Mystic Dominator

Chapter 365: Countess

The blue iris is easy and simple.

Ronald and Heloise walked around the street, then waited outside the theater for a few minutes, and then successfully retrieved the 'Kao' from the flower show.

Then take the carriage back to the Organ area.

Returning this precious flower seed to the venue completely, Ronald said that the thief had been smashed to ashes by his spell, leaving no trace, and this matter was perfunctory.

After all, look at the problem from the perspective of the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance].

The thieves have died, and the blue irises have returned to their hands. Naturally, this kind of thing should not be extravagant.

And the time comes late at night.

But Ronald returned to the boarding house where he lived alone.

Heloise, who had only talked to him tonight, was sitting in the living room in the form of Thor at the moment. The blonde-haired girl sat on the chair and closed her eyes slightly, with her right hand resting on the side of her head. Obviously, because of a day's fatigue, her current state is not very good.

Ronald did spend a lot of time at the flower show.

It seems that Heloise has been waiting here for a while.

With this in mind, Ronald walked quickly into the room, and hung his coat on the hanger beside him.

With just a few simple actions, the squinting Heloise has already opened her eyes and regained her spirits.

"Ronald, you're back."


Nodding his head and walking towards the other party, Ronald also used the power of ‘Rage’ to confirm the environment around the apartment.

Knowing that there were only Heloise and himself here, Ronald sat next to Heloise and said with concern:

"I see that you are not in good shape, are you too tired today?"

Heloise immediately shook her head and denied:

"No, I just haven't slept for a few days, don't worry."

"I haven't slept for a few days..."

Nodding in a complicated tone, Ronald still chose to trust Heloise.

After all, this girl has her own ideas, and she also has her own clear will.

At the same time as Ronald nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of Heloise's mouth, who was still sitting on the chair, and then she said:

"Ronald, the flower show today was really good."

"However, although there are many cherished flowers in the flower show, the blue iris is a well-deserved masterpiece. Now that there is no such thing, how do you think I should approach the countess?"

Hearing the ridicule in the other party's words, Ronald rolled his eyes at Heloise, and then said:

"I invited you here tonight to discuss the follow-up to this matter?"

"You should have the details of the countess. Now let's talk about it in detail."

"Hehe." Seeing Ronald's expression, Heloise moved a chair and leaned over to Ronald's side, "Her information is worth a lot of money, you can get it without spending a penny today. Got it!"

"Will you invite me to dinner next time?"

Ronald shrugged helplessly:

"Please eat, hurry up and talk."

After getting the promise from Ronald's mouth, Heloise said sternly:

"Leeticia Mursoni, the wife of the first prince of the Nikos Empire, is twenty-seven years old today, and her husband currently has only one daughter. While managing and in charge of domestic mysterious affairs, this guy is good at manipulating plants and flowers. Spells, especially in hypnotic charm."

"Of course, Ronald, you don't have to worry about that."

"After all, this guy is not the original holder."

"In addition to these most basic news, this countess also has a special and secret hobby."


A special and secret hobby?

Looking at Heloise's serious face, Ronald immediately remembered the description of the conversation between the other party.

"This countess, her hobby is not related to men, right?"

Heloise came to the spirit in an instant:

"It's not just about men!"

"Because of spells, this guy also likes to collect male organs. No matter blood or bones, she has needs for spellcasting. So my previous proposal is not a pure joke, like Ronald, you have the original tome, and Still young and handsome, getting in touch with that female Bojun definitely has the greatest natural advantage."

Having said this, Heloise paused before adding:

"By the way, the countess is also a beauty."

"You will definitely not suffer if you go to contact!"


Before returning home, Ronald thought about a lot of countermeasures and plans on the way.

But he never expected that the idea proposed by Heloise after he came back was to let him sell his body!

It's about your dignity as an adult.

Ronald felt that if nothing could impress him the conditions appeared.

Heloise's proposal, he absolutely chose to reject it from all aspects, from body to spirit.

Ronald's eyes showed resistance to this matter. Heloise understood his thoughts and immediately persuaded:

"Ronald, don't think about it."

"My idea is that as long as you approach each other as a handsome guy and the holder of the original book, I don't mean to dedicate yourself."

"Just wait until the two of you have a better relationship, and then find an inconspicuous opportunity to introduce me through formal channels, and you will naturally not have to take care of the rest."

Ronald immediately noticed the key in Heloise's words.

"The official way?"

"That's right, the official way." Seeing Ronald realizing the crux of the problem, Heloise nodded quite generously, "Most of my identities are actually not visible, and there are still many restrictions on the only suitable singer. "

"In the case of losing the blue iris, I can't find any other replacements in a short time, so I can only rely on you, a clean guy, to help me make a bridge."


The meaning of Heloise's words is quite understandable.

But to be on the safe side, Ronald continued to confirm:

"Since that's the case, you should also have a new identity to prepare for."

"Let me introduce you first?"

Facing Ronald's answer, a triumphant smile appeared on Heloise's face.

The girl stood up abruptly, then turned and walked towards Ronald's bedroom.

"Wait a minute, I'll show you."

Ronald nodded slightly:

"Go, remember to close the door."



With a soft sound the door to Ronald's bedroom was closed from the inside by Heloise.

That familiar look was as if this was Heloise's own residence.

Immediately after that, the girl's teasing voice came from the room:


"If you're not afraid, you can take a peek!"


After thinking for a few seconds, Ronald replied:

"You better hurry up!"

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