Mystic Dominator

Chapter 391: awake man

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"There are still people underground here!"

With a shout, someone from the ruins immediately walked towards Ronald, and the people from the Bureau of Investigation did not forget to command loudly:

"You continue your previous work, we will handle it here!"


Soon, Ronald took the leaders of the investigation bureau and the church to the side of the clock tower, and then pointed to the ruins under his feet with great certainty.

"There's someone buried here, I'm pretty sure."

"Never go wrong."


Hearing Ronald's judgment, the church priest and the investigator leader raised their heads tacitly, and then their eyes crossed in the air.

"We didn't find any traces of the practitioners' spells."

"In the investigation just now, we didn't find anything unusual here."


The priest and the investigator each gave their results in short words.

What followed was the suddenly tense air on the ruins.

If under the rubble were the attacked clergymen, there was no reason for the victims to hide from the church's search.

At the same time, the Bureau of Investigation did not notice the existence of this guy.

This means that the person buried in the rubble, or some other person, doesn't want the Bureau to find the buried guy.

Combined with the current situation.

The guy buried below may be an enemy!


A brief silence lingered in the air, and finally the investigator leader spoke up:

"Do a good job of protecting yourself, let's dig people out first."

"No matter what the result is, he can't be told to continue to be buried underneath."

Ronald snapped his fingers lightly, and taught the priest to hold the cross in his hand and recite the prayer lightly. As the person who proposed this action, the investigator also called in a few subordinates to work together and began to focus on cleaning up the repairs here.

After a hard slate is lifted.

The man buried under the rubble appeared.

This is a man in his thirties. Ronald and the others found this guy's stuff, and the other party still kept a motionless posture.

And beside this man, the magic that clearly lingered was protecting his safety.

This is also the reason why he was not crushed to death by the slate.

The power of 'rage' reflected that the man was really in a coma, so Ronald said:

"This guy has lost consciousness, just be careful with self-disciplined spell counterattacks."

"Then I'll do it." The leader of the investigator jumped out of the shallow hole just cleared without hesitation.

He put his fingers together to form a hand knife, and after a layer of red magic power wrapped his palm, he aimed at the man's waist and slashed.


The man's original defense instantly shattered.

Even several defensive spells that automatically respond to the enemy were immediately smashed by this knife.

Then, the palm fell fiercely on the opponent's waist.


The unconscious man opened his eyes instantly, and then let out a wailing from his mouth.

However, no matter how he roared, he could only roll back and forth on the ground and struggle, unable to stand or wave at all.

The investigator 'helped' the guy regain consciousness.

At the same time, the corresponding restrictions are immediately imposed on the opponent.

After waiting very deliberately for a few breaths, the investigator waved and patted the moaning man on the ground.

"Okay, let's explain it now."

"What's your name, who do you work for, and what is the purpose of this mission?"


Investigators terminated their own torture spells and asked questions.

But the man who stopped struggling did not cooperate.

Lying on his side on the ground, he stared at the ruins in front of him with dull eyes, and was still muttering:

"Ka... Carter..."

"I didn't get St. Carter..."

As soon as he uttered a few words that were obviously insane, the priest of the church on the side couldn't bear it any longer. Simply jumping off the ruins, the priest directly grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him up:

"Say, who told you the location of the saint's legacy!"

"What is the purpose?"


Being pinched by the priest like this.

The skin on the man's face was visibly congested from the lack of oxygen.

However, in such a desperate situation, the eyes of this man who was originally insane were out of chaos. In less than two seconds, his chaotic expression turned into tension and worry, until a vicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Want to...know...our purpose..."

"This, why don't you... don't ask... your... God...!"

Seeing the man speak, the priest let go of his hand slightly to let the other party take a breath, and then clamped the man's hand and exerted strength again.

"Listen, now let's be honest..."


Suddenly, an unexpected wave of magical power emanated from the man, and then quickly spread around.

This magic power is quite weak in power, but the transmission speed is very fast.

Faced with this sudden change.

The investigator who was also in the pit jumped out without hesitation, and then lay on the ground in a standard prostrate position to avoid explosions:

"Be careful, I blocked the magic power on him!"

"Not right!"


The priest who was reminded narrowed his eyes, and subconsciously threw off the man in his hand and stepped back.


Then nothing happened.

As the man's body was thrown to the ground, the rapidly spreading fluctuations gradually disappeared into the air of the square.

There is no suicidal death, and no special counter-attack spells appear.

This man's actions seemed to be taken out to provoke people's mood.


At this time, the man who was still unable to move coughed a few times, his eyes slumped on the ground showing a fierce look.

"You big people will be buried with you."

"Today is worth it..."

It wasn't from the attack of this guy himself, but he looked like he was going to drag everyone to bury him?

Such confident words came out of such an embarrassed mouth.

Too fearless, right?


Look at what's going on in front of you.

Ronald slowly turned his head thoughtfully and shifted his gaze to another corner of the square.

In an instant, excellent eyesight helped him see the situation clearly.

At the chest of the stone giant, which had a gap in the center of the body, the broken crystals had reunited at some point, and the monster's body composed of mud and stones immediately began to repair the cracks on its body.

This man's spell just now wasn't really an attack.

He wants to reactivate the Golem, and then let this thing deal with all the enemies in the square!

Looking at the attitude of the other party and the news revealed by Spencer before, this is probably a relatively powerful spell...

With such thoughts in mind, Ronald turned his head and planned to see the situation on his side.

As a result, this glance happened to meet the line of sight of the man lying in the ruins pit.

On one side are bloodshot struggling eyes.

On one side, there was a helpless look with a frown.


"It's too late, it's too late to find out!"

"You can't stop The giant of nature has repaired this injury and will only become stronger!"

"Today you will all die in..."


The man's voice began to decrease, and finally faded away.

Because he saw Ronald in front of him, and always looked at himself with a quiet look.

What about the tension and fear?

This man standing above, still doesn't know his current situation?

Above the ruins, staring at the man's expression, "I didn't sacrifice in vain, you all have to bury me with me", Ronald slowly spoke at this time:

"Are you finished?"

"When you're done, just lie down and watch."

"How did your so-called 'natural giant' be torn down by me, a human being!"

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