Mystic Dominator

Chapter 261: murderer's intent

Squeezing out of the way from the crowd, Springs investigators appeared on the second floor of the theater.

These were two investigators Ronald had never met.

Snap. Among the two men, one was taller but thinner, the other was shorter and slightly fatter, and the clothes were different.

But in general, they all belong to the kind of very ordinary, like the kind of clothes that ordinary citizens would wear.

It is the type that is hard to be noticed as long as you stand in a crowd.

Of course, this is not the case now.

When the people watching the scene of the murder on the second floor of the theater heard the term 'special investigation team', even if the people who could watch the show here were not low-ranking, or were big businessmen, they would honestly step aside. The two men, one tall and one short, walked out of the crowd with ease.

The two investigators were accustomed to such situations.

After passing through the crowd, they immediately saw the corpse lying on the ground, as well as Ronald and Arida standing beside them.


Facing the two people standing beside the corpse, the two investigators looked at each other and confirmed that the matter was not easy to handle.

One is an actor who nominally accepted the Queen's invitation to come to Springs.

The other is the holder of the original book who has just been notified in the bureau and has just arrived in Springs.

Today's affairs are probably more troublesome than expected.

After standing there and hesitating for a few seconds, the shorter of the two investigators whispered the incantation of the 'lie detector' and came to Ronald and Arida.

With a rather polite salute, he opened his mouth and said:

"You two, don't mind telling me what's going on here?"

Without waiting for Ronald to respond, Arida took the initiative to step forward and nodded solemnly to the investigator:

"Of course."

"In the last ten minutes, someone killed the staff of our troupe in this corridor, and it seems that they intend to frame this Mr. Ronald."

Hearing Arida's explanation, the investigator naturally turned his attention to Ronald who was beside him.

And before he had time to speak, Arida, who noticed this, spoke first and explained in place of Ronald:

"During that time, Mr. Ronald has been watching the situation on our stage from the viewing seat of the box. I will never be mistaken, so he must not be the murderer of Xiao Ai."


Hearing Arida's explanation, the shorter investigator raised his eyebrows.

The lie detector showed that the actress in front of him was normal, and there was no sign of lying except for the mental activities that an ordinary person should have.

So Ronald is really not suspect?

Just when the investigator's eyes were thinking with some seriousness, Ronald said:

"Sir, I do have been watching the show as Arida said."

"And I might be able to provide some clues about this."

"We might be able to have a good talk next."

Because he was not the murderer, Ronald was naturally very open in his heart when he spoke, and at the same time glanced at the onlookers with his eyes.

And this.

It was also fed back to the investigator by the polygraph.

Understanding the meaning of Ronald, the master of the original text, he immediately nodded slightly to the two of them, then turned around and waved to the onlookers:

"Okay, let's all go."

"We are responsible for the next thing, don't stay here to interfere with the scene."


Under the persuasion of the investigators, the crowd gradually dispersed.

In the end, apart from Ronald and Arida, there were only the security captain of the theater, and the boy who was still standing beside the waiter girl and didn't want to leave.

Looking at the situation in front of him, although the distance was not too far, the security captain of the theater still trotted a few steps to the investigator with an attentive expression:

"This... this big..."

Unfortunately, the investigator didn't intend to listen to him at all, and interrupted directly:

"You go too."

The security captain's eyes froze:


The investigator turned his head and pointed indifferently to the far side of the corridor:



Gradually understanding the status quo from the daze, the security captain stepped back with an embarrassed and flattering smile on his face:

"You... please continue."

The security captain left, and Arida then pointed to the teenager beside him and explained:

"Deco is also on our side, don't let him avoid it."

"No problem." The investigator nodded in understanding, then immediately walked over to the waitress girl, squatted down and began to examine the remains of the body.

Also take this opportunity.

Ronald saw how this Springs investigator worked.

I saw the shorter investigator squatting on the ground while stroking his right hand on the top of the corpse's head, closing his eyes slightly for a minute before he simply stood up.

Watching the investigator's movements, the excited boy named Deco immediately asked:

嘅爅9 Cakes Chinese 緅. "Mr. Investigator, have you found anything?"

"Who killed Xiaoai?"


Looking at the excited girl in front of her, the investigator was not as indifferent this time as she had shown before.

He shook his head with some regret in his eyes, and then he replied:

"The person who started it was very professional."

"In addition to quickly destroying the girl's body, he even covered the wound with non-attribute magic power. It's actually impossible to tell the other party's origin from this."

Hearing the answer from the investigator, Deco took two steps back as if he had been smashed with a hammer, and then muttered:

" could this be..."


Seeing that the young man's eyes lost its luster, the investigator shook his head in surprise, then turned to look at Ronald, who was beside him:

"Mr. Ronald, you should know something, right?"


Faced with the investigator's question, Ronald did not answer immediately.

He is now thinking about a central question.

——Why did the other party frame him?

He came to the theater today. It can be said that it was only a temporary agreement with Alyssa, and it was almost impossible to be deliberately calculated.

Under the circumstances, it was almost impossible for him to be targeted after only a few days in Springs.

Could it be that……

Is it also the hand of Elva's mysterious organization?

The probability of this situation is too small, Ronald thinks it is So... wait!

Because he was going to tell the investigator in front of him the information he had, Ronald was naturally watching him.

It was this kind of gaze that made him aware of the possibility in this matter.

So he immediately asked:

"Mr. Investigator, are you the investigation bureau specifically responsible for the theater's work?"

The investigator nodded:

"Of course, that's why we got here in such a timely manner."

Hearing this answer, Ronald's expression changed:

"This is deliberately diverting our attention, let's go now!"

"Maybe it's too late!"

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