Mystic Dominator

Chapter 340: solar day

"What can I have a problem with?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Heloise, who was half-kneeling on the ground, immediately stood up.

The expression on her face at this moment can see the fear of the law and spell just now.

But more is still curious about this guy Rumil.

Coming to Ronald in two steps, Heloise looked down at Lumil who was being suppressed, and her tone became a little emotional:

"To be honest, every time I meet you, the original holders, it gives me a headache. Even though I have done a certain degree of transformation to my body, I still can't resist spells of this level."

"Isn't there any better way to deal with these things?"

Ronald shrugged:

"What can be done about this?"

"After all, the world itself is like that."

Speaking of which, Ronald paused for a moment.

His eyes pondered for a few seconds, and then he continued with certainty:

"Heloise, we'd better be careful now."

"Last time I tracked down Rumir's trail and came to the door, this guy sensed my arrival in advance and chose to avoid it."


His eyes turned.

Heloise immediately understood what Ronald meant:

"So today is the same..."

"This guy detected our arrival in advance, but didn't choose to escape?"

Ronald nodded silently.

- It's already obvious.

The previous encounter, and the previous reaction of Lumir's strict control of emotions, all proved that this guy was aware of the arrival of Ronald and the two.

And people like Rumil would not choose to sit still under such circumstances.

——Or prepared to make a comeback.

——Or this guy has already notified his companions in his own way.

All in all, things will definitely continue tonight.


See Ronald's attitude and reaction.

Heloise smacked her lips in dissatisfaction, then turned the dagger's direction with one hand, and immediately turned sideways to the window of the house.

While looking at the outside waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

She is also covering for Ronald, who is holding Rumir down.


At this moment, Ronald, who had the upper hand in the confrontation with Rumir's spells, briefly flashed the "Divine Comedy - Heaven Chapter" mark on his right hand.

Immediately, a new original power began to emerge within the body.

Ronald immediately realized that the environment he was in was in line with the fourth trial among the nine trials.

That is, the requirements of the [Sun, Sphere, and Sky] trials.

Are you going to start the trial now...

Maintaining the posture of suppressing Rumir, Ronald chose to start this trial.

Then the verses recited by the soft and beautiful voice emerged in my heart, and the holy voice began to appear:

"That is nature's greatest courtier,

Impress the power of heaven on earth,

And by its light to measure the day and night of the world,

At this point, it is joined with the part mentioned above,

Spinning and bursting along a spiral journey;

I have now been with it;

But never found himself flying upwards,

like a man before his thoughts spring up,

In a moment of unawareness,

Only to realize that it has appeared.


At the same time, Ronald understood the requirements of the [Heliosphere] trial.

——The might of great power overcomes all enemies.

The goal of this trial is much more direct.

There are no superfluous considerations and no details.

Knock down the opponent in a formal fight.

This is where the [Almighty Angel] needs to be tested.

At the same time, the appearance of this trial also reminded Ronald of a very important point.

- The enemy has arrived.

So, Ronald immediately reminded Heloise beside him:

"Thor, the man has arrived."

"Be careful."

Just a reminder, the girl standing by the window understood it.

She didn't ask Ronald anything, and took a serious look around the window. She confirmed that there was no enemy approaching in the direction she was facing.

If no one is here...

Then the other party can only come from downstairs, or from the direction facing away from this room.

Choose one of the two, the first step to obtain information is the most important.

The girl made a quick judgment in her heart.

Resolutely turned over and walked out of the window, and before the figure disappeared, Heloise replied to Ronald:

"I'll go upstairs to check the situation first, you should be careful."


Seeing his companion disappear.

Ronald was not at all flustered at the moment.

Although Rumir's various reactions have proved that the enemy knows the effect of his original magic; at the same time, the constantly changing flow of people in the university will also affect his detection.

But from this point it will also become the limit of the enemy.

When drawing up a plan for dealing with the [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters, the simplest plan that Ronald chose was to take advantage of the existence of the objective condition of the crowd.

It's been half a year since I came into contact with the mysterious side.

Many of Ronald's actions will be limited by this condition.

- The spell cannot be seen by ordinary people.

However, as long as you think about it in a different way, this restriction is also restricting the enemy's combat effectiveness.

Like a spell that flies around in the air and is extremely ostentatious, as long as the environment restricts the opponent, they can only throw the mouse away and not dare to mess around.

It would be better to say that Ronald is not sure right now.

It was before he officially encountered the enemy, whether he had time to completely dispose of Lumir under his command, and how many people were in the [Nine Rings Secret Society].


Between thoughts, a few breaths pass.

The disappearing figure of Heloise soon came in through the window again.

Looking at Ronald, who was still suppressing Rumil, the girl shook her head cautiously:

"No one can be seen on the roof."


"I see."

With a frown, Ronald also realized the enemy's choice.

The activation of the trial means that the enemy must have appeared.

However, at the moment, he didn't do it directly, and it could only be understood that the other party was also watching out for Ronald and the others.

From the enemy's point of view.

At this moment, the location and actions of Ronald and Heloise have been exposed, but they are still lurking in the surrounding environment.

This is on the premise of fighting.

There is no doubt that it can be an advantage for them to launch a surprise attack.

In the face of such a situation, Ronald simply asked Heloise a question:

"Thor, do you know how to get the scriptures out of this guy?"

Heloise answered quite succinctly:

"There's only one way I know."

"Kill her."


Ronald hesitated for a and quickly denied the idea.

On the one hand, it is because the original script obtained cannot be used immediately.

On the other hand, the current Lumir is also the bait to seduce the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

If you simply kill her.

No one can guarantee that the other party will disappear, after all, this is a rare opportunity to play.

Meanwhile, Herois watched Ronald's reaction.

He immediately understood his decision.

Then, a smile of approval appeared on the girl's face:


"Would you like to try my method?"

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