Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1570: under the shady

Latest URL: Ronald immediately used the [Celestial Globe] to locate Lilya's location.

Then, he found that his spell had failed.

After the previous battle, the president of [Nine Precepts Secret Society] also realized that he was locked.

So on the way to St Alan's Cathedral.

This highly skilled original code holder used a secret method to clear the mark of the [Celestial Globe].

"Is that so? It's also expected."

Ronald wasn't surprised by this.

As an enemy who has dealt with him until now, it is completely reasonable for Lilya to do this kind of thing, and Ronald has already made a plan in his heart.

He immediately issued an order to Il beside him:

"Il, control your plants and block all the space cracks here, no matter what, you can't let this guy run away again!"

"Understood, boss!"

The old king of Joyz Forest took a step forward and inserted his hands into the ground.

When exploring here before, her plant rhizomes were cut off violently, and Il changed his approach this time.

The same is root growth.

She bypassed the center of St. Alan's Cathedral, controlling the rhizome to erode only on the outer layer of the fragments. Once it reached the boundary, she would hypertrophy her own plant roots, and then insert the whole root into the space crack, completely filling the passage.

In just two or three minutes, Ill's blockade was completely completed.

If someone can observe here in the void, they will find that the bottom of the fragments of the entire St. Alan Cathedral has been completely occupied by the roots of plants.

It's like a basket placed in the void, stably installing this fragment of the holy capital, and the root system used to fix the position is like the handle of the basket, inserted into the surrounding space cracks.

While Il was encircling the entire fragment.

Ronald was not idle either.

He chanted a spell, and summoned an unprecedented amount of black fog from hell, surrounding the entire St. Alan Cathedral.

Black smoke billowed, and the purple in the void had completely disappeared.

The whole world seems to be plunged into the purest night.

"Boss, the space here is not very stable." At this time, Yier found a problem, she didn't get up from the ground like before, "I must control it at all times, otherwise the roots may be torn off by the space rift!"

Ronald responded:

"You can do this well."

Yi Er didn't say much, nodded slightly, and the position of his arm quickly became woody.

But in the blink of an eye, the body she is currently using has become a wooden sculpture left in place. The consciousness of the self is directly integrated into the root system surrounding the cathedral, forming a seamless whole.

At this moment, Il is everywhere on the periphery of the entire fragment.

No matter who wants to leave here, it is impossible to escape her perception!

At the same time, Ronald and Costant walked towards the interior of the fragment.

It was pitch black, but neither of them would be affected.

Ronald spread out his perception, and even found that St. Alan's Cathedral was even more damaged than when he left.

There are no other activities in the holy capital.

This obviously confirmed that Lilya was here, and also destroyed the ruins here!


Almost at the same time as verifying this point, the sound of insects sounded.

The Devouring Zerg lurking nearby jumped out of the ground and rushed towards Ronald and Costa.

Under the darkness, the flames flickered away.

Several ambushing devouring zergs were instantly reduced to ashes, and the footsteps of Ronald and Costa were not delayed for even a second.

The maid on the road concluded:

"Sir, these bugs also have the ability to see people secretly."

"However, compared to before, their number has decreased sharply, and it is no longer possible to pose a threat to us."

"They appear here for only one purpose, and that is to delay our time." Ronald made a judgment without thinking, "And Costa, we have to kill these bugs as much as possible."

"Think about it carefully, we can quickly find this place with the help of Il's ability, so what does our enemy rely on?"

"There is no doubt that the space talents of these bugs are used. And with the huge number, you can quickly confirm where your target is."

Ronald finished his analysis.

Costat wasn't as immediately praising as he used to be.

She thought carefully for a while, and based on this, she came up with her own thoughts:

"These bugs attacked us, perhaps not by dark vision, but by a change in their space talent?"

Costat's vision inspired Ronald as well.

He immediately analyzed the space talent of the Devouring Zerg in depth, and actually found that, as Costat guessed, the Devouring Zerg did have this talent.

And this kind of spatial perception ability does not require significant changes to the physical body.

As long as there are some tricks on the skull, the effect can be achieved immediately without changing the appearance.

Ronald immediately activated the spell and gave himself a minimally invasive surgery.

Immediately, everything in his vision was completely different from before.

The position of things is no longer the presentation of the picture, but the relative positional relationship of multiple dimensions, and the three-dimensional sense pervades every plane.

This feeling is like keeping the [Astrolabe] map in your mind at any time!

Then, Ronald saw the shock.

Under the experience of spatial senses, the subtle vibration of each object is also reflected, and the world becomes an ever-changing whole, with a steady stream of information flowing into the brain every moment.


Ronald shook his head and turned off this ability.

Spatial perception is indeed very practical, but it may take a while to practice if you want to get used to it perfectly.

And through the spatial insight just now, Ronald has confirmed that this is the ambush location of the Devouring Zerg.

He chanted the mantra directly:

"We come down from the mountains and stand by the sea. The eyes roam unrestricted on the vast sea!"


In an instant, the earth trembled.

For the bugs that remained on the surface, Ronald had to spend a lot of time dealing with them.

But they hide underground in order to ambush and attack.

Ronald only needs to activate [Geological Evolution], and the surging soil can easily wipe out all these dangerous bugs!

Even a small number of magic sucking insects resisted.

With their number, it is impossible to cause any trouble to Ronald.

The Devouring Zerg was swept away, Ronald and Costa quickly advanced, and soon came to the central area of ​​St. Alan's Cathedral. UU reading

Here, the big hole dug by the caster of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] has disappeared in a physical sense.

The entire soil layer was forcibly turned over by people.

Fully expose the hidden underground space to the air.

And Lilya is standing at the center of the entire underground structure at this moment.

He also noticed the arrival of the two of Ronald, but he didn't seem to care much.

Just turning her head slightly, Lilya said as if making a judgment:

"I wanted to work with you before."

"But unfortunately, you don't have this opportunity now."

[Thank you Chengxi flattery for the reward! 】

(end of this chapter)

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