Mystic Dominator

Chapter 341: fire attack

"Your way..."

Hearing the initiative in Heloise's words.

Ronald looked puzzled, but nodded immediately:

"Then let's hear it."

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Heloise immediately explained her thoughts:

"My solution is simple - set fire to it."

"Once there is a fire in a place like the teacher's dormitory, students and passers-by around the university will almost gather at the first moment, and they are happy to watch the excitement without helping the firefighting."

"And at this time, the two of us can leave with Rumil."

"From this, you can quickly identify the location of the enemy."

After saying a few words, Heloise did not forget to add:

"Of course, the premise of the success of this method is that Ronald, your intelligence is correct, that is, the enemy is indeed here now."


Ronald immediately understood the purpose of what Heloise did.

The caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], the first target at present is undoubtedly the Lumir kidnapped by Ronald, so as long as he and Heloise leave with this guy.

A choice that has to be made will appear in front of the enemy.

- Enemies hiding in the dark keep up with them.

— or they choose to give up on Lumire.

Abandoning Rumil however...

This doesn't just mean that Ronald completely gets Rumir's dominance, and then gets the last part of the original Divine Comedy. After tonight, Ronald will also try his best to get information from Rumil.

At that time, Lumir, who has a close relationship with the [Nine Rings Secret Society], will speak.

This organization is about to reveal a lot.

Judging from Ronald's experience in contact with this organization, this is probably something that [Nine Rings Secret Society] absolutely cannot accept.

In this way, the ending becomes only one choice.

- Catch up.

This is the naked conspiracy of Heloise.

As long as the enemy didn't want to reveal the information, he could only choose to keep up with the figures of Ronald and the two leaving.

At that time, the people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the people who went to put out the fire would be completely different.

It's very easy to find these hidden guys.


With the thoughts in his head, Ronald does have to admit that this is a viable plan.

But the only problem is that this plan somewhat tests his fragile conscience.

Frowning slightly, Ronald simply said his thoughts bluntly:

"Thor, honestly I don't really want to hurt innocent people in this."

"Think of a way to ease it a little bit?"


As an adult from modern society, Ronald is still quite resistant to such behavior as setting fires in public places.

And in the face of Ronald's answer.

Heloise, who was standing in front of him, had an admiring smile on her face.

Immediately, the girl continued to explain quite skillfully:

"Ronald, I can probably understand your concerns."

"But I think you're probably thinking something wrong."

"Only the first floor of this building is inhabited now, and there are even ghosts on the second and third floors..."

Speaking of which, Heloise paused.

His eyes immediately shifted to Lumil who was suppressed by Ronald:

"To be precise, the only occupants on the second and third floors are in our hands now, so we just need to light the top third floor."

"Control the size of the fire, and the people here can deal with the problem before it fully spreads."

"No one will be hurt."


Ignite only the third floor...

Heloise's explanation moved Ronald.

Considering the actual situation, this plan does have certain feasibility.

After all, the two of them reminded the people around that there was a fire here, and Springs also had a good water system. Under such a premise, it would be no problem to put out a small fire.

If so, do it.

With his eyes down, Ronald immediately recalled the architectural style of the teaching building in his heart, and a simple plan came out:

"Thor, let's light fires in the four corners of the third floor."

"Then meet and go downstairs to retreat together, is it alright?"

Heloise nodded and said:

"no problem."


Almost as soon as the conversation ended.

There was a soft click where Ronald's palm rested on Rumil's head.

So many minutes passed.

The spell confrontation between the two has finally come to an end.

And with the appearance of this light sound, the black mist that spread between Ronald's palms finally covered Rumir at zero distance.


Immediately, Lumil let out a scream.

It was Ronald punching her hard in the stomach.

Even though the 'girl' in her hand knew the danger of the black fog of hell, she was trying her best to control her emotions.

However, in the face of this sudden punch.

Unprepared, Rumir still had a trace of anger in his heart.

As a result, the power of the Oath River contained in the black mist came into effect.

Rumir, who lost his spell defense, closed his eyes like an ordinary girl, and finally lay limply in front of Ronald.

Feel the feedback of the effect of the spell from the power of 'Rage'.

Ronald nodded with satisfaction:

"It's okay, let's act."


Both Ronald and Heloise are the types of people who execute plans fairly efficiently.

From simply formulating a plan to implementing it, the duo basically didn't waste any time.

Ronald carried a demière on him, but he had the black mist to help him collect things that were easy to ignite around him, and he didn't even need to do it himself. It was only a few minutes after the fires were lit in the positions he was in charge of.

As for Heloise...

Probably because of her own job, this girl is absolutely skilled in the skill of setting fire.

Even in less time than Ronald took, she accomplished her goal.

So when the two of them gathered again and came to the outside of the dormitory building, the lights on the third floor were only a little bright.


After waiting for a while, Heloise folded her hands together into a trumpet shape, and then shouted towards the dormitory:

"on fire!"

"The roof of the dormitory is on fire, come and put out the fire!"


"A fire?"

"It's on fire!"

"It's on the roof... go and put out the fire!"

With such a reminder from Herois, the occupants of the first floor of the teacher's dormitory also responded quickly.

After the first person opened the door to check upstairs, and then confirmed that the fire had started, the others immediately responded to the call.

Just a blink of an eye.

The entire dormitory became a concerted firefighting scene.

As for outside the classroom...

Given the situation in front of him, Ronald and Heloise looked at each other and nodded.

Then the figure disappeared together in the darkness of [St. Julia] University.

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