Mystic Dominator

Chapter 185: 3 man squad

Introducing Nicole and Swift.

In other words, the two of them will join the team investigating the warden's operation next. Ronald didn't spend much effort.

In the process, his work for the middleman went almost unbelievably smoothly.

Of course, this is also understandable.

The original professional characteristics of the detective and the investigator girl have allowed them to hear or see each other in daily life. At the same time, both of them are sensitive people, so they naturally understand the benefits of having an extra helper in this matter.

So there is no need for Ronald to specifically reconcile the relationship.

They just met once, and after a little talk, they confirmed the partnership.

That is, after the three confirmed their partnership, Nicole, an elite investigator of the Bureau of Investigation, finally found a chance to get detailed information about Salamanke from the bureau.

However, the results were somewhat surprising.

Recently, there have been no high-profile Salamanc activities near Burrenwich, and members of this school have no new applications and travel records to enter the city.

That way, things get more interesting.

After ruling out some assumptions, Ronald and the three currently have two results.

The first probability is slightly smaller, that is, the person who summoned the devil, Lamer, is far more powerful than ordinary spellcasters, and at least he is also the master of the original scriptures of the reserve.

After all, you can summon a demon from a distance and then control it to perform activities.

Even in this case, the other party can always observe Lamer's activities, and then immediately choose to recall the demon after Ronald launched the attack.

From the investigator's point of view, Nicole believes that this situation is possible.

However, if the assumption is true, then people with this kind of strength definitely belong to the school bosses in Salamanc. Even if that kind of guy appears in Burrenwich, they are not easy to do.

As for the second case.

It was Swift who proposed, and it was also a situation that the three of them thought were more likely.

—Someone has deceived the intelligence network of the Bureau of Investigation.

——At the same time, you have deceived the investigative methods of the cash] Follow the vx public.public account [Book Friends Base can also get cash!

After sneaking into the Burrenwich area unwittingly, the other party not only summoned a team of cult warlocks, but also secretly observed young and excellent spellcasters like Ronald and Nicole.

In this case, things are more troublesome.

The first thing to remember is that the first place that the demon Lamer appeared was on the train from Wulfman to Burrenwich, when this guy also assassinated a Nicklaus who was on the Dongfeng!

If you want to start from this angle, things are not impossible to check,

But to continue, the level of trouble involved is definitely quite tricky.

Want to go to Wulfman, the border city on the border with Entrod.

They had to pass through the Great Yoiz Forest, and at the same time communicate with the local investigation bureau or church, and then they could start the activity smoothly, and the effort and time required were almost immeasurable.

Faced with this situation, Ronald and Nicole could only put the matter on hold for the time being.

After all, the most important thing at the moment is the current situation in Burrenwich City.

There are many doubts about the warden and Rumil, which must be solved first.

If you leave it alone...

The final result is not easy to guess, but according to the experience of the two mysterious people, it is at least a lot more troublesome than the previous group of cult warlocks.

Decide on the core problem to be solved first, and the next thing is simple.

Wait for the moment.

Then get into action.

Find out the warden's problem and submit the most direct evidence to the Bureau of Investigation by Nicole.

Facing the evidence brought out by the elite investigators under his command.

Even if it is only out of the agency's own responsibility, the Bureau of Investigation will definitely send people to deal with it.

And in the face of this rebellion of public officials...

The power and means that the Bureau of Investigation can use is definitely not something that the Warden personally can compete with.

The warden and his heirs.

One is a public person who often comes forward, and the other is a newcomer to the upper class who needs to attend social occasions.

In fact, the opportunities are not small.

Just the second Friday after Ronald and their team unified.

This wonderful moment came quietly.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the warden will go to the city hall to give a public speech, and then he will be interviewed by a newspaper, and then participate in the following banquet.

At the same time, it coincides with the beginning of the weekend off.

Rumi also happened to receive an invitation to attend a social dance held by the local nobles in Berronwich, and when the 'girl' left, the manservant beside her would also go with her.

For Ronald and the others, this is the best hands-on opportunity!

The warden and Lumil are not at home, and the master of the original scripture with a mysterious origin will also leave with Lumil.

Such a warden's mansion.


In front of an elite investigator, a capable detective, and a 'somewhat good spellcaster'.

Getting in is hardly a problem.

At most, it would take a little effort to deal with some of the guards who happened to stay.

Time has passed, and this day has come.

Nicole applied for annual leave at the Bureau of Investigation in advance to ensure that she would not have tasks; Swift also ordered her apprentices in the morning to shirk all redundant work.

As for Ronald.

Saying goodbye to the landlady who was very polite to him recently, he also went out to the agreed destination.

It was a quarter past five in the afternoon.

When the people of Burrenwich were not off work.

The three of them gathered in a small coffee shop on the street outside Linzhong Road.

At this moment, people and cars are coming and going on the street. Most of the pedestrians on the road are citizens at work. At the same time, you can also see men and women walking on the street.

Because it is on the side of the road in the forest, it leads directly to another commercial street.

In such a position, the flow of pedestrians on the road is quite dense, and it is also very complicated.

By the time Ronald walked into the Nicole and Swift were already sitting at the corner of the coffee shop window and wall.

Through the not-so-clean windows, the conditions on the street can be directly observed.

And if you want to hide yourself, you can hide your body behind the wall without any problem.

Looking at the two companions in front of him, Ronald confirmed that the time was still more than ten minutes away from the appointment, and then he said:

"You two, shouldn't I be late?"


Swift took out his pocket watch and flicked it off. After confirming the time, he nodded:

"Of course it's not too late, you are twelve minutes early."

At this time, Nicole then smiled at Ronald:

"Actually, we've only been there for a while."

"Come and sit down, I've ordered your coffee too."

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