Mystic Dominator

Chapter 329: beg for mercy?

Standing in the room, at this moment, Rumil seems to be unavoidable.

Except for the solid wall behind her, all the positions in front of her now are the floor flying towards her in every direction.

Ordinary people are hit by this kind of force, I am afraid that they will not be able to hum.

This guy.

The control of the original script is too fast...

This thought popped up subconsciously in my mind, but Rumil didn't have time to analyze it any further.

Forced by the immediate tension.

The girl immediately put her head in her hands and squatted down on the spot.

clap clap-

Suddenly, it was like raindrops falling on the rubble of the roof.

The floor, which was flying at high speed under the control of the technique, slammed into Rumir's body one after another.


This is invalid.

Rumier had her reasons for choosing to stay where she was.

When these floors actually hit her squatting down, the floor that should have smashed her whole body, but it seemed to hit the cotton, and then fell to the ground as if she lost all power.

The next second, a soft white light flashed on Ronald's body.

——The ability of [Guardian Angel] is activated.

While defending against Ronald's attack, Rumir even attacked Ronald at the same time.

Faced with such a situation, Ronald also stopped his actions briefly.


He has been controlling the black mist to attach to Rumir.

However, it seems that since the spell also came from the "Divine Comedy", the power of 'rape' he used and some kind of magic of Rumir canceled each other out, so he couldn't directly kill this enemy.

So I thought quickly in my mind.

Ronald tries to find out the true effect of Lumir's spell, and the most reasonable way to deal with it.

First of all, based on the previous investigations and encounters, it is certain that the current Lumir has mastered at least three spells.

Three original spells from "The Divine Comedy"!

This speed...

It's not normal to put it on Rumil.

This 'person' of unknown origin does not have the knowledge of the earth as a backup like Ronald, nor does he have the pre-emptive advantage of forcibly cracking the original code.

In this case, at least three canonical spells can be mastered.

It has already been confirmed that Lumil himself has a very powerful hole card, and it has even far exceeded the limits of what people in this world should be capable of.

against such an enemy.

Caution must be raised to the highest level ever.


While Ronald was thinking fast.

Rumir, who he treated with great care, also stood up slowly from the ground at this moment.

The girl looked at the floor in front of her with lingering fear, which fell to the ground, then stacked a thick layer of floor fragments, and continued to take two steps back.

It wasn't until his back was against the wall of the room that Rumier raised his index finger in Ronald's direction, and continued with a serious expression:

"Ronald, will you stop first?"

"Violence doesn't solve everything, we should sit down and have a good talk."


her words.

How to say it as if you were the villain...

Hearing Rumir's negotiation, Ronald felt very uncomfortable.

It was clear that he was the first to arrive here, even to work overnight, in order to prevent Rumir from harming innocent citizens. However, after the real fight, this 'girl' turned her position over instead?

With a slightly subtle expression, Ronald shook his head and refused:

"I have nothing to say to you."

"From Burrenwich to Springs, after so many things, do you think there is still room for us to continue discussing?"

Hearing that Ronald still chose to fight, Rumir said eagerly:

"Why not……"


As soon as the words came out, Rumil immediately screamed and fell to the ground, and then tumbled to the other side of the room.

When she stood up again, her gaze at Ronald was already trembling.

"You... you actually attacked?"

"Is this also a powerful original holder!"

At the same time as Rumil questioned, the culprit that made the girl look like this appeared.

Just at the position where she had just made a defensive posture, two translucent ghosts floated out from the floor and the wall, and the only remaining emotion in the dull eyes was the ferocity of the attack.

—This is what Ronald is doing secretly.

After possessing the power of 'rape' until now, Ronald has accumulated a lot of enemy souls in the course of several battles. Although he doesn't usually use it very often, he will naturally not be stingy with launching attacks at this time.

It's a pity that Ronald's mood is not much better.

His little actions in the dark still didn't work after all.

The girl in front of her can immediately fall to the ground and then change her position, which is the most obvious proof.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the girl in front of him.

Ronald has confirmed the girl's current ability in the continuous attack test.

Whether it's a physical attack or something else at the spell level.

But any threat to Rumir, once it comes to the opponent's body, there will be a spell to weaken the attack and cause damage to her.

The floor just now didn't work.

The same goes for the attacks that now drive the ghosts.


At this moment, Rumil, who was hiding by the side of the room, suddenly slanted under the feet, and the whole person fell weakly to the slope, and almost fell completely.

Barely maintaining the balance of the body.

The 'girl' looked at Ronald with a pale face, and then continued:

"Ronald, I can swear I have no ill will towards you."

"And if you want, it's fine for me to submit to you even if I execute a contract with magical powers."

"Please don't do this!"


- This is an abnormal reaction.

Although the girl appeared to be very weak.

But Ronald knew in his heart that this was definitely not what the other party meant.

A guy who chooses to give up fighting and beg the enemy's forgiveness will generally show that he has surrendered under the inertia of thinking, and at the same time, he will completely hand over his own safety to the enemy's control.

But that's not the case with Lumil.

When facing Ronald, this guy chose to take a defensive stance, and all actions were carried out with the first premise of resisting attacks.

There is a plea for mercy but no actual action.

Rather than a real surrender, this is more of a measure to delay time and paralyze the So what is the purpose of this guy?

Cautiously guarding the surroundings, Ronald silently released more ghosts throughout the room in the 'rape'.

Either the first floor, the second floor or the third floor.

There are completely transparent ghosts floating in the room and walls in various positions, always doing vigilance work for him.

However, such a move.

Still failed to help Ronald find Rumil's true purpose.

Under the sudden change of thinking, Ronald opened his mouth and tried:

"The purpose of your delaying time doesn't seem to be casting some dangerous spell?"


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