Mystic Dominator

Chapter 358: see a visitor out

Ronald was a little surprised.

Everything he saw in front of him at the moment was different from the impression he had before entering the door.

On the way from the second floor to the restaurant on the first floor.

There are a lot of decorations that should be in the manor, but the number of people is absolutely small.

A manor of this size, the status of the Nicklaus family.

According to the information Ronald learned after transmigration, at least there should be many specially hired subordinates to be responsible for many tasks.

But the result...

All the way down, Ronald saw only one maid.

It doesn't look like a lot of money...

With such doubts, Ronald and Patricia came to the restaurant together.

——It is still a small number of people.

The last time Frey was sitting here, Ronald didn't know anyone else.

Only the old man sitting in the main seat of the restaurant, Ronald could see that the other party should have the highest status among the people present.

As for the details...

Although there was a servant standing in the restaurant to serve the master, including the smiling old butler, there were only three servants.

This doesn't fit Ronald's impression of the Grid nobles at all.

On the contrary, the dinner matched Ronald's impression of such a great aristocrat.

Some spices and ingredients that are seldom used by ordinary people can be seen on the table of Nicklaus's family.

during the meal afterwards.

Patricia made a special introduction to Ronald.

Her father had recently taken up an overseas colony position, so he left Springs with his wife, as did most of the Nicklaus adults in fact.

Except for a man of Uncle Patricia's generation.

There are basically only young people who have not been given positions, or old people who are already very old.

And it is called a harvest.

Probably Ronald knew Patricia's nickname.

When eating at home, the old man basically called Patricia by the abbreviation of 'Lily'.

When dinner was over, Ronald left the restaurant to leave.

Walking in the corridor of the mansion, Patricia said:

"Ronald, let me send it to you."

Hearing the affirmation in the girl's words, Ronald was not hypocritical:


"Let's go."


Out of the Nicklaus family manor, Ronald and Patricia walked side by side on the streets of Springs.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ronald found a topic and asked:

"By the way, Patricia."

"When I was a guest at your house just now, I found that servants and the like are rare. Your family shouldn't be short of money, right?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Patricia explained generously:

"Of course there is no shortage of money."

"However, this matter actually involves the rise of those emerging nobles."

Ronald paused for a moment:

"New noble?"

Patricia nodded with certainty:

"Yes, emerging nobles."

"Because of His Majesty's various reforms, a group of new aristocrats who are good at doing business and manipulating money have risen in the country. As a result, issues related to the competition for various interests also began to appear."

"And you know that, Ronald."

"Our Nicklaus family is not simply an aristocrat. The mysterious swordsmanship is a very dangerous and important thing."

Hearing this, Ronald also understood the actual situation:

"So with the rise of these new nobles, special nobles like you have also begun to respond, and even servants who do not trust very much are afraid to hire?"

Patricia confirmed Ronald's guess:

"After all, the times are different from the past."

"Not only is the form of this world changing, but many things that could be used in the past are now facing obsolete. If we want to continue to survive, people like us have to think about how to deal with it."


Looking at Patricia with emotion.

Ronald could probably understand how the girl was feeling right now.

As the mysterious powerhouses and the great nobles in the secular world, when faced with such changes in the times, the shocks they endured come from many aspects, and it is reasonable to have such a reaction.

After walking for a while in silence, Patricia suddenly spoke:

"That's right, Ronald."

"I remember you didn't cooperate with [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance]?"

"From a personal point of view, I suggest you engage with them, it should be quite beneficial to you."


Hearing Patricia's suggestion suddenly, Ronald's mind turned to another direction.

- Meteorite.

Commercial organizations like [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] must be responsible for buying and selling a lot of commodities.

Then use the meteorites required by "Astronomers".

Can it be obtained from this commercial organization?

This is a large chamber of commerce with a mysterious side background, should you be able to collect meteorites?

On the other hand, Patricia also noticed Ronald's contemplation at the moment.

"Ronald, what did you think of?"

Ronald responded naturally:

"Because of spell problems, I want to buy a meteorite now."

"The ginkgo leaves you mentioned, they should be able to find them there, right?"

Patricia's eyes froze:


"I don't know much about this kind of thing, to be honest?"

"But with the ability of a commercial organization like Ginkgo Biloba, they can definitely get it if you need it."

Ronald smiled gratefully:

"Patricia, thank you."

Patricia waved nonchalantly:

"It's nothing, I just mentioned it casually."

"Springs actually has limitations in all aspects. I also thought that it would be more convenient for you, so I said this."

Ronald immediately added:

"Maybe so, but it's really important to me."


While chatting like this, the two of them walked for a long time before the end of this journey of 'seeing off'.

And on the eve of farewell.

Ronald hurriedly took out the gift he had prepared for a long time.

A book wrapped in oiled paper.

"Ah, that's right."

"and this."

"I wanted to give it to you before, but I didn't find any suitable opportunity."

Looking at what Ronald handed over, Patricia was a little puzzled:

"this is……?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Gift, this is the gift I prepared for you."

"My first visit today, can't I come empty-handed?"


Hearing Ronald's Patricia was stunned for a moment.

But she quickly came to her senses and reached out to take Ronald's gift.

"Ronald, I'm very happy."

"Thank you so much for your gift."

Saying that, Patricia didn't open the package.

Holding Ronald's gift in one hand, the girl turned and walked towards her home.

For Patricia.

The important thing about a gift is who gave it and why.

As for value...

She didn't care much.

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