Mystic Dominator

Chapter 314: fast bankruptcy plan

"The sound came from the meandering stream.

Down here through a hole in a rock.

That hole was formed by the corrosion of this tortuous and sloping waterway.

The mentor and I followed this dark path.

Returning to the world of light again,

Without resting or caring, we climbed up together.

until I pass through a round hole.

Seeing the splendor of splendor appearing in the sky,

So we walked out of here and saw the stars again. "



"Why do I...have nothing to do to find this trouble!"

Lying on his bed, Ronald breathed out the closing verse of "Hell" in "The Divine Comedy".

With the end of these 'spells', the familiar magic power began to fill his body, and Ronald once again felt the strong and powerful physical quality after the strengthening.

It was not a special battle, nor was there any special circumstances.

The reason for re-blessing this ability is entirely because Ronald canceled the effect of this spell before.

--the reason is simple.

- He is exercising.

The experience in the original scripture trial made Ronald feel that he would still encounter some difficult situations, in which there may be situations where spells cannot be used.

To prepare in advance, he developed a daily fitness plan.

Although he will not aim at the outrageous level of an athlete, he must also be able to ensure that he has sufficient physical strength to support him to successfully complete a long-distance run.

As for the result...

After finishing today's exercise, Ronald only felt tired and disabled.

This body has not been exercised for a long time. After such an exercise, let alone moving normally in the house, he didn't even think of going downstairs for a meal.


"I will never exercise again!"

In this way, he lay paralyzed on the bed and shouted slogans. After the strengthening of his physical strength gradually recovered and he rested for a while, Ronald got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When everything was over, the time came to noon.

After lunch alone, Ronald packed up and left the boarding house.

Today’s destination is still to [Book Research Association].

After the previous trial of the canon ended, probably because of his status as the holder of Ronald's canon, Oppenheim kept his promise quite strictly.

Just a few days later, Ronald received a letter from [Weiss University].

The content of it is probably to invite Ronald to [Weiss University], and then to carry out book maintenance work in the library, within a week after receiving the invitation letter.

At the same time, at the end of the letter, Oppenheim also solemnly asked Ronald to dress up carefully, and be sure not to lose his appearance at 'work'.

in this very formal way.

Oppenheim cryptically informed Ronald.

And this matter is related to the prophecy spell, that is, the whereabouts of that 'girl' Rumil.

Ronald is of course quite serious.

After washing up, he changed into new clothes, and called a taxi on the side of the road in a rare way.

In this way, Ronald took the carriage to [Weiss University].

Temperatures in Springs have continued to rise since the beginning of spring.

Even in the carriage, Ronald could feel the rhythm of the city changing.

Although it has entered the age of steam, it has even seen the dawn of the age of electricity.

But the living habits of many people here still carry silhouettes of the past.

From what Ronald has experienced, the most obvious is that a special kind of professional worker can be seen on the street.

- A cold person.

These people work in the spring every year.

The specific work content is to prepare a liquid mixed with honey and herbs, and then sell it to people for bathing. It is said that the use of this kind of thing can expel the cold air left in the human body in winter.

In addition, there are changes in clothing and diet.

All signs are telling Ronald that this is a human civilization with its own culture and history.

Feeling such Springs, Ronald looked down at his wrist, and then sighed in a low voice:

"It's spring..."

He has never forgotten.

In his own hands, there is also an original slate called "The God of Rain and Mist".

This original book, which was obtained at the beginning of time-travel, has the powerful power to control thunder and lightning.

It's a pity that Ronald has never had the opportunity to use it because of weather conditions.

But now...

spring is coming.

The occasional snowfall in winter can also turn into rain in spring.

Under this premise, Ronald will really have the opportunity to use this book, which theoretically has the most direct attack power in his hands.

Lightning strikes people without paying attention to the sin of hell, and there is no problem of exposing spells after being seen.

As long as Ronald identified the enemy and locked the target.

Next is the purest thunder and lightning.

Although there are some thunder spells or superpowers in many movies and entertainment works, you can often fight back and forth in battle.

But lightning strikes in reality are definitely no joke.

If they are directly hit by lightning, except for the chosen son who is likely to be ignored to pass through another world, the result of others being struck by lightning is only death.

Ronald remembered reading a very outrageous report.

Among them, there are people who are struck by lightning every year, and the mortality rate is only about 10%.

- This is pure misleading.

The reason the fatality rate is so low is because most lightning strikes are indirect lightning strikes.

Or lightning strikes objects around you, or hits the ground and bounces onto people who are farther away.

In this way, people who are struck by lightning will have a certain probability of survival.

The real body is hard against lightning.

Probably only those unreasonable cultivators.

Even Ronald himself as an example.

Even though the [Guardian Angel] of "The Divine Comedy" is extremely defensive, he has no idea of ​​using it to resist lightning.

The books in the [Book Research Association] are not for nothing.

Among them, there is a clear record about some of the battles, and there is a clear record suggesting that latecomers should not be launched to fight in thunderstorms, because even the holders of the original code have not been able to survive being struck by lightning.

Just like this, I made up for the performance of "The God of Rain and Mist" in battle.

Ronald's carriage also came to 【Weiss So, the coachman driving the carriage stopped the car.

Then he asked Ronald carefully:

"Sir, carriages cannot go inside."

"I'll take you here...?"

Ronald got out of the car and handed the fare to the driver, then nodded politely:

"sorry to bother you."

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to straighten his collar and confirmed that there was no problem with his appearance.

Ronald just walked into [Weiss University].

What he is going to experience today requires full rigor.

It's not okay to be unprepared.

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