Mystic Dominator

Chapter 353: letter

The contents of the observation records of the 'stars' are quite complex.

In addition to Ronald, who was the key observation object, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the intelligence, many other incidents in Springs were also recorded.

Among them, the 'witch turmoil' that Ronald experienced, and the '[Book Research Association] The Crisis of the Original Books' were also recorded.

Look carefully at each item.

Ronald couldn't help but sighed in a low voice:

"It's really detailed enough..."


Just as he was about to continue flipping through this observation record, Ronald noticed that someone was hurriedly walking towards the edge of the detection range of the power of 'Rage'.

Take a closer look at the mood swings of these two people at this time.

Unsurprisingly, they are all excited to find out something!

——Is it an investigator of the Bureau of Investigation?

——Or someone from the [Nine Rings Secret Society]?


Thinking about the status quo in his heart, Ronald took two steps to the dark space found by Black Mist.

In fact, no matter what their identities were, Ronald didn't want to continue fighting to attract attention at this time.

So just be quick.

Just leave with your loot.

The people who were discovered by the power of "Rage" are still a long way from here, and Ronald is sure to disappear here without being discovered by them.


A finger snapped lightly.

Ronald punched the wall in front of him.

While the [Guardian Angel] white light lit up and resisted the dark grid spell attack, Ronald successfully smashed a crate embedded in the wall, and then broke the second dark grid in the same way. Nader jumped out of the window with what was in the dark grid.

Leave Clary Street where the 'Astral' residence is located.

Ronald circled around the riverfront a few times before heading to his rented apartment.

At this time, the Wings of Icarus could not be used.

And other ways to move...

Ronald's newly acquired "Astronomy" has quite good mobility.

It's a pity that this original is similar to the "Divine Comedy".

If you want to cast the spell, you must first meet its very distinct casting conditions, that is, provide the corresponding casting medium.

- Meteorite.

Although the size of the meteorite is not required, there are no trials to pass.

But the right to use every spell in "Astronomy" must provide a meteorite as a medium.

And this medium cannot be repeated.

For example, the first spell can be opened with iron meteorite, then the second spell can only be opened with meteorite other than iron meteorite, such as stone meteorite.

If Ronald was still on Earth.

The acquisition path of ordinary meteorites can be used to unlock a lot of spells at one time with almighty online shopping.

Too bad this is a different world.

Although the human civilization on this planet has a preliminary understanding of astronomy, it is estimated that it is still somewhat difficult to obtain a 'star' easily and quickly.

At present, the most likely direction is also in the riparian area where Ronald lives.

in a relatively well-known university laboratory.

He might have a chance to get the meteorite that unlocks the spell.

Thinking about it all the way, when Ronald approached the apartment, the sky in the east of Springs also brightened.

Just bought a breakfast on the side of the road, and Ronald returned.

"Mr. Ronald, did you just come back?"

Just after entering the door, the old guard of the apartment who was sleeping on the night shift saw Ronald, and then waved to greet the residents here:

"I'm getting off work here, do I need any help?"

Ronald smiled at the old man.

With a friendly wave of the breakfast in his hand, he walked directly to the spiral staircase:

"I'm just going out to buy breakfast."

"Nothing to trouble."


Saying goodbye to the smirking old guard, Ronald went back inside and locked the door.

While taking out his breakfast today, he spread all the things he had collected on the desk.

- Observation records that have been roughly looked at.

- A not too thick stack of letters.

- Organized into a volume, a set of documents similar to a research report.

Time to read carefully.

Alone at home and undisturbed, Ronald read what was in front of him at his own rhythm.

The first is the observation record.

This record collected by the 'star body' contains a lot of information that is usually difficult to access.

For example, the Shiratori Business Association.

The Chamber of Commerce that Ronald once knew in Burrenwich.

Although there is also a very important industry in Springs, the three organizations behind the Chamber of Commerce, including the Twelve Witches and the Dawn Magic Society, are regularly evacuating their spellcasters stationed in the city .

There is only [Rose Secret Garden] responsible for the operation of the shop.

There is still a stable staff presence.

In addition, many mysterious side organizations began to come to Springs one after another.

Some of them are to participate in the [Harvest Day Festival] that the Queen is planning to hold grandly this year; some of them seem to be planning to gain some kind of benefit from a huge change.

But anyway.

As the ruler of the country, and the holder of the absolutely powerful mystical side scriptures.

Daantrian, Queen of Grid, will make some kind of change in this year's [Harvest Day Festival], and it will be a huge change that affects both the mysterious side and the world of ordinary people!

Even the [Nine Rings Secret Society] increased the frequency of its activities in this country.

Largely for this reason.

"significant change......"

Look at the sense of crisis revealed between the lines in the record.

While listing various possibilities in Ronald's mind, he put down the observation records, and then pulled out the folded letters.

There are only five letters kept in the dark cell.

And from the point of view of the address, they are all sent to Springs from different places, and there is even a cross-ocean letterhead.

Considering how seriously 'Astral' takes these letters.

This is probably the order given to him by the [Nine Rings Secret Society] or something similar.

So Ronald opened the first letter.

[My dear Sanchez:

It has been a year since we last met.

Our kids are growing up very healthy and have learned to be called I hope you can come back to see lovely Lila too. Of course, you don't have to worry about our lives. With the wages you keep mailing back, our mother and daughter's life is very rich in the city.


It's a home letter...

It's a little different from what Ronald expected.

At the top of the letter is actually a 'star', or a letter from home that Sanchez received.

Store letters from family members in a spell-protected vault.

It's human nature.

Sighing slightly, Ronald took the second letter and continued to open it.


"Next one..."

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