Mystic Dominator

Chapter 367: The man who disturbed the chamber of commerce

be prepared……

After saying goodbye to Heloise, Ronald also pondered this question seriously when he was at work the next two days.

However, the final conclusion is that there seems to be nothing to do?

If he made preparations too deliberately, a person with the status of a countess would definitely be able to see that if he was in a situation of being flattered for a long time, and this would lose his proper role.

If it's just casually perfunctory, it's useless.

So it's better to let things develop naturally. After all, Ronald's own identity is enough. After contact, introducing Heroes to meet the other party is actually very simple in nature.

"If you want to not make mistakes, the best way is to do nothing?"


Sitting in his office, Ronald murmured, still flipping through the book in front of him.

Although he decided to help Heloise, he had no intention of putting aside his own affairs.

Continuous and extensive reading can always help Ronald understand the world better, and it is also beneficial to all aspects of development.

However, when the time came to afternoon, Ronald's keen hearing detected the noisy quarrel outside.

"I said what's the matter with you, did you come here when you wanted to?"

"How can I get those at this time, let me in, I have something important to notify Mion!"

"Stop! Where are you from? First clarify your identity!"

"I said that things are urgent, and I accidentally lost the nameplate on the way!"

" can't tell the priorities of things!"

"My duty is to guard, so you don't want to go in!"

"Fight me again and notify the police!"


How is this going?

Disturbed by this sudden movement, Ronald, who was still reading, raised his eyebrows.

Covering the second lunch he hadn't eaten today with a lid, he moved to the place where the noise was coming from the window.

Here is the backyard of the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance].

Crossing a courtyard where flowers and plants are cultivated, you go to the official office building of the Chamber of Commerce.

In normal times, although the door of the business alliance headquarters is open, the security guards will ensure that no idlers are waiting to enter the backyard.

But today's security...

Ronald's eyes fell on a group of uniformed staff in front of the door.

Immediately saw two people who were arguing.

One of the guards is naturally the staff of the Chamber of Commerce, and the one who is diametrically opposed to them and wants to enter the backyard is a middle-aged man who looks a bit sloppy in clothes that are convenient for long-distance running. man.

His hair was a little messy, his clothes were muddy, and his tired face was full of anxiety.


Ronald frowned slightly, this man didn't look like he was here to cause trouble.

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


Whispering out the incantation, Ronald immediately confirmed the other party's emotional state through the power of 'Rage'.

Anxiety, urgency, worry, and nervousness about the status quo.

Only there is no hatred for the Chamber of Commerce.

It's really not the mentality of someone who deliberately makes trouble.

With this result, Ronald jumped out of the window without saying a word.

His footsteps landed steadily on the ground, and he immediately walked to the side of the blocked man:

"Stop arguing, let's talk about the specific situation."

"Oh? You... Mr. Ronald!"

Hearing Ronald's voice, the guard who understood the identity of the person in front of him understood what he had to do, and immediately stood aside and didn't speak again.

The middle-aged man who was stopped raised his head, and when he saw the person in front of him clearly, his expression immediately became excited:

"Ronald, you are Mr. Ronald!"

Ronald nodded lightly:

"That's right, but may I ask who you are...?"

The middle-aged man immediately replied:

"Mr. Ronald, I am a staff member of the Chamber of Commerce in another city. I came to Springs this time to convey the news of the last investigation, then..."

Speaking of which, the man suddenly stopped.

He looked at the guard next to him subtly, and the worry in his expression made one see clearly.

It's inconvenient to say it in front of the guards...

Understanding this, Ronald immediately ordered the guards to let him go, and then brought the middle-aged man back to his office.

After the two of them sat down, Ronald took the initiative to reach out and invite:

"If I'm not mistaken, the investigation you mentioned should be carried out by the Chamber of Commerce."

"Can we talk now?"

Looking at Ronald in front of him, the middle-aged man's lips trembled slightly.

After taking a deep breath to calm down, he said:

"Yes, I have brought the results of the investigation on your hometown here."

"As a result, everything is fine over there, and the chamber of commerce personnel responsible for the investigation also returned to the city safely."


Speaking of this, the man's eyes showed an indescribable pain, and even the joints of the hands he was holding began to turn white.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Ronald immediately asked:

"Did something go wrong after that?"

"It stands to reason that the investigation results are normal, so there should be no problem, just tell me the results!"



The man's first reaction was silence.

After controlling for several breaths, he opened the mouth as if using all his strength:

"Dead, they are all dead!"

"Pullman, Cage, Letor, go to investigate a few people in your hometown, they are all dead!"

"And he died in a way we can't comprehend at all!"


Hearing this, Ronald's already raised brows furrowed even deeper.

He knew that there was a problem in his hometown, and being able to hide from the investigation by the Bureau of Investigation meant that the matter was not simple.

But here at the Chamber of Commerce...

According to the, the successful result should still be concealed there.

But why let the investigators die later?

"Your hometown."

Just as Rona frowned and thought, the middle-aged man's tone became calmer from trembling, and then he began to tell the actual situation in an orderly manner:

"Is such that……"

"The day after the three of them left your hometown and returned to the urban area, our people successfully responded and arranged for them to return to Springs."

"But on the train leaving Burrenwich."

"Pullman drank water to block his trachea, then rolled over and fell on the rails and crushed his head; when he got off the train, Cage was about to leave with Pullman's body, but he fell to the ground in a tug of war, and then he died. !"

"He is a spellcaster who strengthens the body with spells!"


Why does this sound like death is coming?

After listening to the description of the man in front of him, Ronald probably understood the situation.

After comforting the other party a few words, and seeing the other party's expression completely softened, Ronald continued to ask:

"Now let's talk about the last one."

"That Letor, what kind of result did he have?"

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