Mystic Dominator

Chapter 243: the enemy arrives

The night was getting darker.

Under such a dark night, a solitary figure sat on the edge of the execution platform in the center of the execution ground, as if waiting for something.

Other than that, the open square looks unremarkable.

It has not been used for nearly a year. Only the regularly cleaned place can clearly see all the places at a glance. Quiet and empty is the first impression of this place.

Of course, these are just illusions.

In the most secret corner of the execution ground, the dark space was filled up by the crawling black mist. As long as the enemy appeared here, they would swarm up and engulf it completely.


In the silence, the man sitting in the center of the execution ground coughed a few times.

Of course he is Ronald.

And the enemy he was waiting for will come here soon.

Sniffing the cold wind without the slightest **** smell in the execution ground, Ronald didn't feel lonely at all, and at this moment, he looked down at the brand new light gray gloves on his hands.

Just now, Claudia used the corners of her clothes to make such a thing temporarily. Although the product of temporary work, this glove is the right size and comfortable to wear.

Really versatile...

Sitting in such an environment and thinking, Ronald's eyes subconsciously looked at the direction of the left wall.

That's where Claudia disappeared before.

In terms of the comprehensiveness of abilities, it has to be admitted that the spellcasters who use the original book of "Encyclopedia Britannica" are simply exaggerated to outrageous.

Attack, retrieval, clutter...

All kinds of needs can be handled in one hand.

And even hiding the trail, Claudia can now execute it perfectly.

At least from the perspective of Ronald's enhanced eyesight, now he can't see the other person's figure from this execution ground purely by his eyesight.

But if you can...

Ronald definitely didn't want to choose someone like that as an opponent.



Just when Ronald felt some emotion in his heart, a cold wind blew across his face.

At the same time, the investigative effect of the power of ‘Rage’ reacted at the same time.

Because of the problems encountered in Springs today, Ronald deliberately locked the detection range to about 100 meters around the execution ground, so that the information from the spell feedback would hardly bring any pressure to him.

So now, Ronald was clearly aware that someone was approaching the location of the execution ground, and there was almost no error in the straight path.

- The enemy is coming.

Realizing this, Ronald's entire energy was locked on the other side.

There are three people in total, one person standing behind the other two, more or less with anger in their hearts.

If he succeeds in his subsequent raid, these three guys will all be within the target range of the power of ‘Rage’.

This... maybe a relatively simple battle?

Because of his trust in the ability of "The Divine Comedy", Ronald has already formulated the next tactics in his mind.

- Find a way to let the black mist touch the opponent's body.

- Simple, straightforward and effective.

Raising his head slightly, Ronald quietly watched the direction of the main entrance of the execution ground.

Although the surroundings were silent, he was sure that the enemy would soon arrive.

clap clap clap-

In the darkness, three jagged footsteps sounded.

Just like the intelligence that Ronald had monitored, the three figures soon walked in through the dark gate of the execution ground.

The three guys who appeared in Qi Qi consisted of an old scholar and two students who followed behind him.

Elva and the two Weldrin students he brought home.

The exact same combination was exactly what Ronald and Rafael saw when they peeped in the afternoon, without even any degree of change.


I feel a little subtle in my heart.

To be on the safe side, Ronald immediately expanded the detection range of the power of 'Rage'. ,

However, the results of the investigation told him that there was no other ambush around except the three people in front of him.


This is all the power sent by the other side.

What to say?

This is a bit too weak.

While Ronald was still amazed by this discovery, Elva had brought two students into the execution ground, and at the same time found Ronald sitting on the central execution platform with low eyes.

in the dark night.

Seeing Ronald sitting alone, staring at them with low eyes.

Even if they took the initiative to come to the door, they were still a little worried.

Faced with such a situation, Elva raised his right hand, and the two students behind him stopped at the same time.

Then, at a considerable distance, the guy shouted to Ronald in a thick voice that did not match his age:

"Boy, is it you who came to make trouble at my house this afternoon?"


Another question that exceeded Ronald's expectations.

He originally thought that with the strength shown by this organization before, this guy at least already knew his identity after chasing him, and then said some informative words to himself.

As a result, when things came to an end, it was actually an ordinary question?

She shook her head regretfully.

Ronald jumped off the execution stand with a snap, then twisted his body slightly from side to side.

Although not as cold as oneself.

After sitting for a while, he still felt that his body was a little stiff from the cold wind, and he needed to move now.

Seeing Ronald's actions, Elva and his two students' eyes also focused on Ronald.

It is difficult for them to grasp the origin and purpose of the man in front of them.

However, at this moment, the surrounding black mist suddenly rushed towards them, and when their attention was attracted, it was difficult to guard against this kind of attack coming out of the shadowy corner.

Ronald started.

The main purpose of his actions is to attract the attention of the other party.

Just as he had decided before, he wanted to make it as easy as possible to get rid of the enemy.

As long as the other party is subject to you, why don't you just ask what you want to know?

However, at this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Elva also moved.

Although standing at the door of the execution ground and being attracted by Ronald, the old spellcaster still maintained a certain degree of caution and discovered the thick black fog that was attacking them in time.

His pupils froze, and he realized something in an instant.

"Be careful!"

"This guy is a canon holder!"

Hearing Elva's reminder, the two young people immediately showed bad expressions on their faces. However, probably out of the habit of fighting, they still kept standing behind Elva, as if they were going to put their safety completely on this guy.

At the same time, the old scholar also took out a book from his arms with a quickness that was not suitable for his age.

The black mist was about to touch the three of them a second before.

Elva successfully read the words above.

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