Mystic Dominator

Chapter 364: problem lies in

"this matter……"

Hearing Heloise's words, Ronald's first attention was not on the ownership of the blue iris.

On the contrary, he subtly sensed Heloise's tone at the moment.

my friend...

If it is just a simple act of stealing, or for other relatively simple purposes, when the other party returns the blue iris, they usually use a more candid apology or a tone of ridicule.

However, there was a hint of dissuasion in Heloise's words at the moment.

- 'You don't have to worry about this. ’

Seems like there's something else Ronald doesn't know about the blue iris?


As soon as Ronald's face showed a thoughtful expression, Heloise, who was standing there, saw something.

With her eyes lowered, she asked in a subtle tone:

"Ronald, do you never watch entertainment news?"


Ronald was also stunned.

He really didn't pay attention to entertainment news.

Current affairs, politics, business changes, and some precious information are the focus of Ronald's current energy investment, and this is also the advantage of the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance].

What's more, Ronald once lived on the earth in the 21st century.

Compared with the era of rapid development of the entertainment industry, the entertainment industry in this world can only be said to have just started.

In contrast, the entertainment news in Heroes' mouth.

Ronald really has little interest in paying attention.

Immediately, Heloise, who realized that Ronald really knew nothing, stepped forward and punched Ronald in the chest lightly:

"It's the industry I work in anyway, but you should pay attention!"

Ronald smirked:

"I haven't been trying to find a way to find the [Nine Rings Secret Society]."

"Other things naturally don't have time to pay attention to."


Seeing Ronald's slightly apologetic expression, Heloise shook her head helplessly.


With a sigh, Heloise stepped into the distance.

At the same time, he explained to Ronald:

"If this matter is concerned, it is actually related to the reputation of our theater and personal interests."

"Because recently people from other countries at the political level have started coming to Springs, and one of them is Ms. Leticia Mulsoni."


Having said that, Ronald instantly understood Heloise's purpose.

The lady Leticia Mulsoni in the mouth of the other party is the honorary countess of Grid's neighboring country, and she is also the favorite wife of Prince Washington Mulsoni.

And the dark side of this society on the mysterious side.

The husband and wife are responsible for taking over the mysterious power in each other's country, and then it is almost certain that they will undertake the burden of a kingdom. Although it is not the largest country in the world like Grid, it is also a country with sufficient weight.

And the countess of this status came to Grid.

Naturally, there are many related interests involved.

Finally, there is the entertainment industry news from Heroes' mouth.

The countess Leticia was actually the second daughter of a poor noble before she married the prince. She even had a life experience of performing in a theater. It was precisely because she met the prince during the performance that the two experienced a rather complicated fate. Come together.

This kind of character came to Springs, and it was natural to have something to do with the Oak Theatre, the first performance venue in the empire.

After sorting out his thoughts in his mind, Ronald immediately opened his mouth and continued to ask:

"So what kind of problems do you have with such a character?"

Hearing the question, Heloise looked around the road.

After confirming that there were no idlers nearby, she explained to Ronald:

"I don't think you're interested in entertainment news, so I won't mention it here. In short, the mysterious spells practiced by the countess are related to plants and flowers, so there are these actions that suit her."

It turned out to be a way to get in touch with this big man...

Hearing this, Ronald could figure out the whole story.

Because the opportunity to get in touch with this big man is just around the corner, Heloise will make today's stealing behavior. After all, the blue iris is a precious flower that [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] is going to dedicate to the Queen.

This kind of thing is placed in front of the concubine of a neighboring country, which just fits with her own mysterious school.

Heartwarming indeed.

While continuing to walk forward, Ronald continued:

"But in this case, if you return the flowers to me, it won't cause any problems."


Hearing Ronald's question, Heloise was silent for a few seconds.

At last she shook her head and said:

"A hunter who walks into the forest always has to choose between honey and bear's paw."

"If a decision is made in this comparison."

"Ronald, I chose you."


Heloise's words are derived from an allusion to a hunter's fable, which probably means that people will make their favorite choices when faced with important things.

But fables are just fables.

After being in contact with Heloise for such a long time, Ronald knew the identity and behavior of his friend.

She is not like herself.

Alone, as long as you are responsible for your own safety and conscience.

Heloise chose to help herself in this incident, so the loss of the blue iris was definitely a major blow to her.

At least the organization she belongs to basically believes that this is a serious dereliction of duty by Heloise.

the final consequences.

Ronald can also make a guess.


When Ronald was silent, it was naturally impossible for Heloise not to notice.

Seeing the worry on her friend's face now, she smiled and patted Ronald on the shoulder:

"Hey, Ronald!"

"You don't want to think about something by yourself."

"If you feel ashamed, you might as well help me seduce that Leticia. This guy is not only beautiful, but also quite fond of handsome guys like you."

"How about it, think about it?"


Hear the meaning in Heloise's words.

Ronald rolled her eyes at her immediately, and his tone was more serious than before:

"You don't want me to help you that much?"


Looking at the attitude of her friend in front of her, Heloise no longer pretended to be relaxed.

She put her hands behind her and walked forward, and said with emotion:

"It's not something I hope or don't want."

"But if you get involved, it's hard for me to confirm whether this is a good thing or not. It's not just a matter of communication."


When it comes to the concubine of a country, or the person in charge of the mysterious side of a country, it is naturally not just a matter of a flower.

Ronald thought carefully for a few seconds.

Then he said to Heloise in a serious tone:

"When you go back, give me the flowers."

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