Mystic Dominator

Chapter 354: Further reading


The number of [seeds] arranged around Grid is sufficient, notify Mr. Lu of this information, and select the No. 2 secret order of the organization.

In addition, continue to collect Springs personnel changes.

Always pay attention to the number of people in the city, and the corresponding changes can be notified to the park for correction. 】



All Adler family investigators are missing.

This event is classified as a top secret, and it is strictly prohibited to spread within the organization and put on hold for the time being. At present, it is still centered on promoting the organization plan, and we must stick to the Springs area.

Usher in our right time.

This is the first priority. 】



This year's prophecy spell indicates that some kind of 'foreign object' appears in the territory of Gred, and it will bring about a huge change that affects everything.

The predicted goals are tentatively set as:

- Spell summoned creatures;

- canon derivatives;

——The escaped creature from the devil land;

And appear in human form.

Touch it carefully and try to find its true colors. 】



The original crack was successful again.

The Book of Interpretation confirms that spells can be broken without trial.

At present, the "Book of Interpretation" has been successfully transferred, and you have obtained the qualification to decipher the original in February two years later. Please prepare three months in advance to go to Nisconte to decipher the original. 】



Gently, Ronald placed the last letter in his hand on the desk.

Then leaning back against the chair, he looked at his ceiling with complex eyes.

The room swept by the black fog is very clean, and there are not even spiders in the corners.

But thinking about the information revealed in the letter.

Ronald instead hoped that something would appear in front of him to temporarily relieve the pressure of the complicated thoughts in his mind.

Four letters.

All of them are big news that can make him go to the investigation bureau to report the case immediately.

Among them, the 'disappearance of all the investigators of the Adler family' is closely related to Ronald's own experience, and he also noticed it when he left there, so it can be put aside for now.

But the other three letters...

Briefly summarize.

The first letter -

[Nine Rings Secret Society] has arranged a sufficient number of [seeds] around Springs. It seems that there is an idea of ​​​​inducing the alienation of the world in this largest city of human civilization?

The third letter -

It's information about some kind of 'foreign object' that can change the world.

Ordinary people can see that, at best, they can understand that something has been summoned to this world, and they can even explain the attitude of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] towards Rumir.

But on Ronald himself.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like this so-called 'foreign body'.

Does he mean himself?

As a soul from Earth, Ronald could hardly be more suitable for the expression of the word 'foreign body'.

And then the fourth letter—

For the people of this world, this may be the most important event.

-- "The Book of Interpretation."

According to the statement in the letter, this thing seems to be able to crack the original spell without passing the trial!

Although it has zero value to Ronald, and seems to have a strict usage interval.

But once the ordinary caster, and even the holder of the original text, know that there is such a thing...

This is definitely information that can send the mysterious side of the world into a frenzy!


"If someone writes to me in the future, I will definitely destroy it immediately after I read it."

In a rather complicated mood, Ronald disguised the four letters on the table and pressed them under the legs of his desk.

——It’s good to talk about destroying something.

These four letters may be of use to him in the future.

So leave it alone.

However, after reading these four letters, Ronald's feelings are indeed very complicated now.

It's like a detective investigating a murder case, but in a normal investigation session, he not only got clues to the case, but also learned about a new conspiracy, and even a strange identity appeared out of nowhere!

It's a real headache...

Adjust your breathing rhythm to calm yourself down.

Ronald's messy eyes gradually returned to his desk.

After reading the observation records, the four letters were read.

But there is still a research report to read!

The magic secret that was also hidden in the house by the 'star body', Ronald had a hunch that the weight of this thing would not be too light.

Subconsciously mobilized the power of 'Rage' to investigate.

Ronald confirmed that there were no strange people around his apartment.

It seemed that no one would disturb his reading.

"Ha ha......"

"I can't believe you can still scare me..."

Muttering softly, Ronald picked up the research report and opened it.

After the cover of the protective paper page is lifted, the core proposition of this research report follows.

——【Thinking about the essence of the original scriptures】

——[Sub] [The relationship between spells and us]


"Such a big proposition?"

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Ronald let go of the page and continued to read.

[Hundreds of years since the inheritance of my school, thinking about the essential relationship between spells and the original scriptures has been going on, and there are many pioneering attempts.

However, no matter how many experiments, most of them show that deciphering the original is the only way to obtain spells. The school imprint is just an inferior imitation disguised as a spell system, and its essence is a simulation of spells.

But the Dark Ages were different.

At that time, even without the original scriptures, without the imprint of this bad school.

As long as you have the corresponding knowledge, you can use the corresponding spells.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Stark is the mysterious side and the biggest sinner in the world. For the so-called status, he changed the entire caster class and broke the underlying rules that we depend on for a living.

Therefore, we who correct this twisted world are of course teachers of justice.

Even if the current ruler of the human kingdom struggles to survive, the correct era will still return with the efforts of the organization...]


"It's quite enough."

Unable to help, Ronald reached out and rubbed his temples.

From this research report of the star, he seems to have seen something extraordinary.

According to the information obtained by the [Book Research Association] and the Bureau of Investigation, Ronald originally thought that the Dark Ages was an era in which spells could only be obtained through the trial of the original scriptures.

However, the report of "Astral" clearly pointed out that in the dark age, the ability to cast spells can be obtained simply by studying knowledge.


'Astral' also mentioned that in the past six months, he could clearly notice a slight increase in the strength of his spells in Greed, which also seemed to be regarded as a major change.

Use some of his experimental processes and specific changes in related spells as reference conditions.

'Astral' believes that the reason for this situation is highly likely to be closely related to an activated scripture.

And the original with this ability.

There is no doubt that it is extremely important.

This report was drafted because of this accidental discovery.

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