Mystic Dominator

Chapter 253: Corti Special Investigation Team

In the semi-outdoor balcony.

The scene in front of him was exactly what Ronald envisioned.

Hearing the name Claudia from his mouth, Spencer, who was an elite investigator, immediately realized what it meant.

At this time, Ronald deliberately said Claudia...

Thinking of this, Spencer's heart tightened.

With his eyes fixed on Ronald in front of him, he immediately asked:

"Ronald, I don't think I misunderstood what you said, so this Claudia..."

Seeing that Spencer's expression suddenly changed, he looked at himself nervously at the same time.

Ronald also understood that he should not let the other party continue to be tense, so he explained in a more direct tone:

"Spencer, you know this is the riverbank too."

"You can meet some more powerful colleges every other way."

"As a result, when I went out for a walk yesterday, I happened to meet Claudia at Wilderlin University."


When Ronald answered the question and then brought up the place of Wilderlin University, Spencer did not relax for a second.

And waiting for Ronald to finish speaking, he immediately asked:

"Ronald, you and..."

"You and this Miss Claudia were together last night?"

Ronald replied calmly:

"Yes, all night together."

"She left here alone after having breakfast together this morning."

After hearing such a statement and being verified by a 'polygraph'.

Spencer heaved a sigh of relief with almost no concealment, and then continued to ask while looking at Ronald in front of him:

"So this Miss Claudia."

"She didn't have an accident last night, or was she injured or something?"


"Of course." Ronald nodded and continued to answer fairly honestly, "At least she left in the morning with a smile on her face."

Having said that, Ronald, through the reaction of the elite investigator in front of him, has probably determined that he will not have any trouble today.

So he changed his tone and said:

"Spencer, may I ask you something?"

"Yesterday, although I could feel that Claudia's identity was unusual, I didn't dare to guess without actual evidence."

"Can you tell me who she is?"


When Ronald asked this question, Spencer had escaped from the initial shock, and when he learned that Claudia was all right, he adjusted his mentality, and then looked at Victoria outside the balcony with relatively relaxed eyes. Rivers.

It was not too late at the moment, and the boats coming and going on the river were orderly.

Under the rule of the Queen, Springs has maintained an extremely good operating state, and on this land near the capital circle, large and small mysterious incidents can be dealt with in a timely manner.

This scene on the Weiss River also seems to indicate the stability of the city.

Among such Springs.

How could anyone possibly hurt, or dare to hurt Claudia?

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Spencer replied calmly:

"Ronald, if Miss Claudia didn't tell you her identity, it would be inconvenient for me as an investigator to say anything more."

"But if you're a friend who used to fight together..."

Speaking of which, Spencer's tone gradually decreased until it was completely inaudible.

However, maintaining his sitting position, he deliberately raised his head and looked up.

Spencer probably has no cervical spine problems.

So obviously, this is to inform Claudia's identity through action, and at the same time, Ronald confirms his thoughts again.

This encounter is really subtle enough...

I have only been in Springs for less than three days, so I have already reached the top of the power structure?

Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Although there is a high probability that he will not come into contact with Claudia again in the future, this encounter is still impressive.

And after the conversation came here, Spencer did not continue to ask Ronald's whereabouts yesterday, but immediately threw out a choice:

"Ronald, do you want to go to the Bureau of Investigation with me to do a special registration?"

"Of course, if you are busy, we can also change to a more convenient way."

While speaking, Spencer simply took out a small mark from his pocket, and immediately explained to Ronald:

"As a citizen with a book and a good record of conduct, you can also receive preferential treatment from Her Majesty the Queen."

"Next, I can use this thing to mark you for a day, and then I will immediately return to the bureau to report information. As long as it is all right, your life in Springs will no longer be disturbed by us."

"Ronald, what do you think?"


Does that even need to be said?

Silently thanking some queens for their preferential treatment in his heart, Ronald immediately replied:

"Then make a mark for me."

"For the next day, I promise not to do anything that might interfere with you."

For Ronald's choice, Spencer nodded slightly as usual.

Most of the people on the mysterious side don't like to go to places like the Investigation Bureau. It is because of this situation that the second preferential treatment option is provided to some people.

So use his own magic to drive the mark in his hand.

He made a neat mark on Ronald.

After confirming that the spell in this locked position was running smoothly, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Okay, everything is fine."

"Wait until the bureau completes the investigation, it's really disturbing today."

At the same time as this action was completed, the investigator immediately turned around and prepared to leave, and Ronald followed politely.

"Spencer, today's trouble for you."

"Because of my situation, I made a special trip here."

Spencer nodded rightly and said:

"The responsibility lies."

After saying goodbye, he turned and walked towards the door, but before pushing the door to leave, Spencer's figure paused slightly.

After thinking for a moment, he decisively turned to face Ronald, and at the same time took out a card from his goodwill pocket and handed it over:


"This is my business card. You can come to me if you have anything after UU reading"

Ronald immediately reached out and took the card handed by the other party.

"I know."

"Walk slowly."

Completely complete the final courtesy, Spencer is no longer lingering here.

Taking the initiative to decline Ronald's offer to send him out, the elite investigator left the apartment alone, and finally disappeared in the street.

And Ronald in the apartment…

The tenants and landlords here were completely different from the previous gazes, and he also slowly walked back to his room.

Take out the card that Spencer handed out.

He clearly saw the investigator's identity in society.

—【Corti Special Investigation Team B31】

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