Mystic Dominator

Chapter 368: 1 more


Facing Ronald's questioning, the man's expression visibly trembled for a moment.

After swallowing hard, he said in an uneasy tone:

"Letore, the way he died was the strangest."

"Take the corpses of the other two and conduct regular mission reports at the Chamber of Commerce."

"But the moment he finished telling the details of the mission and was about to leave the office, Letor suddenly fell down!"


At this moment, the middle-aged man's voice began to tremble again.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Ronald asked tentatively:

"He died like that?"


"Yes." After a few seconds of silence, the middle-aged man nodded, and then continued in a very distorted voice, "Leetor, Letor died like that."

"And the reason was a heart attack!"

"He is also the type of spell-enhanced body. His body is better than a professional athlete. How could he have a heart attack?"

"And it's still too late to do any rescue measures, and the result of being killed directly!"


Hearing this, Ronald fell silent.

The death of three people is indeed too strange.

The clerk on the mysterious side died for these three inexplicable reasons...

If the first one still has an extremely slim probability, then it is completely inexplicable that it will happen one after another.

And the current situation.

It was the three victims who happened to go to Ronald's hometown to investigate before they were killed.

Combine the clues obtained from the [Nine Rings Secret Club].

Ronald has vaguely constructed a high probability outline.

The mansion of the Adler family is probably a very dangerous place in every sense!

Just as Ronald frowned, the middle-aged man continued to ask:

"Mr. Ronald, you know..."

"Do you know what happened to Letor and the others to die?"

"It's a very important thing, both for the chamber of commerce and for individuals."


Ronald didn't answer the other party for the first time.

On the contrary, when the middle-aged man opened his mouth, he suddenly took two steps back to the edge of the wall of the room.

the reason is simple.

White light was emerging from Ronald's body.

The power of the [Guardian Angel] is activated, and someone is attacking Ronald!


Seeing Ronald's reaction and actions in front of him, the middle-aged man was just stunned, and then immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Mr. Ronald, this is not my hand!"

"I know it's not you."

Ronald nodded, still not letting his guard down.

He could feel the emotional changes of the man in front of him, and there was no aggressive reaction to the corresponding magic fluctuations.

But the attack still came.

It came upon Ronald in a completely imperceptible and incomprehensible way.

If Ronald hadn't snapped his fingers every once in a while to reset the [Guardian Angel]'s defense, I'm afraid he would have unknowingly hit it too.

"Uh... ah!"

Suddenly, the face of the man in front of Ronald changed.

I saw that he didn't have any signs, his legs were weak and he knelt on the ground.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Ronald instantly realized what happened.

While snapping his fingers to reset the [Guardian Angel]'s defense, he walked over to the man without saying a word, and then helped the man who was breathing very quickly.

"How are you……"

Before he could speak, Ronald closed his mouth.

Because right in his arms, this man with the wrong color on his face was struggling to say:

" wife..."

"Big... man, my wife..."

"Property...under the bed...the second plank, give it to her!"


After a few words, the man in Ronald's arms stopped moving.

Ronald took a deep and careful breath, and then felt his pulse again.


Right in front of him, he died so simply and helplessly.


His eyes fell on the middle-aged man in his arms.

After he died completely, the other party still had traces of previous struggles on his face, as well as his unwillingness to his own destiny.

Reaching out and closing the man's eyes, Ronald whispered a few words according to the local custom, and then said solemnly:

"Sorry, I don't know who your wife is..."

"But I promise to tell her your last words later."


Having said this, Ronald paused for a while, then switched to a very positive tone and said:

"I will definitely investigate this matter later."

"When the time comes, I, Ronald, will definitely give the culprits the punishment they deserve for you and the other three deceased people who have an accident because of me."


Ronald was still alone in the office.

It wasn't until the first minute, when the white light on his body dissipated, that Ronald finally reset the [Guardian Angel] spell on his body, and then picked up the man's body and walked out.

Ronald already has a rough inference.

The spell used by the opponent should move to the next person in an imperceptible way at the time when the previous victim was attacked.

And then repeated this terrible attack that can kill people.

The man who came to Ronald to inform the news was also ignorantly targeted by this spell, and then was attacked by the activated spell during the conversation just now.

It's just that the passive protection of "The Divine Comedy" is really comprehensive, and Ronald himself has a habit of resetting the defense when he has nothing to do.

So after selecting Ronald as the target.

This kind of transferable spell will accidentally trigger the [Guardian Angel], and then produce a corresponding resistance reaction.


Unable to bear, Ronald sighed.

There is a precedent for the safe return of investigators, and he thought it would be safe for the Chamber of Commerce to send people there.

But he was still careless.

The thing that perched in that mansion might not have started because of concerns about the Bureau of Investigation.

But [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] people.

But it is not within the scruples of the other party's rules of conduct.

Because of Ronald's own wishes and mistakes, the four died inexplicably.

This is by no means something Ronald is willing to accept.

"Mr. Ronald, you..."

"What, what's going on!"

Just as Ronald was walking his assistant Karin was walking upstairs.

When seeing the man in Ronald's arms, the assistant immediately came over.

"Is he the one who just came to inform the information?"

"Also dead?"

Ronald nodded:

"Just in front of me."

"A spell without a trace attacked him..."

Listening to Ronald's description, Karin bit her lip lightly.

The assistant lady quickly regained her composure within a few seconds, and then said to Ronald:

"If the body is to be disposed of, you should put it at the entrance of the basement first."

"I'll go out and arrange the carriage first. Let's go to the train station to see the specific situation."

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