Mystic Dominator

Chapter 244: stalemate between top and bottom

boom -

Following Elva's actions, the flat execution ground changed drastically in an instant.

Right at the feet of the three of them, the creation drawn by the magic power gave birth to an unusually towering stone pillar in the flat ground. And the three of them stepped on it, and were quickly pushed to a very high position by this stone pillar.

This is already a height that the black fog cannot reach in a short time!

But so far, Elva's spell is far from over.

When the stone pillar is fully erected and stable, the spell of pulling a stone pillar from the ground changes again.

Almost close to the height of the black mist, a whole layer of solid walls was abruptly derived from a few meters from the ground, and smashed to the ground in a blink of an eye.


There was another sound of movement, accompanied by a slight tremor on the ground.

A curved stone wall spread out from top to bottom, like an upside-down giant bowl locking the black mist into it.


Obviously, Ronald's first attempt to send out the Black Mist to attack the opponent was a complete failure.

Being firmly locked in by such an integrated wall, even with the light and sparse mist, there is no way to find a gap to escape under such circumstances.

On the other side of the execution ground, Ronald quietly watched everything in his eyes.

He instantly remembered what he had experienced in the afternoon. At that time, in Elva's house, a wall appeared inexplicably to block his and Rafael's way.

The spells being used by this guy right now undoubtedly fit this characteristic.

- Immediately make a simple inference.

Judging from the posture of Elva holding the book, there is no doubt that this is also a holder of the original book.

And refer to the effect caused by this original script...

According to what Ronald has seen and heard since he traveled, this is probably an original text related to architecture, which is why there are indestructible walls in various previous encounters.

It's a pity that the distance between the two sides is too far, and he did not hear the content of the 'spell' recited by the other party.

Otherwise, things will be clearer now.

Turning his eyes down, Ronald tried to control the black mist he was imprisoned to break through the blockade with all his strength.

The hard stone wall was intact, and the power of the black mist itself was not enough to break the blockade.

- Attempt failed.

In front of him was the stone cage that locked the black mist.

I am afraid that in terms of hardness, it is not far from the kind of wall that Ronald encountered before.

The first sneak attack tactic failed, and Ronald turned to thinking about the next tactic.

It was at this moment that Elva, who was standing at the top of the stone pillar and in a high position, spoke up.

The old scholar looked at Ronald on the execution ground with his sharp eyes.

Although there were some doubts in his heart, Elva immediately asked in a complicated tone:

"Are you Ronald Adler?"

"The sneak attack just now was well done, but it's too frivolous to choose to fight with me."



The voice gradually decreased until it disappeared, and Elva immediately exerted strength with one hand.

And the scriptures unfolded in his hands were immediately closed together gently.

Because of the distance, Ronald didn't know what was at the end of the other party's words.

But judging from the current situation, there must be some new tricks to be launched.

Knowing that he couldn't sit still, Ronald snapped his fingers with his gloved right hand, and then the original text of "The Divine Comedy - Hell Chapter" appeared in his hand again, and the recited verse immediately recited:

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


The new black mist around them rose again.

Meanwhile, Ronald's previous confusion was explained.

The purpose of the spell Elva launched this time was not to attack Ronald on the ground, but to completely lock Ronald in this execution ground.

Still centered on the stone pillar, the stone walls on the higher floor stretched out in all directions, and soon they were firmly inserted into the stands around the execution ground and above the walls. Immediately afterwards, these dark gray walls that spread out immediately closed in the air, and then turned into a whole without any gaps.

In this way, the entire execution ground was completely surrounded by a wall made of magic.

No one can get out of here easily.


Why is it like this afternoon again...

Faced with such a result, Ronald felt a little speechless.

This kind of spell that specializes in shaping terrain, he really feels difficult to deal with.

Of course, this is just a whimper.

While the stone wall blocked the environment, Ronald also let the spreading black mist fill the entire execution ground. As long as someone dares to come down and do it himself, it is guaranteed that the other party will lose consciousness in an instant.

Raising his head slightly, Ronald stared in the direction above his head.

It was pure darkness.

Ronald's eyes were still able to see in very dim conditions, despite being physically augmented.

But when the starlight overhead was completely obscured by the stone wall and black mist, it turned into complete darkness.

He can only rely on the power of 'Rage' for investigation.

Almost at the same time, Elva's voice also appeared under the stone wall.

Because of the completely closed environment, this guy's voice is very thick and full of echoes at the moment:

"Ronald, put down the scriptures in your hands now."

"And then honestly accept my control."

"In this case, I will take you back, and then you will naturally be able to understand the truth of the world and make the right choice."

"We are not enemies."


In the face of such an 'exhortation', Ronald shook his head speechlessly.

He didn't even bother to answer Elva.

Regardless of whether the other party is telling the truth or not, whether the attitude is good or bad.

It is also impossible for him to accept the enemy's persuasion in battle.

When faced with this situation, it is the right choice to beat the opponent down and do whatever they want.


Smashing his lips, Ronald clenched his fist and slammed it hard in front of him.


A soft white light flashed in the utter darkness.

At the same time, Ronald's gloved fist collided with what was in front of him, and the other party collapsed in an instant.

It was a stone pillar that suddenly pierced out two sharp points.

From top to bottom, he stabbed straight towards Ronald in the If he hadn't shot him in time to smash him, I'm afraid the whole person would have been pierced alive...

No, at most, smash yourself to the ground, right?

thought here.

The corner of Ronald's mouth slowly revealed a satisfied smile.

Just like facing Malcolm at the beginning, the protective power of "Paradise" is as good as it gets.

It is impossible for the opponent's attack to penetrate his own defense.

Although the white light that flickered from top to bottom was soft, there was no doubt about its sturdiness.

And this is also Ronald's best trump card in an invincible position.

Next, it is time to wait for the counterattack.

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