Mystic Dominator

Chapter 315: guide

Just like when he went to work in the past, Ronald entered [Weiss University].

Walk slowly towards the location of the library.

But when he came to the entrance of the library, beside the road leading to the library, a figure of a man sitting on a bench caught his attention.

- It's Hughes.


Looking at the other person's figure, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

He was a little concerned about the scene in front of him.

As a spellcaster of the [Book Research Association], there is no reason for Hughes to appear here at this time.

Sitting on a bench outside the library at noon, he is not a student who finds time at noon and then comes out to take a break.

This...isn't he waiting for him specifically?

So just when Ronald slowed down a little, and then thought about whether to go up and say hello.

Hughes saw Ronald coming from a distance.

The caster of the [Book Research Association] took the initiative to stand up and walked directly towards Ronald.

"Ronald, here you are."

Ronald also greeted:

"Yes, Mr. Hughes, why are you sitting outside?"

"You're not waiting for me specifically, are you?"

"That's not true." Hughes shook his head in denial, and then continued, "But since you're here, it's just right."

"I have already heard Mr. Oppenheim say the specifics."

"But because there is a new original text in the research meeting, he has to be busy with some related affairs recently, so he probably won't have time for things on your side today."

Ronald's expression froze.

His impatience seemed to cause him to run away in vain.

I received the letter yesterday and came today, is it still a bit sudden?

"Is that right……"

"It seems that today is not the right time for me to come."

Smiling shyly at Hughes, Ronald said hello and planned to leave.

However, behind him, Hughes suddenly spoke:

"Wait, Ronald!"

"If you don't mind, I might be able to take you there today."

"I still have time these days, and I should also have this qualification."

While speaking, Hughes always had a wry smile on his face.

Ronald also understood what the expression meant.

Hughes must be in a bad situation now.

Although he is the dominant research leader, a guy like Hal appeared among his researchers and caused a big problem. Now that Hal himself has died in the original test, as the leader, Hughes will naturally be in trouble. In an organization of the nature of the [Book Scroll Research Association], he is afraid that he is running into obstacles everywhere recently.

Usually Absolutely Hughes is now obviously unable to work as smoothly as usual. In this case, it is reasonable for him to lead himself.

So Ronald bowed slightly:

"In that case, I will trouble you today."

Hughes then turned around and walked towards the library, while responding to Ronald:

"Then come with me."

"Because things are more important, let's go inside to do registration and notification."

Following in the footsteps of Hughes, Ronald naturally had no objection.

At noon, the students in the library could hardly see much. They went directly to the second floor to fill in the forms, and then completed the formalities with the help of the [Book Scroll Research Association] staff.

Although Hughes has been in a bad situation recently, his real identity has not changed.

All formalities were handled with ease.

After seeing the staff begin to operate the telegraph, Hughes and Ronald walked out together.

As he left the library and headed out of [Weiss University], the middle-aged man chatted and said with emotion:

"This era is really different from before."

"I remember when I first came here, this kind of thing was approved in advance, and then the specific implementation plan had to be negotiated after an appointment."

"And now with that new machine, as long as the application is completed in advance, you can contact the other party at any time within the time limit. You can freely choose when the time passes."

"What an amazing invention..."

Ronald quite agrees with Hughes' statement:

"With the advancement of science and technology, people's lives will inevitably take a more convenient path in the future."

"It's a good thing for everyone to have this kind of technology."

Hearing Ronald's very affirmative tone, Hughes also smiled in agreement.

But then, a trace of melancholy appeared on his face:

"Good for everyone..."

"Ronald, as someone who holds books, do you think this is true for our side as well?"

"Of course." Ronald replied without hesitation, "For this kind of thing that concerns the entire human society, you can't just focus on specific groups of people. Overall, this must be a good thing!"


Hughes' eyes were a little complicated, and then he fell silent.

He didn't expect Ronald, who is the holder of the original text, to say such a thing.

Compared to the magician on the mysterious side...

This view is more like the answer of a human being in an ordinary society.

In silence, the two walked out of [Weiss University] together, and then came to the street outside the campus,

On the way, Hughes took a look at Ronald's clothes and commented that Ronald's wearing aesthetic was very good.

Probably out of being in charge of guiding Ronald.

This time, Hughes stopped a carriage, and they rode up together.

When he was seated in the carriage, Ronald couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Hughes, where is our destination this time?"

Hearing this question, Hughes had a meaningful expression on his face:

"Ronald, the place we're going this time is the place of the lord that you and I both work for."

"Only in that position can such an important thing be properly kept."

"Do you understand it?"


Without saying a word, Ronald simply nodded.

Of course he knew what Hughes was talking about.

Of course, only Queen Daantrian was the one who worked together for them.

The true ruler of Grid.

Sure enough, the value of prophetic spells is beyond doubt, both for individuals and for other situations.

Even the queen who was described by Helois as a 'monster' was also very cautious about the use of this kind of thing.

While Ronald nodded to confirm Hughes also shouted at the coachman driving the carriage:

"Sir, let's go to No. 47 Crown Road, [Brucella]."


Hearing the order of Hughes, the driver immediately drove the carriage and started to move forward.

And Ronald, who was sitting in the carriage, also shifted his thinking to the destination that Hughes had just mentioned.

He also knew about the shop called [Brucella].

During his time in Springs, Ronald occasionally heard the name of the shop from the people around him.

That's the biggest jewelry store in Springs.

Of course, it is operating in the name of the royal family.

The kind of jewelry store that prides itself on having excellent accessories for both ladies and gentlemen.

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