Mystic Dominator

Chapter 193: quantity

The latest website: Ronald speaks out.

Nicole and Swift, who each carried a priest, stopped their movements involuntarily.

Nicole first glanced around the cell.

Then he looked at Ronald who was standing there and asked:

"Ronald, what do you mean by something wrong?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the only people who can still stand in the dungeon are the three of us."

At the same time Nicole asked.

Swift, who is also carrying a priest, has begun to look around in the cell.

It's a pity that his situation is not very different from Nicole's.

Even with the support of his own magic, Mr. Detective did not find any new enemies from here.

In the quiet underground cell, there is no danger at all.


Looking at the two still-unknown companions, Ronald also knew that time was tight.

Without any hesitation, he simply explained:

"Swift, didn't you investigate the food delivery at the Warden's Mansion before?"

"The number of people I said at the time is now incompatible with the situation in this dungeon."

"And as a very important place in the warden's mansion, it is too weak to have only this level of defense."


Ronald explained.

Nicole and Swift, who were carrying the priest, also looked at each other immediately.

In each other's eyes, they all saw a touch of caution and vigilance at this moment.

— Ronald was right.

Among the three branches of the dungeon, five prisoners were imprisoned inside the cell, plus the two comatose priests in front of them, and the two guards controlled by Nicole in the hall.

In this way, there are only nineteen people in total.

The sum of the numbers is even close to the ten-person level from the number estimated by Swift's exploration in advance.

Even this dungeon treats prisoners fairly well.

But there is no reason to waste food for ten people, in such an impossible matter, right?

Silence for only a breath.

Swift said with great certainty:

"I can guarantee that my data is correct and the source is absolutely reliable."

"At least last night, the people in this dungeon consumed the corresponding amount of food..."

This way of speaking is quite in line with the logic of Mr. Detective's thinking.

He also agreed with Ronald's skepticism.

However, the way Swift expressed her approval was proved by her own intelligence that would never go wrong.

And hear this conclusion.

Nicole's reaction on the side was a little different.

Still holding the priest firmly on her body, the investigator girl said unwaveringly:

"You two, in fact, we don't need to continue to struggle on this matter."

"Even if the warden hides something shady in this dungeon, it has nothing to do with our actions at the moment."

"The purpose of the three of us today is to take these two guys out, and then use them as evidence to convince the bureau to send personnel to conduct a real and thorough investigation here."


The three exchanged glances and immediately confirmed each other's thoughts.

They all support Nicole's idea.

With the scale of the action of three people, it is indeed inconvenient to cause many incidents on the enemy's territory. It is necessary to complete the ultimate goal of this infiltration.

Once this is done, Grid's official forces are involved here.

All problems will no longer be problems.

Suddenly, Mr. Detective's body froze.

At this moment, Swift's eyes suddenly changed.

Because of Ronald's voice just now, Mr. Detective raised his attention and looked around. Looking through the side of the dungeon, his pupils suddenly tightened as he looked at the surroundings.

The first step directly raised his finger and shook it towards the two of them.

He then silently mouthed at the same time:

'someone is coming. ’


Seeing Swift make such a move, Ronald and Nicole were also immediately alerted.

As the only person on the scene who did not carry the priest.

Ronald made a quiet gesture, then took a step towards the exit of the dungeon passage by himself.

At the same time, black mist dripped from the fingers onto the ground and quickly spread around the corners of the dungeon.

Above is the Warden's mansion.

Although the warden himself is undoubtedly a powerful presence on the mysterious side.

But there are definitely a certain number of ordinary people among the servants hired by his family, so if there is a battle underground, it is also necessary to pay attention to controlling the scale within the normal range.

As Ronald who has "The Divine Comedy" as a means of combat.

Now is the most suitable combat candidate.

Just a few steps out of the cell.

Ronald saw the enemy that Swift prompted.

It was a man and a woman walking side by side, and the direction of progress was also on the side of the dungeon passage.

The direction these two guys came from was where Ronald and the others came down.

Being able to appear here means that they have seen two guards trapped by plants.

- I was completely exposed.

Realize this.

Without any hesitation, Ronald waved his hand immediately.

The churning black mist suddenly pierced from the corner of the wall, like a few sharp horns stabbing towards a man and a woman.

For this kind of attack, Ronald is still relatively confident.

Although the other party has not launched an attack against himself that meets the definition of "rape".

But as soon as the enemy is frightened, then enter the rhythm of battle.

Then there is bound to be a corresponding attack.

As long as there is such a situation, it is naturally the time for Ronald to lay the foundation for victory.

The facts were the same as Ronald expected.

Aware of the black mist attacking him, the man and the woman immediately evaded to the side with nervous expressions.


"It's an intruder's attack!"

It was because of this action that the two clearly saw Ronald walking out of the dungeon.

Quite tacitly, they shouted at the same time:

"Rush over and kill him!"

Side opening to remind each other.

The two finally resorted to the means that the mysterious side should have.

The originally normal body shape suddenly appeared in some limbs with special swelling.

The man's upper body is swollen in a circle, while the woman's legs are enlarged a lot.

The deformed parts of the two went up and down.

Just like a deformed person with problems in growth and development, just looking makes people feel uncomfortable.

And this deformity brings about an absolute increase in strength.

The woman's legs were bent down, and after a sudden jump, she jumped a considerable distance and jumped directly towards Ronald.

Men's attacks are simpler. UU reading

It was originally a dungeon built underground, and he simply waved his ridiculously thick arms, plucked a suitable stone from the dungeon wall, and threw it towards Ronald.

The sound of stones cutting through the air was rather harsh.

There is almost no doubt about how tragic the end will be if he is hit.

With a condensed look in his eyes, Ronald also took a very serious attitude.

One of the enemies took the initiative to attack, and the other immediately threw stones for cover.

This kind of fast-paced fighting style, at a glance, it is obvious that there must have been many mutual cooperation before.

Unfortunately, the enemy they encountered this time was Ronald.

Such plain and simple aggressive behavior.

It's almost like dying.

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