Mystic Dominator

Chapter 330: help

Your own judgment is correct.

As soon as the words were spoken, Ronald confirmed this with great certainty.

Because Rumil's reaction at the moment is the biggest proof that his inference is correct.

Just an open question.

Lumil's eyes became sharp in an instant.


"It's really hard to deal with."

After a sigh of emotion, the original trembling appearance also disappeared from the 'girl'.

Standing up straight, she looked at Ronald silently.

The quietness in Rumil's eyes at this moment is like...

Just like when Ronald and Helois were on the Montenegro back then, even though Rumir was pierced by a wooden stake in his shoulder, he was still able to endure the pain as quietly.

—Rumiel hasn’t changed at all.

——This guy is still above Montenegro, the tenacious 'person' that made Ronald feel emotional.


Taking a deep breath, Ronald's attitude at this moment became more cautious.

Although it is not an environment where you can completely let go of your hands and cast spells.

But at the moment, it was just at night, and this was a wealthy area with some distance between residential houses, so it was no problem to expand the effect of some spells a little.

With a wave of one hand, more black mist immediately spread out from Ronald's fingertips.

Ronald naturally also has his analysis in mind.

He has driven the ghost to inspect the mansion, and there is no hidden magic circle being activated here, so the purpose of Rumir delaying time is not to brew some kind of large-scale magic.

Then this possibility is ruled out.

The greatest probability is waiting for the support of friendly forces.

Although it looks like he is alone, this guy is not alone.

As early as when he fled from Burrenwich, Malcolm's behavior of exposing himself and then creating escape conditions for Rumil had already confirmed the guy's current situation.

—Rumiel has a companion.

So instead of targeting the enemy in front of him, Ronald also began to focus on observing the surroundings.

From which direction and in what way will the support of the enemy in front of you appear?

And a helping hand that can make Rumil have such an attitude...


At this moment, Ronald's cautious eyes lowered a little again.

With a self-deprecating smile on his face, Ronald said:

"So your support is here."


As soon as Ronald's words came out, Rumir's eyes, who had been calm before, became flustered for a moment.

And just a blink of an eye.

Lumil immediately adjusted his state.

However, Ronald believed very much in his excellent observation ability, and he was very sure that he was absolutely right just now.

Because of my own words.

Just now, Lumir really showed a panicked look!

He looked up slightly at the ceiling above his head.

Without a word, Ronald commanded the ghosts scattered around the mansion.

And his goal, of course, is to still lie on the third floor, the last person left in the mansion at the moment!

Immediately, the ghosts distributed on the third floor gathered and rushed towards the last person.


The violent impact appeared on the third floor.

The sound of intense vibration can be heard clearly even in the whole house.

The mixed sound of glass shattering indicated that the windows on the third floor had been completely broken; and the movement in the corridor also meant that the door panel of the door over there also flew out.

After facing the ghost attack.

This man, who seemed to have been quiet all the time, also revealed his minions in an instant!

I couldn't help but look upstairs.

Rumier almost gritted his teeth and asked Ronald:

" did you find out!"

Ronald didn't give the other party the idea of ​​analyzing his own mental journey.

So he just raised his eyebrows calmly:

"How did you find out, then you can only blame your poor acting skills?"


So, the two became silent again.

On the one hand, Rumi was afraid of Ronald's ability to see through himself.

At the same time, Ronald's attention remained on the third floor.

Rumil's real purpose for procrastinating had indeed been found.

She has been disguised until now, in order to give the people on the third floor the opportunity to hide their identities and cast some kind of spell.

Although Ronald successfully interrupted each other.

But unfortunately, there was no information about successfully killing the enemy in the news from the ghost.

Therefore, the fight on the third floor could not lay the foundation for Ronald's victory.

So while controlling the black mist to rush upstairs, Ronald gently rubbed the ring with his fingers quite covertly at the same time:

"Submit to me!"

"Kneel down for me!"


The scene froze.

Almost at the same time, Ronald and Rumier both commanded each other loudly, using magical language to try to control the enemy's actions.

However the result...

With the same abilities in the original canon of "The Divine Comedy", the language power in the decrees of the words and spirits of the two sides immediately contradicted each other in the air, then gradually attenuated in the fierce collision, and finally dissipated.

Corresponds to the actions of Ronald and Rumier.

It's as if two kids yelling at each other are yelling at each other, and then nothing happens other than talking loudly.

The atmosphere became awkward...

Because it was confirmed that Ronald also possessed a new original spell, the scruples in Rumir's heart reached an unprecedented height; at the same time, the vigilance in Ronald's heart was also quite careful.

——A total of four spells!

Changes in appearance, defense against other people's attacks, some kind of influence on him with invisible force, and the order that tried to order him just now.

With four original spells in her hands, if the current Lumir is pulled into the normal mysterious side battle, she can already affect the success or failure of most battles with this amount of spells.

Ronald couldn't help but have a question in his mind——

How did the guy in front of him crack the secret of the original spell?

And does this reason come from the true origin of the other party?


Just when the two were silently confronting each other.

The ceiling on the roof of the house they were in suddenly collapsed.

A young figure stepped on this ceiling, and successfully landed between Ronald and Lumil without bending over to unload.

This is a young man who looks to be in his He still has some broken pieces hanging on his body, it looks like the thing used to disguise his appearance has been completely destroyed in the previous spell.

And that angry expression and arrogant action.

It all proves that this guy is in a very bad mood now.

So, after his eyes floated left and right on Rumil behind him and Ronald in front of him for a few seconds, the man who was undoubtedly Rumil's help said:

"Lumil, is this your opponent who made such a noise?"

Hearing his companion's tone, Rumier immediately reminded seriously:

"Moore, you better be careful!"

"He's not the kind of enemy that can be dealt with casually!"

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