Mystic Dominator

Chapter 252: home visitor

The Riverside District is an area where a large number of students live.

It is always easy to find a store to buy daily necessities in a place with such a high flow of people.

In the evening, Ronald returned to the apartment on the river bank with a bunch of messy things.

Then after walking into the courtyard, he keenly found that something seemed wrong.

The door of Cynthia's room on the first floor opened inward, and there were residents on the second floor standing at the door, looking carefully in the direction of the third floor.

Even the maid, who was so enthusiastic about her, was now holding a broom and looking at the third floor nervously, even forgetting to do her own job.


If I remember correctly, there is only one tenant on the third floor now.

I've only been out for a few hours to buy something, so I won't be bothering myself with something else, right?

Feeling a little helpless, Ronald snapped his fingers lightly with his right hand holding a set of sheets, and then walked down the stairs to the third floor.

Judging from the appearance of other residents, at least this time it will not be an excessive terrorist attack.

Still, be careful.

Walking down the stairs to the third floor, Ronald saw that the locked door had been opened when he went out.

Fortunately, there was no **** smell wafting from the open door.

It's a light tea scent.

With a sigh of relief, Ronald squeezed into the room with a lot of things in his hands.

On the balcony with their backs to the setting sun, there are two people sitting there with chairs at the moment.

One of them nervously held the teacup in his hand and looked at the man in front of him without looking away for a second.

—This is the landlord Cynthia.

On the opposite side of the girl was a man in a neat uniform.

His eyes didn't pay attention to Cynthia, who was nervous in front of him. Instead, he looked at the flowers and plants on the balcony.

- This is Spencer.

Elite investigators from Springs.

It was this guy...

Just seeing the scene in front of him, Ronald already understood most of it.

After collecting the information, the Bureau of Investigation still sent someone to contact the owner of the original book.

Even considering Ronald's mood, the Bureau of Investigation let Spencer, who had a relationship with Ronald, come to the door in person.

At this moment, Spencer noticed the movement at the door and turned around.

The next second he saw Ronald's figure, he immediately got up from his chair and walked towards Ronald, the enthusiastic smile on his face showing no sign of falsification.

"Ah, Ronald, are you back?"

"I heard that you came to Springs, and I rushed over immediately after get off work today."

"You don't think I'm a little abrupt, do you?"

"Of course not." Seeing Spencer's reaction, Ronald also put on the smile that old friends should have when they meet again. As he put down the things in his hand, he immediately walked towards Spencer, "You can come to see me specifically, I'm too happy to be too late, how could I dislike it!"


On the other side, Ronald and Spencer were seen chatting amicably.

Cynthia, who was sitting on the balcony, showed a hint of happiness in her eyes.

However, the young landlord didn't want to stay here at all, and immediately stood up and said in a low voice:

"Ro...Mr. Ronald."

"Since it's your friend here, the two of you can have a good chat."

"I have something to do here, so I'll go down first?"

Hearing the voice of the landlady, Spencer immediately waved at her:

"Miss landlord, it was me who disturbed me before."

"I'll chat with Ronald slowly, you can do your own thing."

As soon as Spencer spoke, Cynthia walked towards the door like a student after class without looking back, and even after leaving the room, she carefully closed the door for Ronald and the others.


Watching the back of Cynthia leaving.

Ronald was silent for a few seconds before walking to the balcony and sitting on a chair.

"Spencer, what are you going to ask me today?"

After all, he has experienced the battle with the cult warlock together, and he also understands that Ronald in front of him is a holder of the original book.

Under the premise of knowing the gap between the two, Spencer simply replied:

"It's not really a big deal."

"The responsibilities of the Investigation Bureau are that we have to make some detailed inquiries on the more powerful casters."

Speaking of which, Spencer also sat back in his chair.

He knew in his heart that Ronald had also worked in the Bureau of Investigation, so he didn't plan to hide anything. He uttered the 'polygraph' incantation generously, and then asked:

"Ronald, let's talk about Burrenwich's purpose first."

Ronald nodded slightly, and answered equally generously:

"I don't have any intention of harming the society here. The main purpose is to find the missing Lumir. She may have some important things about the spell in my hand."

Hearing Ronald's answer, Spencer nodded noncommittally.

As an elite investigator of the Bureau of Investigation, of course he knew some of the content related to this matter, and the 'polygraph' also told him that Ronald did not lie in front of him.

It seems that today's work is also very easy.

With a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, Spencer continued to ask:

"Since this is the case, then I won't ask more about the purpose of entering the city."

"But according to the procedure, let's talk about your whereabouts last night."

"Miss Landlord told me that you didn't go out all night last night. Shouldn't it be something special?"

Faced with Spencer's question, Ronald was stunned.

As a landlord, Cynthia naturally had a chance to know that she didn't see each other last night.

I just didn't expect the landlady to tell Spencer about it!

Things might get a little trickier now.


On the other side, saw that Ronald did not answer himself directly.

Spencer, who had a smile on his face, seemed to sense something.

Slowly withdrawing his smile, the elite investigator from Springs moved back a little without a trace, and then put his hand by his side.

Keeping this movement, Spencer continued to speak:

"Ronald, is there anything to say about this?"


It's hard to say...

I'm afraid I'm going to scare you to death!

I spent the night with Claudia last night, and ran away with an original holder!

Of course, if you think like this in your heart, you can't say that.

Still keeping his calmness on his face, Ronald slowly moved his eyes while sitting on the balcony.

While looking at the Wes River outside, he said in a complicated tone:

"Spencer, we are friends who fought together after all, so I'm not going to lie to you about Hearing Ronald's tone, Spencer nodded slightly:


With a complicated expression on his face, Ronald replied earnestly:

"It's not convenient for me to say anything else."

"But last night, I've been with a lady named Claudia."

Hearing this name, Spencer murmured in confusion:



His eyes changed instantly, and the elite investigator stood up directly from the chair, and even asked in a distorted voice:


"'re not kidding me!"

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