Mystic Dominator

Chapter 184: negotiated agreement

Nicole also noticed her gaffe.

After the initial exclamation, she immediately lowered her voice deliberately:

"Ronald, what do you mean?"

"Don't tell me the invitation letter in your mouth is the one I'm thinking of right now!"

Ronald nodded without thinking:

"If you think that this invitation letter is the one we both received, then you are not mistaken."


"This is impossible!"

Standing there for a few seconds, Nicole squeezed into Ronald's ear.

Immediately, the investigator girl kept her voice as low as possible, but her tone began to rise and said:

"Ronald, didn't you get confused by some kind of illusion?"

"Do you want me to check your body?"


Hearing Nicole's words, Ronald looked at her quite speechlessly for a few seconds.

The look on the guy's face almost believed that something was wrong with him, and he didn't believe that Lamer reappeared in Burrenwich and then delivered the message to himself.

Faced with such a situation, he simply answered directly:

"How do you want to check?"

"Stand still." Seeing that Ronald himself agreed, Nicole didn't mean to be polite, she went straight to Ronald's back, and lifted his clothes.

The next second, Ronald felt cold fingers caressing his back.

Immediately afterwards, Nicole's magic power poured into his body, gradually reaching up and down his body along his spine.

Ronald didn't feel any discomfort at all.

The investigator girl's control of her own power was meticulous and did not bring him any degree of burden at all. The inspection process was smooth and very fast.

After about a minute or so, the process is over.

Feeling the cold fingers leave his back without a word, Ronald turned around.

Right in front of him, the investigator girl frowned and looked troubled.

Obviously very confused about the inspection just now.

Ronald asked:

"Any questions?"

Nicole shook her head decisively, and looked at Ronald with a special look:

"Although you are not disturbed by illusions or the like."

"But the problem is that the spells in your body that are used to strengthen your physique are very exaggerated. If it weren't for my skill, the average spellcaster might not be able to detect it at all..."

Suddenly, the investigator girl shook her head vigorously:

"No no no!"

"Stop talking about detection."

"Your exaggerated technique is only a thin line away from the enhancement of the original level..."

Having said that, Nicole's eyes on Ronald have completely calmed down.

The meaning revealed in his eyes is clearly the feeling of 'you have two brushes'.

"Such a powerful caster."

"It's no wonder that you can receive an invitation letter like me."

The investigator girl sighed a few words to herself.

Having ruled out Ronald's interference, she immediately pulled the conversation back on track.

"So Ronald, the demon named Ramer, was probably summoned by the person who sent us the invitation?"

Ronald nodded and said:

"It should be so."

"The message it sent me was to continue following the current clues."

Hearing this, Nicole raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction:

"Then why didn't it come to me?"

"Do you despise the Bureau of Investigation, or do you despise [Ogan's Secret]?"

Ronald is not the vanished Lamer.

Faced with this question from the investigator girl, he could only helplessly shrug:

"I don't know that."

"The reason why I went to your house overnight last night was because I happened to encounter something you have been paying attention to, so I wanted to tell you as soon as possible."


Hearing Ronald's answer, Nicole was silent for a few seconds.

Very abruptly, the girl showed a bright smile, then leaned over and hugged Ronald gently.

With her delicate body leaning on Ronald, Nicole said in a rare gentle tone:

"Thank you very much, Ronald."

Hearing the mood in the other party's tone, Ronald responded immediately:

"This is what I should do."

After maintaining this action for a few seconds, Nicole voluntarily released her hands.

The eyes of the two looked at each other again, the tenderness in the investigator girl's pupils had turned serious, and she opened her mouth to analyze the current situation:

"Let's put aside how Lamer escaped."

"In short, now, we just understand that this organization must have a powerful Salamanker who is knowledgeable and can summon demons to the world. There is not much specific and effective knowledge."

"That's right." Ronald nodded, then continued following Nicole's words, "but it's not impossible to investigate. When Lamer finally disappeared in the suburbs, it seemed that he was taken away by the summoner, and the I saw it with my own eyes."

"With that in mind, the person who summoned it might be near Burrenwich."

Hearing Ronald's thoughts, Nicole nodded in agreement:

"Because the premise of Lamer's appearance before was to be summoned, the Bureau of Investigation has actually counted the traces of Salamanke near Burrenwich in detail, but unfortunately, no trace of the other party has been found."

"But now, as long as I get the data to make a comparison."

"You can find the most suspicious person!"

Ronald said with some regret:

"But in that case, I may not be able to provide much help."

After all, he is no longer the temporary worker who worked for the Bureau of Investigation.

Now Ronald wants to enter the Bureau of Investigation to check the information, it can only be said to be a whimsical daydream.

In the face of such a situation, Nicole waved her hand indifferently:

"You don't have to worry about this, just leave it to me to deal with it."

"In any case, I am also an elite investigator of the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation, and I still have the qualifications to access the information."

Ronald nodded and said:

"Then trouble you."

Nicole smiled slightly:

"It's just a trifle."


Next, the two roughly discussed the specific details of the operation.

After Ronald and Nicole made an appointment to meet with the big detective on Wednesday afternoon, the investigator girl left the apartment.

Nicole is an investigator after all and has a serious job.

I was on the night shift last night, and I will go back to work today after a rest.

Standing at the door of the apartment and watching the girl's voice fade away, Ronald turned around and walked into the apartment after watching him leave the street.

Immediately, a very dissatisfied look was cast on Ronald.

Just in the lobby on the first floor, Mrs. Hudson stood there carrying a basket, watching Ronald back into the room with rather sharp eyes.


The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

Then, the situation in which Ronald was defeated and fled was the end of this confrontation.

It wasn't until he was walking up the stairs that Ronald looked at his shoulder, where Ms. Hudson had been staring.


—Ronald understood what was going on.

On his shoulders, a beautiful long white hair was stuck there.

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