in the ruins said a complete sentence:

"This is impossible……"


In the distance is a scene that makes him unbelievable.

The stone giant, who should have completely overwhelmed humans in strength, actually staggered and knelt on the ground. In a standing position, the natural giant can't resist Ronald's power at all!

Looking at two figures, one big and one small, in the distance, the man couldn't help but have a thought in his mind:

--Is that human being?

On the other side, Ronald was standing in front of the stone giant with a slight frown.

Compared with other people in the ruins of the square, Ronald is now fighting against this stone giant.

Even if the fight just now seemed to be his complete victory.

But the other party's reaction also proved that Ronald might not be able to completely destroy the stone giant in front of him with only physical strength.

The damage caused by one or two violent attacks should not catch up with the recovery ability displayed by this thing.

I want to deal with the stone giant in front of me.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to refer to the method of the previous church and directly destroy the core of the opponent's body.

Ronald took two steps back to distance himself.

While the stone giant continued to get up, he also recited the incantation:

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

At the next moment, the power of the equal wheel of "Astronomers" descended on the stone giant.

Just as Ronald had expected, even if the giant itself had a weight of several tons, under the original text of this astronomical system, this mass was still not very impressive.

Unsurprisingly, this behemoth rose into the air in an instant.

And at the moment when the thing began to slide across the arc, Ronald pulled his right hand into the air.

- Astral traction.

For a brief moment, the stone giant's body stagnated in the air.

That stiff and powerless appearance, as if someone tied the two ends of its body with invisible ropes, and then stretched the rope to drag it into the air.


In the next second, the rock and soil cracked.

Breaking away from the brief stagnation, the stone giant's body was immediately torn off forcibly, and one foot was pulled down alive!


Then lost power, and the stone giant fell from the air and hit the ground.

Because there is no vocal this thing does not make any sound like roaring or wailing, but looking at the miserable appearance, everyone knows that this is not a comfortable experience.

"It works well..."

Witnessing the effect of his spell, Ronald immediately decided on a plan to start dismantling the Golem.

And compared to the performance that would kill someone when he just woke up.

The stone giant, who had lost a foot, immediately began to condense stones to repair his body.


Look at the scene that appeared on the ruins of the square.

Lying in the ruins pit, the man who tried his best to activate the stone giant opened his mouth and felt that he had completed the final task.

Then he found himself making no sound.

I don't seem to know what to say now...

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