Mystic Dominator

Chapter 163: dangerous choice

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"If that's the case, let's sort out the information."

Faced with such a reply from Swift.

It is impossible for Ronald to say that he is completely unmoved.

After all, the decision made by Mr. Detective in front of him is to face unknown dangers with him.

Especially the incident involving the master of the original!

Turning the empty teacup with his fingers, Ronald recalled his previous experience, and at the same time began to tell some things that he hadn't mentioned last time.

This time he covered most of the things in great detail.

The effect of his own spells, the speculation about the identity of Rumir and that 'manservant', and the fact that the warden may betray...

Such information is listed one by one.

Share the most complete intelligence possible with Swift.

On the side of the detective, he also explained his previous work in detail in the subsequent discussion.

As it turns out, Swift's title of Great Detective isn't just for nothing.

Compared with Ronald's five-day squatting tactics, Mr. Detective gained a lot of information in just two days of stalking work.

- the distribution of rooms in the Warden's Mansion;

- the location of Rumier's residence in the manor;

—And the daily follow-up of the guy next to her disguised as a servant who is actually the master of the scriptures.

Lots of things, if not all of them.

But basically understand.

From this, Ronald also guessed what Swift was thinking.

The detective's heart is probably more fiery than his apparent performance.

If not the heart tends to act.

Then this detective, there is absolutely no need to do so much work in his stalking commission.

Ronald would even doubt it.

If he had chosen to back down just now, Swift might have taken action on his own and investigated the matter in more detail.

After about a quarter of an hour, the two were almost finished.

The news that can be guessed so far.

It was at the same time that Ronald left from Montenegro, Rumier also left from another direction on Montenegro.

Unlike the Ronald duo who got into the forest and jumped off the train.

Rumil should have a clear purpose to move towards Berronwich, and then after about ten days or so, she successfully came to the city, and at the same time got in touch with the warden.

That's about a month and a half after this time.

Rumil and the warden turned over another scripture controller out of nowhere, and at the same time persuaded the other party to pretend to be a valet, and then guarded Lumil by his side 24 hours a day.

During the period when the two were almost inseparable, the 'manservant''s research on his original scriptures had an accident, which finally led to the explosion of divine energy in Burrenwich more than a month ago.

Even after the activities of the cult warlock, the investigators of the Bureau of Investigation found clues.

In the end, the crackdown was launched, which led to a series of events.

The center of all events.

After all, it was the night above Montenegro.

At that time, Ronald got the **** chapter in "The Divine Comedy".

He can boldly speculate that the purgatory and heaven chapters of "The Divine Comedy" were also on Montenegro at that time.

While she and Alyda were hiding in the garden to recover from their wounds, Rumil rendezvoused with someone Ronald had never met, took the other two parts of the tome, killed Thomson and left Montenegro.

After all, Ronald still vaguely remembers.

When I heard the sound of the black fog on the Montenegro, the roar in the wind was more than the pain of hell.

At the same time, he is clearly accusing the suffering of 'Purgatory'!

Then came the interesting thing.

The Warden's presence in Burrenwich was not short enough to be excluded.

So, is it possible for the remaining Rumier and the 'manservant' to master the Heaven and Purgatory chapters respectively?

After all sorts of coincidences came together.

Even if the probability of something itself is small, the probability of occurrence can still become very large.

if that is the case......

At that time, they will have to face it, but it will be the three masters of the original scriptures!

Just thinking about it makes one's head dizzy.

The two discussed here, and the conversation entered a short break.

After more than a minute, Swift continued to refresh the two with hot tea, and then said:

"Ronald, what are your thoughts now?"

"For example, the main idea of ​​​​the next action."

"Thoughts..." Facing Swift's inquiry, Ronald pondered for a moment before analyzing the narrative, "If it's just the two of us, pure force combat is absolutely not advisable."

"But if you rush to the Bureau of Investigation to report the warden's problem, it's also unrealistic. Don't say anything to go and arrest people. Even the Bureau of Investigation first suspects that we can't be sure."

"As for the church, looking at their current attitude, direct contact will only put us in a very dangerous situation, and it is indeed impossible to ask for their assistance."



Swift nodded while drinking tea:

"At present, all Burrenwitch can trust is ourselves, but with only the two of us, it is difficult to deal with the warden's master."

Speaking of which, Mr. Detective put down his teacup and sighed:


"The social strength accumulated by the Bach guy is really difficult to handle."

"It's good to have a successful master of the original scriptures, but he has to be involved in this kind of thing."


Looking at Swift's sighed look, Ronald also took a sip of tea.

Immediately, he continued following the previous topic:

"Let's not talk about the ideas of those big men. The main problem is how to act."

"Just based on the fact that there are two masters of the original scriptures in the Bach mansion, it is very difficult for us to win by force. If we really want to succeed in this matter, we must use the strength of others."

Looking at Ronald, Swift shook his head:

"If you want to overthrow the warden at Burrenwich."

"With all due respect, only three parties can do this."

"The first is the army. You don't have to think about it at all. It is absolutely impossible for civilians like us to order them."

"And the remaining two are naturally the Bureau of Investigation and the Church."

"We have to find a friend who might help us out of the remaining two."

Hearing this, Ronald expressed his thoughts:

"I think the Bureau of Investigation is more reliable. After all, they have a natural responsibility to protect Berlenwich. As long as we can find conclusive evidence to ensure that after reporting this matter, the Bureau of Investigation will definitely stand by us. "

"Then there is a high probability that they will still take action."

"Even with the help of the Bureau of Investigation, the warden may become easier to deal with."

"If there is evidence, it can only be at Bach's mansion."

Listening to Ronald's analysis, Swift nodded and said:

"When I was investigating in the past two days, I knew a lot about the situation of the manor. In general, there was no problem with the parts above the ground. If there is any hidden evidence, it must be in the dungeon under the warden's house. ."


Having said that, Swift stopped talking and his eyes became low.

And Ronald added what he wanted to say.

"Yet want to get in there."

"It's too dangerous."

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