Mystic Dominator

Chapter 260: field change

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"You...what are you doing!"

"Let go of that gentleman in your hands now!"

There was a distance from Ronald, and the squad leader who dragged the lady away spoke again, and his tone was quite nervous.

From this guy's third-party perspective.

The current situation is that Ronald, the 'murderer', is mad, ready to take hostages and try to escape the scene.

And as the person in charge of theater security.

In the case of an employee who has already died, if another person dies...

Or just go ahead and shoot this guy?

For Ronald, the current situation is also very bad.

Murder charges, the possibility of exposing the mysterious side of the spell, and people's nerves right now.

None of the three can be handled well.

The trouble it brings is very bad!

But things always turn around...

At the same time, when the people on the second floor of the theater were already extremely tense, Ronald was relieved.

Looking beyond the crowd, he looked in the far direction of the hallway.

Soon, Arida's familiar voice came over. As the absolute protagonist in the [No. 37] theater, she squeezed through the crowd with a strong momentum and asked sharply:

"What are you all doing!"

"Put down the gun, this is my guest!"

The voice fell, and Arida also saw the situation in the corridor at the same time.

So the tone was almost uninterrupted, and the protagonist in the theater continued:

"Ronald can't be the murderer. Are you going to hurt an audience master when the truth is unknown!"


Under such a strong question from Arida, and because of her identity, the security captain who took the lead was no longer ready to shoot like before, and his eyes began to hesitate.

But young people who were swept away by anger were not among them.

Hearing Arida's words, the man controlled by Ronald immediately shouted:

"Miss Arida, what are you thinking!"

"Xiaoai...Xiaoai, she was killed by this guy!"

"Are you going to betray everyone in the theater?"


After hearing this, Arida's serious eyes became even colder.

She wasn't someone who would stand in place and be contradicted, let alone in this situation.

Although I can understand the man's sad behavior because of the death of his girlfriend.

But unfortunately, this is not the reason why she can bear this guy to challenge her identity.

Directly ignoring the warning from the security captain 'Miss Arida, it's dangerous over there', she walked straight to Ronald and stared at the man in front of her.

Even without deviating from her eyes, Arida said to Ronald while looking at the man:

"Ronald, help him put it down."


Ronald, of course, remained calm.

Seeing Arida's current attitude, he let go of the man in his hand.

next second.

Before anyone else could react, Arida made her move.


A loud slap appeared on the man's cheek.

At the same time, blood-filled red palm prints also appeared.

Seeing that she covered this guy with a slap, Arida said:

"Deco, pay attention to your own situation!"

"We're a theatre here, a place that brings art to audiences, not stigma and ugliness."

"Since just now, Mr. Ronald has been watching my performance from the window of the box. Do you think he has a chance to kill Xiao Ai?"

Speaking of which, Arida glanced at the ground with a natural expression, and then continued with a very positive tone:


"If he is the murderer, then why not start in the box where outsiders can't come in, but in the corridor where people will pass by, don't get carried away by anger!"


After Arida spoke, the corridor that was still tense gradually cooled down.

Seeing that the scene was gradually changing, Ronald slowly relaxed in his heart.

Things are probably going to be okay for now.

Saying this on your own may have little effect, and even if it makes sense, people may not necessarily accept it.

But as an absolute figure in the theater, after such a series of analyses, Arida.

Everyone in the audience will think carefully about the relationship.

Sure enough, just as Ronald thought.

Not only the crowd of people around, but even the young man who was still angry just now began to think.

Ronald got rid of the suspicion in such a subtle way.

Watching the situation change, Ronald lightly straightened his wrinkled clothes, and then said:

"Don't mind if I examine the body..."

"As a kind citizen, I might be able to offer some help."

The security captain, whose expression was very different from before, stepped forward, and then suggested to Ronald in a sincere and kind manner:

"Sir, it's better for professionals to do this kind of thing."


Arida interrupted him immediately:

"Ronald is a professional, you let him see!"


Honestly, the security captain stepped aside.

Now he doesn't dare to disobey Arida's orders at all, and he obeys like a babbling child.

While standing beside the waiter girl, Ronald and Arida looked at each other.

Without even opening their mouths to communicate, they squatted beside the corpse together in tacit understanding, Ronald checked the body, and Alyda whispered to him:

"Completely damaged internal organs..."

"When I died, my mouth and nose were covered, so I couldn't make a sound..."

"The time of death is about five minutes away from now..."

"There are obvious hammer marks on the chest and abdomen..."

"The whole process takes less than a minute..."

One by one clues were drawn from the hands of the two of them, and the people around them were afraid of the sight in front of them, and they just watched from afar.

In this way, Ronald and the others came to their final conclusion.

The girl named Xiao Ai died in a sudden attack five minutes ago, and...

It's the mysterious side-moving hand.

Because the time until the accident is very short, Ronald can even detect a certain degree of magic according to the method of the Bureau of Investigation.

Is it really someone from [Zeldak]...

Standing up from the dead man, Ronald and Arida looked at each other.

Although the intelligence has not been fully communicated at the moment, they have reached this conclusion at the same time.

Yet in this matter Ronald has one point that has yet to be figured out.

That is why the other party poured this basin of sewage on himself?

Is it just for the act of going to the show today?

The investigative ability of "The Divine Comedy" should not be so easily noticed by ordinary spellcasters, there may be something strange about this matter...

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Get out of the way, the special investigation team works!"

Just then, a new voice sounded from the second floor of the theater.

Ronald didn't even have to look up.

Just hearing the name, he had already guessed the situation.

——The people from the Bureau of Investigation also came.

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