Mystic Dominator

Chapter 159: entrust

What happened to the two church members who entered the warden's house?

Are they still alive now?

However, it can be seen from the fact that the church's carriage specially returned to Linzhong Road, waited for a while and then returned without success, and finally had no choice but to leave.

As for the church, there is no doubt that they did not get in touch with these two priests.

As a result, Ronald, who watched all night, did not see the two leave.

They also did not return to church.

The result was simple.

They really stayed in the warden's mansion, and something must have happened.

Then, there will be even more unpredictable situations.

What exactly is the result?

Ronald has no intention of speculating now.

His choice was to continue to wait, but until noon passed, there was still no movement from the warden.



Finally, when the time entered the afternoon.

Ronald heard his stomach protest against him.

From yesterday to now, he has only eaten one breakfast in total, which is really uncomfortable at the moment.

The usual words will pass if you endure it for a while.

But today is Friday.

Early in the morning tomorrow, Ronald has to go out of town to work in the suburbs.

He has no intention of breaking the contract signed with Everton, and he has always followed the laws of his previous life.

After thinking for a few seconds, Ronald turned his head and left the forest road.

Of course.

This does not mean that he is going back to the pension to rest.

The destination of Ronald's trip was a commercial street in Burrenwich.

— Ruby Street.

Swift's studio is located at 12th this street.

Ronald is here to find this Mr. Detective.

Tomorrow, I have to go outside the city to perform the work obligations brought by the contract, so I definitely don't have time to keep tracking here.

under these circumstances.

Ronald can think of the most suitable person for this job.

Of course it was the detective Swift.

——the reputation the great detective has;

——A member of the mysterious side;

——A famous person who enjoys a reputation among the people;

——I have a pretty good relationship with myself.

With various identities superimposed, Ronald believes that Swift is someone who can be trusted.

And looking back on his own experiences on the train and in Burrenwich afterwards, Swift is also a person with basic professional ethics.

I just don't know how much this guy will charge him for this kind of entrustment...

Although he was hungry, Ronald was not slow.

Soon, Swift's home arrived.

It was still the same two-story building he came to last time. Ronald walked up and knocked on the door three times rhythmically.

bang bang bang——

Soon, someone in the room responded:

"Who is it?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Ronald Adler is here to visit!"


The door opened from the inside, and it was the apprentice who opened the door for Ronald last time.

Looking at Ronald in front of him, the young man smiled before continuing to ask:

"Mr. Ronald, are you still looking for Mr. Swift?"

Ronald nodded:

"That's right."

"Is Swift here today?"

Hearing Ronald's question, the young man immediately nodded and said:

"Sir is right here, I'll go and call him down."

As Ronald walked into the studio, he nodded his thanks:

"Then I'll trouble you."

After a simple exchange, the young man first bypassed Ronald and closed the door behind him, and then walked to the second floor with agile steps.

In less than a minute, Swift walked down the stairs.

Mr. Detective looked a little tired.

Should have been resting before.

Just wearing a very casual everyday outfit, Swift walked down without even straightening the folds of her clothes.

Seeing Ronald standing in the studio, the detective greeted lazily:

"Ronald, why are you free to come to me today?"

"Don't be... eh?"


Originally wanted to continue greeting, but before he finished speaking, Swift's lazy eyes began to sharpen.

He stared at Ronald closely, and his eyes looked up and down several times.

Immediately, he waved to the young man beside him:

"Carol, you'll be on the side of the studio. Mr. Ronald and I have something to do."

"If anyone wants to come up to see me, you should let him wait first."

"If you encounter something that can't be stopped, you remind me loudly."


Hearing the seriousness in Swift's tone, Carlo was also shocked:

"Sir, I understand!"


Nodding slightly to his apprentice, Swift then waved to Ronald.

The two of them understood, and immediately walked up to the second floor together.

The second floor is Swift's lounge, which is exactly his home in Burrenwich.

The medium-sized floor was neatly divided into several rooms by Mr. Detective, and the two of them came to the living room, which was located by the street and had very good lighting.

He took Ronald into it, turned around and locked the living room door.

Swift carefully closed the curtains again, and then sat down with Ronald on the sofa in the living room:

"Ronald, you don't look right today."

"The traces on the clothes, some poor mental state, and you are still coming to me at this time, did you last night..."

Speaking of which, Swift suddenly shook her head.

After a few seconds, he made a firm judgment:

"No, not last night."

"You should have been active outside since yesterday, and you haven't rested until this time this and finally came to me immediately."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple to make you so hasty, right?"

"You really have a burning eye."

Ronald first praised the other party's attentiveness, and then simply stated his purpose:

"I'm here, and naturally I have a very important commission I want to give you."

"How about it, do you want to listen to me continue?"


Looking at Ronald's eyes, Swift thought for a moment before continuing to ask:

"It seems that today's commission is still a very dangerous job?"

Ronald nodded, and then introduced somewhat implicitly:

"The forces involved in this matter are quite extensive, and the level of trouble is very troublesome."

"Now in Burrenwich, I can't trust anyone else to do this."

"Only you, a great detective with good reputation and strength, I dare to come here for help now."


The meaning in Ronald's words is very simple.

The wide range of forces involved means that it may provoke a lot of people, and it is difficult for people on the mysterious side, which means that the mysterious side is involved. Combining the two, the danger is self-evident.

Faced with such a reply.

Swift was silent for a long time, and finally nodded:

"If it's not a job that is harmful to the social order, then leave it to me."

Ronald showed a grateful smile, then replied:

"This is a long story..."

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