Mystic Dominator

Chapter 192: surprisingly simple

The latest website: The encounter after walking down the channel.

Gradually began to exceed the expectations of the three.

The dungeon below the warden's mansion, Ronald originally thought it was as dark and damp as an ordinary prison, and the environment was very dilapidated.

But after he really walked down, he realized that was not the case.

In addition to its own soil structure, the stairs that extend downwards are also covered with a layer of wooden boards, and there are even metal components wrapped with wooden boards at the corners to stabilize the stairs.

At the same time, there are neat lamps on both sides of the road hanging on the edge to provide the right level of lighting for this place where the sun does not reach.

Continue down to a depth of about five meters.

The stairs below are also coming to an end.

At this time, Swift, who followed Ronald and Nicole, whispered:

"There are people below, one five meters to the left, and another six meters to the right."

Hearing Mr. Detective's prompt, Nicole nodded calmly:

"Just leave it to me."

While speaking, the investigator girl took out a seed from her clothes pocket again, engraved a rune on it with her fingertips, and then tossed it forward along the stairs.


The tiny seeds fell to the ground, making almost no sound.

In this way, he rolled down the stairs and continued to move forward, and then disappeared from the sight of Ronald and the three of them.

next second.

Nicole's spell once again worked as it should.

The three of them stood on the stairs. Although they could not directly see what was happening in the dungeon, the lighting inside the dungeon still showed part of the scene in front of them through shadows.

The little seeds that fell on the ground began to show the life force of plants in an instant.

The shadow reflected on the ground quickly expanded and grew from a small dot the size of a button.

The new root system is inserted into the ground, and the branches and vines from scratch spread everywhere like the tentacles of the North Sea Monster.

The guards in the dungeon didn't even have time to make a decent resistance, they were surrounded by this sudden plant, and immediately lost all ability to resist.


Faced with such a result, Nicole scratched her hair in disbelief.

Looking back at the companion beside her, she asked in a low voice with a puzzled expression:

"It's not like we did something wrong, right?"

"At once……"

"Is that done?"

Facing the consternation on the investigator girl's face.

Swift shrugged and said calmly:

"At least from the perspective of my surgical reaction, they really lost all mobility."

Speaking as if to verify that his spells would not go wrong, Mr. Detective was the first to walk down.

It was not until he left the end of the stairs and confirmed the situation in the dungeon with his eyes that he waved to Ronald and Nicole behind him:

"It's alright, come down."

"It's actually not too difficult to understand."

"The strongest person in this house is not here now. How can an ordinary mysterious person be an opponent of your elite investigator?"

Hear what Mr. Detective has to say.

Nicole looked a little awkward, but nodded in approval:

"It's not wrong to say that."


After a few simple conversations, Ronald and Nicole followed them down the stairs.

Standing at the end of this tunnel, everything in the dungeon suddenly becomes clear.

The structure here is relatively simple.

There is a table in the hall at the entrance, and some must-have items for the dungeon guards hang on the walls.

Further ahead, three forked passages extend directly into the depths of the dungeon. On both sides of each passage, you can see separate cells opened up underground.

Of course, in this space at the moment.

The most striking thing is the spell that Nicole just started using.

The branches and vines growing crazily on the ground locked the two middle-aged men in white clothes to the table in the center of the hall, while covering their eyes.

Under this exaggerated restraint force, the two guards were almost motionless as if they were wearing restraints.

Looking at her results, the investigator girl nodded slightly.

Then he turned his eyes to Swift on the side:

"How about it, do you need me to open a lie detector?"

Mr. Detective shook his head:

"Leave this kind of simple work to me."

As he said that, he walked to the bound man in two steps, then squeezed his throat and asked in a sharper voice:

"Where were the two priests before?"

Hearing someone walking in front of him, the guard who was controlled could not see who was in front of him, but he still instinctively warned:

"Who are you, know this is..."


Swift knocked the two men unconscious without even waiting for an answer.

Turning to look at Ronald and Nicole, he immediately said:

"The two priests are here, let's look for them separately."

Ronald nodded:

"I'm going to the passage on the left."

Nicole followed closely and said:

"Then I'll go to the middle."

At this moment, the guard of the dungeon has been completely subdued by Nicole, and at the same time, he was knocked out by Swift in the restraint of the vines.

- Time is precious.

With no one to supervise at all, the three people each walked into the channel of their choice and began to check the situation here.

However, the reality again deviates from the expectations.

Taking what Ronald actually saw as an example, there is no unusually tragic picture here.

In the warden's dungeon, the treatment of prisoners is actually still on a passing line.

Despite the unavoidable mess, the prisoners showed no obvious physical disability, and their mental state was not the hysterical state of madness.

Even in a way, there's nothing wrong with treating the cells here as slightly messy warehouses.

This is too different from what I imagined...

With such complaints in his heart, Ronald also came to the end of this passage.

He was responsible for holding a total of five prisoners here.

Moreover, the figures of the two priests did not appear in the cell of this passage.

Shaking his head, Ronald then turned to leave.

When he returned to this side of the hall, Swift happened to be here too.

The two looked at each other, and Mr. Detective took the initiative to say:

"I only detained five prisoners here, and I didn't see those priests."

Ronald shrugged:

"Me too."

The situation is straightforward.

The two of them were in charge of the passage and did not see the figure of the priest, so it could only be Nicole's side.

At this moment, the voice of the investigator girl came from the last channel:

"The two of them are here with me. Come and help."

Hearing the voice Ronald and Swift walked in immediately.

The channel in charge of Nicole also held five prisoners.

But in the last position, two priests who had completely lost consciousness fell into a cell, and Nicole was dragging a person to stand up and prepare to go outside.

See the scene in front of you.

Swift stepped forward without hesitation, carrying the other priest up as well.

It was at this time.

Ronald, who was still at the door of the cell, vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Standing still, he pondered the trouble, and said in a confused tone:


"I think something is wrong!"

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