Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1569: Plants lead the way

Latest URL: "Il, why did you come in!"

Ronald was surprised first, then worried:

"Wait, aren't you with Heloise, where is she?"

According to information obtained by Ronald, Il was clearly acting together with Heloise. Right now, this super creature has entered the [Seven String Seal], but Heloise is nowhere to be seen.

This made him impossible to ignore.

As soon as Ronald opened his mouth, Il was thrown down by the maid, and then answered honestly:

"Boss, don't worry, your little wife is fine!"

"She's outside the seal right now, staying with those humans in the church. It's extremely safe! If I have to say it, I was encouraged by her to come in!"

"Church?" Ronald raised his eyebrows.

"That's right." El immediately affirmed, "We met that human named Martha outside, and she told us about the situation here, so I came in to support you."

With that said, Ronald understood everything.

Because of the soul fragments, Yil shares honor and disgrace with himself.

This guy must have ventured into the [Seven Strings Seal] because he was afraid of death.

"But then again, how did you get in here?"

"Before we entered the holy capital, it took a lot of work."

Earl elaborated:

"Boss, the outside is different from when you came in!"

"You guys slammed into the seal. This thing can't keep its original concealment outside. It looks like a painting has been torn apart and pasted on the air."

"As long as you are brave enough and your body is strong enough, you can get in right away!"

Hard enough?

The description in Yier's words caught Ronald's attention.

"Does that mean there are still people whose bodies are not strong enough?"

Ronald's concerned tone made Il answer immediately:

"Not your little wife!"

"The humans from the church and the fleet tried it. As long as the physical strength is not up to the standard, rushing in is almost a dead end."

That makes sense.

Ronald and the others have entered the [Seven String Seal] for such a long time, it is impossible for people outside to remain indifferent. Facing a southern continent that has lost the upper class of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], they have the ability to come here.

After confirming that Heloise was fine, Ronald heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked at Yi Er in front of him, after a second thought, he came up with a bold idea.

This guy, Il, was born from "Organic Encyclopedia", and can be compatible with the transformation of "Origin of Species".

Now it is necessary to find the enemy from the huge number of space cracks.

She is undoubtedly the best candidate!

"Il, I have a new ability for you, do you want to try it?"

As soon as Yi Er heard it, he knew that he couldn't run away, and an expression of "speaking as if I could refuse" appeared on his face:

"Try it, boss, you can try whatever you want, I will definitely cooperate."

"Then accept this gene fragment and integrate it into your physical ability."

When the words fell to the ground, Ronald held Il's hand.

The space shuttle talent of the Devouring Zerg just collected was handed over to Yi Er.

At first, Yi Er thought that he was going to be unlucky, and he looked like he was indifferent.

But after she accepted, analyzed, and realized the ability of this gene, the former master of Yoiz Forest finally changed his face!

"This... this ability is..."

"It comes from a species called the Devouring Zerg. This kind of bug has the ability to travel through the void."

El smiled from the bottom of his heart:

"Boss, you really gave me a big gift."

"And you are not afraid that I will use this ability to travel through the void and escape to other worlds?"

"Although the restriction of soul fragments is powerful, it may not necessarily work if you cross the world."

Ronald rolled his eyes:

"The "Organic Encyclopedia" is still in my hands, are you willing to leave?"

Immediately, the slyness from before disappeared from Ill's face, but he hugged Ronald like he hugged Costa before:

"Then I must be reluctant to part with the boss!"

El was very clear.

Even though there are infinite possibilities in the world in the void, the "Organic Encyclopedia" in Ronald's hand is something he created himself.

This is the origin, the foundation, and everything.

With her infinite lifespan, the tome will be acquired one day.

At that time, use the void travel ability of the devouring Zerg, and you can continue to grow stronger in the infinite world.

Il has plenty of time to wait, this is the way of thinking that the longevity species should have.


Ronald didn't want to waste time, so he directly pulled Il off his body.

"Deal with the genes I gave you, now extend the root system to the entire holy capital, and find out our enemies."

"Understood!" Il obeyed immediately.

Based on the principle of not wasting energy, she walked up to the plant that just came out by herself, and then inserted her hand into the flower bud.


El's palm merged with the plant in the blink of an eye.

This was her body in the first place, and it adjusted very quickly.

Although it is the insect gene of the phagocytosis Zerg.

However, with a slight change by Il, the outer skin cells of the plant turned a dazzling blue color, perfectly inheriting the ability to travel through the void.

Then, the rhizome spreads.

The plants all over this fragment of the holy capital grew wildly, and soon occupied the entire underground space.

These roots, branches and leaves go deep into the space cracks one by one, and transform them into the state they want. Then on the opposite side of the space rift, El began to erode the land with the same steps.

Il, who sits here, is like a hub in the void.

She continued to expand her territory, with a smile on her face that became more and more proficient and satisfied with this ability.

Beside Il, Ronald and Costa waited quietly.

Exploration by manpower is completely inferior to the efficiency of Yier's network expansion-type investigation. They only need to wait for the result.

El's encroachment on the sanctuary lasted only a few minutes.

In a very short time, the satisfied smile on her face disappeared suddenly, and then she turned around immediately.

"Boss, my growth on a shard is hindered."

"If it wasn't for native defensive spells, then your enemies should have found it!"

Ronald said directly: "Take us there."

El listened immediately.

She disconnected herself from the plant and was the first to enter the space rift.

Ronald and Costat followed closely. UU Reading

Yi Er led the way ahead, she was fast and accurate with confidence, she didn't pass through a space gap, and she didn't even turn her head to look in other directions.

Under the direct lead of this train.

In less than a minute, the three of them crossed seven space rifts in a row and arrived at the place that Il said.

"Boss, this is it."

Ilsh stepped aside from the main seat, and Ronald stepped forward to look around.

It really is here!

The position where the expansion of the plant rhizome was hindered was the St. Alan Cathedral where he had obtained artificial divinity before!

[Many people have asked, here is a unified answer: The story of the Holy Capital is over, and this book is over. 】

(end of this chapter)

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