Mystic Dominator

Chapter 162: detective advice

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"So what did you find?"

Facing the serious and nervous eyes of the detective, Ronald stared at the other party's eyes without showing weakness, and then continued:

"I told you before, this is very dangerous."

"And above the Montenegro, I have indeed seen the body of Rumil, there is absolutely no doubt about that."


Facing Ronald's answer, Swift was silent.

The pestle remained motionless for several seconds before finally shaking his head in frustration, then turned his head and led the way upstairs.


"Go upstairs first."

"In the living room on the second floor, there is an art guard that I asked someone to make. At least it won't be eavesdropped. Although I haven't exposed it here, at least I have to take due precautions."


Nodding in agreement, Ronald followed Swift up the second floor.

It was still the same living room last time. After the two sat down separately, Swift poured a cup of hot tea for Ronald, and then said with some emotion:

"The Rumier adopted by Bach may be a summoned object, or some kind of magic derivative, or a creature from another world. I can't determine the specific type, but in short, that 'Rumiel' is definitely not a human being!"

"My school of magic is specialized in perception and human behavior, and in my observation over the past two days, that guy definitely does not conform to human characteristics in all aspects."

"Isn't it human..."

Hearing Swift's explanation, Ronald nodded noncommittally.

In fact, this is also in his previous assumptions.

After all, the things above Montenegro have verified a lot of things, but as Swift said, now I just don't know what happened to Rumir.

Meanwhile, Swift's explanation continues.

After adjusting his sitting position on the sofa, Mr. Detective said in a serious and serious tone:

"Actually I've investigated more than that."

"During these two days of stalking, I sneaked into the Warden's manor by the way, and found something even more surprising."

"That Lumil, isn't there a man following him all the time?"

Ronald nodded:

"Yes, I remember it too."

Swift took a breath to calm down before continuing:

"Tell you."

"The guy who looks like a servant on the surface is actually a master of the scriptures!"


Ronald also shook his hand that was holding the teacup:

"Are you sure about this?"

To be honest, this news was somewhat beyond his expectations.

At the banquet held by the Bureau of Investigation, Ronald knew that the valet was protecting Rumir.

But I never thought that it was actually a master of the original scriptures!

What are you kidding?

The situation in Burrenwich has been exaggerated to such an extent?

Even with the social status and status of a warden, it would be too outrageous to let a master of the scriptures be a valet.

"Of course I'm sure he is."

Looking at Ronald's dumbfoundedness in front of him, Swift understood his surprise very well.

After waiting for a few seconds, he continued to speak more explosive information.

"Actually, that guy is more than a master of the scriptures."

"Even the explosion of divine energy in Burrenwych two months ago, I suspect there is a connection with the scriptures in this man's hands."

"After all, when I was following that guy, in the remnants of his extremely fast-dissipating magical power, I felt the divine aura emanating from that mysterious event, and there was almost no difference in the nature of magic."


Ronald was silent.

Another thing he didn't expect before.

The culprit that caused the mysterious side fluctuations of Burrenwich was actually the master of this original scripture?

- an unimaginable situation.

But at the same time, it seems that he can match his own experience during this period of time.

After all, the warden is a traitor, so it naturally makes sense to harbor a dangerous person in his home.

After a while, Ronald said again:

"What about the church members?"

"The two clergymen who entered the warden's house as I said."


Hearing the word, Swift's eyes flashed with sadness.

But he quickly suppressed his emotions and continued to explain to Ronald:

"The situation on the church side is very strange. There is almost no reaction to the things here, as if the two clergy have been given up by default."

"In order to ensure the accuracy of the information, I also conducted a special investigation. Those two priests are the same priests who are really registered as you said, and they did not appear in Berlenwich for the past two days."


Ronald wanted to know if Swift had other ideas, so he asked one more question:

"So what do you think, how are they doing now?"

Swift responded immediately:

"They are without a doubt at the warden's house."

"But now, if it's in the dungeon or in the cemetery, then I don't know."


After speaking, the two fell into a brief silence.

After picking up the tea and drinking it at the same time, Swift broke the silence first.

"Ronald, what are your thoughts now?"

Ronald pointed to himself:

"my thoughts?"

"That's what you think." Swift nodded affirmatively, and then continued: "Are you going to report this to the Bureau of Investigation, or are you going to hide it as a non-event area? Tuck?"

"As a friend, I suggest you choose the latter."

"As long as this kind of thing is stabbed out from your side, no matter what the final result is, I am afraid you will inevitably get into trouble."

"We shouldn't get involved in such a big event."

"This is my advice, as a detective, to your employer."


"you're right."

Seeing Swift's serious expression, Ronald nodded.

Mr. Detective's suggestion was undoubtedly made out of good intentions.

From a normal person's point of view, no matter what aspect you are in, you shouldn't continue to participate, and it is the right choice to leave immediately.

But unfortunately, Ronald still has The Divine Comedy in his hands.

There are also some very subjective things that make him unable to let go.

So this matter, he did not intend to escape.

Taking the commission for the operation from his jacket pocket, Ronald slowly placed it in front of Swift:

"If that's the case, then let's end this commission for now."

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Swift."


However, in the face of Ronald's actions, Swift showed a completely different reaction from just now.

"This commission is not complete."

Taking the initiative to push the commission back to Ronald, Mr. Detective shook his head:

"Next, we can conduct a follow-up investigation."

"This is my advice to my friends as a detective."

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