Mystic Dominator

Chapter 160: work out of town

Early Saturday morning.

Ronald sat in his office in the suburban manor.

This weekend is not as affected by the blizzard weather as last weekend.

The road returned to normal, and the sky was cloudless.

In this good weather, the number of people participating in the exhibition will naturally return to normal.

According to Ronald's visual and mental calculations.

The number of guests who came to the exhibition this morning was at least a medium-sized party.

You must know that the people who will come here are at least the relevant personnel on the mysterious side.

Even the faces that Ronald saw at the banquet last time appeared in two or three people here.

In a sense, this is also a "celebrity" party that is open regularly.

Seeing people coming and going, visitors in all kinds of costumes came in and out of the exhibition venue.

Ronald's work is finally normal again.

At least not like a train station or an investigator, who encountered unexpected and surprising developments shortly after taking office.

But well...

Although Ronald was sitting in the office, his eyes were indeed aimed at the constant stream of guests entering and leaving the mansion.

But Ronald's heart had long since returned to Burrenwich.

To be more specific.

——No. 13, Linzhong Road.

— Home of Warden Bach Christians.


curious? Worried? Confuse?

There are all kinds of moods.

But all in all, Ronald is very concerned about the current state of Burrenwich.

Last night, Swift did accept his commission.

Of course, Ronald couldn't deceive the other party on key information by letting others help him to do dangerous tracking work. After all, unlike church members who are motivated by self-interest, Swift is all about helping herself.

So apart from Arida and the original book in his hands, Ronald basically gave Swift all the descriptions of what happened above Montenegro.

Among them, it is about the fact that he has seen the dead body of Lumil.

Naturally, he also clearly told Mr. Detective.

Well, at the work level of a professional like Swift.

How is he now?

Is there a new accident in the city?

And what kind of reaction would the church administrators in Burrenwich make when they noticed that their members were missing in the warden's mansion?

And that Rumir, who became the heir of the warden, and the 'inner ghost' warden, will they do anything else?

These are all things that Ronald is very concerned about now.

Also, there is a guy who has never been seen.

——The force that handed Ronald the ciphered letter earlier.

Since this force passed on the information to itself two weeks ago, there has been no response.

There is no trace of their activity in Burrenwich.

I haven't received any new news since.

After conveying this news, they disappeared as if they had evaporated from the world, which is also a puzzling behavior.

For the sake of social stability and the safety of the people, they should report the news to the Bureau of Investigation.

If the purpose is related to oneself, it is time to do something new.

The elusive rules of conduct.



Sitting in the chair, Ronald couldn't help sighing.

Although I have been prepared before, but after really joining this complicated and confusing theater, the complicated things are still a little confusing.

bang bang bang——

At this moment, there was a sound from outside Ronald's office, and the rhythmic three knocks on the door fully demonstrated the courtesy of the person who came.

Immediately, a calm man's voice also sounded outside the door:

"Mr. Ronald, is it convenient for me to come in now?"

Ronald immediately responded loudly:

"No problem, come in."

Immediately, the man outside the door pushed the door into the house.

This is the guard commander of the exhibition, which Ronald has seen before.

--Hanson Edric.

He is considered to be Everton's most valued confidant in this suburban manor. On normal working days, that is, when the exhibition is closed, he is generally responsible for the entire management of the manor.

At this moment, when Hansen walked into Ronald's office, he was holding a black lacquered wooden box, which was tightly secured by a small lock.

The exquisite shape and materials themselves show that this wooden box has a certain value.

So, why did Hansen come to him?

It's not like Everton realized that no one was making trouble at the exhibition, so he wanted to fire himself!

Under Ronald's curious gaze, Hansen didn't speak when he came in.

With a confident look around the room, the guard took a step forward and put the box in Ronald's desk on Ronald's desk.

Seeing the other party's actions, Ronald asked:

"this is......"

Facing Ronald's question.

Hansen took out a key from his pocket and put it on the table before answering:

"Mr. Ronald, this is a very important treasure shipped directly from the Springs commercial headquarters. Mr. Everton has decided that this object will be used as a part of the two-day exhibition next week. The core of the exhibition is displayed.”

Ronald asked:

"So you came to me now, just to confirm in advance?"

"That's right." Hansen nodded, and then pointed to the box and key on the I came here early this week, just to discuss its placement with you, as well as the relevant security at that time. question. "

"Now, I suggest you open it first to confirm the contents."

Ronald was silent for a moment, did not open the box directly, but confirmed in advance:

"Looking at your cautious attitude, what's inside shouldn't be simple."

"What exactly is this?"


Hansen didn't do much else, and simply explained:

"It's a unicorn's horn."

"Whether it is used as a medium for casting spells, materials for making props, or a requirement in some mysterious rituals, these are extremely precious and powerful magic items with excellent effects."

"Even because it is too precious, even if someone dares to steal it from our Chamber of Commerce, it is entirely possible."


"All right."

After listening to this explanation, Ronald nodded speechlessly.

In Hansen's simple description, the meaning contained in it is not simple.

With the strength, dare to take things from their hands, how much risk they have to take can be imagined.

From this, we can see how high the real value of this thing is!

"Now, let's first consider how the exhibits will be placed during the next week's exhibition, as well as the placement of the guards at that time."

Hansen nodded as usual:

"Of course."

So in Ronald's office, the two began to discuss work next week.

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