Mystic Dominator

Chapter 357: Patricia's reception room

While entertaining Ronald.

The maids have no flaws in their professional skills.

The posture when pouring tea and water, the tone of asking Ronald's needs, and even the action of standing in the room...

According to Ronald's understanding, they have absolutely fulfilled the requirements of the etiquette of this world.

But other than that.

Other things seem boring.

Although he would not ignore any of Ronald's problems, the maid would not do anything extra besides basic services. Staying quietly in the room, she just stared at Ronald, as if on guard that Ronald might do something out of the ordinary.


That's what Patricia's maid looked at.

Ronald can also probably guess the other party's psychological activities.

So while drinking the tea in front of him, he simply looked at the room he was in leisurely.

According to the explanation of the maid.

This is Patricia's reception room.

There are two sofas in the space of about forty square meters, and in the middle is a low table for placing tea. In addition, this reception room also placed two pots of plants by the window, and there were no more decorative items.

Simple, clean and rustic.

It's quite similar to Patricia's first impression.

And along the open window, Ronald could vaguely hear the sound of swords clashing downstairs. It was probably the arena that Patricia mentioned just now, a private training place belonging to the Nicklaus family.

Hearing the voice coming, Ronald asked thoughtfully:

"As for Patricia, does she usually train?"

The maid had a proud look on her face:

"Of course!"

"Miss, she is our strongest swordsman!"

"There are no social activities or study courses, and she spends almost half of her time honing her swordsmanship. This kind of effort is not something that those guys who are content with the status quo can compare to!"

Seeing the maid's proud appearance and tone, Ronald naturally smiled and nodded:

"As expected of her..."

Actually it does.

Among the various people Ronald has met since he crossed, if he does not talk about other aspects, it is only in terms of combat technology.

Patricia should be the strongest one.

That lightning-fast fighting style and perfect swordsmanship are definitely not something that an ordinary person can deal with after acquiring the ability to cast spells.

In this atmosphere of a dialogue or two every once in a while.

Twenty minutes later, Ronald also heard footsteps coming from the reception room.

Soon, Patricia pushed the door and walked in.

"Ronald, I kept you waiting."


What should I say...

Among the various girls Ronald had met, he would take a shower and change clothes in twenty minutes, and then he could appear in front of him.

Patricia is definitely the first.

But even in such a hurry, the girl in front of him couldn't see any hurry or any flaws in her appearance.

The white-blond hair was still tied back.

But the clothes he was wearing had been changed into a long loose dress.

Sitting on the sofa opposite Ronald, Patricia waved to the maid:

"Marita, you should go out first."

"Remember to tell the rest of the family not to disturb me and my friends."

"Yes, ma'am."

With one last glance at Ronald, the maid immediately left the reception room, and at the same time gently closed the door.

Wait until there are only himself and Ronald in the house.

Patricia said apologetically:

"Ronald, I know Frey's child's character well, and I can probably guess what he did. As the child's sister, I'm really sorry."

"It's nothing." Ronald shook his head with a smile, indicating that Patricia didn't need to care about it. "Young boys are like this, not to mention that you are his beloved sister."


Seeing Ronald's serious reply, Patricia nodded slightly, and then asked curiously:

"However, I still have a lot of questions about what happened before."

"Can you tell me if it's convenient?"

Ronald replied generously:

"Things are actually a bit complicated."

"The beginning of everything is still from the Berronwich incident..."

Next, Ronald told Patricia about what happened.

Except for some potentially dangerous information and Heloise's complicated identity background, he basically didn't deliberately hide anything.

And when Patricia heard the news that the original holder had died.

This swordsman with outstanding swordsmanship also inevitably showed a hint of emotion.

"There is still such a sequel to the matter..."

"Ronald, you have also experienced a lot of things."

Ronald shrugged with a wry smile, and the expression on his face gradually became serious:


"In the beginning, I didn't expect these things to happen."

"And I also have a very confusing question about the [Nine Rings Secret Society]."

Patricia took a sip of tea and quickly realized a contradiction in the whole thing:

"You mean the first time you received the invitation letter?"

"That's right." Ronald continued after confirming Patricia's guess, "If this organization were united, I shouldn't have received that cipher letter in the first place."

"So I'm very skeptical that there is some inconsistency within the organization."


Listening to Ronald's words, Patricia also frowned.

But when she gently put down the teacup in her hand, the girl still comforted Ronald first:

"Ronald, I think you might want to stop thinking about it."

"[Jiujie Secret Club] is a big organization after all, and their invitations are prone to loopholes, and you may have just encountered them."


"Thank you for your comfort."

Of course Ronald also saw what Patricia meant.

After nodding his thanks, he continued to answer solemnly:

"I've also thought about what you said, but after all, it's a dangerous opponent. It's more appropriate for me to deal with it seriously."

Patricia replied in agreement:


"It's always good to be bang bang-

Just as the two were courting each other, the door of the reception room was politely knocked three times.

Immediately, the maid who left earlier asked outside the door:

"Miss, dinner is ready."

"Do you want to come down for dinner?"


"You go down first, we'll be right there!" Hearing the call from outside the door, Patricia immediately got up from the sofa, and made a gesture that Ronald had never seen before, but it was obviously an invitation.

"Ronald, would you mind having dinner with me?"

Ronald also got up with a smile, and then responded:

"Then I'll be disrespectful."

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