Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1552: so-called road

Latest URL: "Sit down... talk?"

Ronald almost thought he had heard wrong.

In past wars with the enemy, he was usually the one who came to make friendly negotiations. Then the two sides talked quickly and collapsed, and finally it was up to you to live or die.

Who would have thought that when facing the leader of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], an enemy who has been considered number one since time travel.

The identity of this persuasion and negotiation has been reversed.

For a moment, Ronald wanted to laugh for no reason.

According to his actual experience, he felt that the other party was playing a trick of delaying time with him.

But when the "Divine Comedy" spell spied on the other party's emotions, and after seeing the seriousness in Lilya's eyes with his own eyes.

Ronald suddenly realized.

This man is not kidding himself!

Lilya Colon, the current president of [Nine Precepts Secret Society], the greatest enemy of Southern Voyage.

This moment.

He actually wanted to have a good talk with himself, the enemy, from the bottom of his heart!


"Do you think you can convince me?"

Ronald couldn't believe it.

His hand holding the sword of Santa Caterina did not relax at all, and his eyes were fixed on the man in front of him:

"I have had such a long and bitter conflict with your organization. In the end, you think we can solve our problems by talking."

Ronald didn't say a word.

—This is a bit naive.

But there was no doubt in the eyes of Lilya looking directly at Rona, and his tone was firm:

"This is not my attempt to convince you, or address the issue of hate."

"But before fighting to the death, at least we must truly understand each other's thoughts and motives. We have never even met before, and we should not simply use hatred and conflict as a trend of action."

This was so reasonable that Ronald forgot to refute for a moment.

Just at this time, Kostat also went around to the side of the library.

The surging magic power on the maid's body surged like ocean waves.

Ready to go, just waiting for Ronald's order, she will sound the charge to start this battle.

Ronald was also unwilling to let the other party delay the time, so he was about to issue an order immediately.


"If I remember correctly, your companion is called this name, right?"

The moment the battle was about to start, Lilya suddenly said the name of the holy priest.

Ronald's movements stopped instantly.

And the president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society] naturally took the opportunity to continue:

"If I'm not wrong, you should not be able to find any trace of this companion now. Even from this point - I think you should have a good talk with me."


"Are you threatening me?" Ronald's face was as gloomy as water.

"It's not a threat, it's just a statement of the facts." Lilya maintained a calm expression, with a firm posture, "Besides, a serious conversation will not do any harm to you and me."

Ronald fell silent.

It is impossible for him to disregard the life and death of his companions.

On the other side, seeing that the threat he raised had an effect, Lilya continued to pursue the victory:

"Mr. Ronald, I can assure you of her safety."

"Although the relationship between the church and us has never been good, when the new world comes, I think wise people will choose to abandon the hatred and conflicts in the past and look at the new environment positively."

Ronald couldn't help but ask back:

"What you said just now—people with power should be responsible for this world. So what is your way of being responsible? Could it be that like today, you break into a dangerous ruin that has been sealed for a long time, and then take out the same dangerous thing Disaster. Is this your responsible move?"

Lilya smiled slightly:

"This view is somewhat one-sided."

"We are here to find treasures left over from the past, and to open the way to the future for all. The danger may exist, but it is not our main purpose."

Lollard noticed an important point in the other party's words:

"Open the way for people to go to the future?"

Lierya immediately responded to this:

"The mysterious side in the past, especially the upper class of casters, mostly believed that mastering spells was a symbol of breaking away from the ordinary people. For them, this is not even a change in status and rights, but an essential division of life. "

Ronald continued to ask:

"So you mean—you don't think so?"

Lilya nodded immediately, and her voice became louder:


"You have to know that five years ago, I was just a mortal who couldn't master the ability to cast spells. Even though I have impressive power now, I understand how weak I was in the past."

"Spells come from the original scriptures, people master the original scriptures and learn spells."

"In other words, magic is just an acquired trait. Everyone has the potential to become a spellcaster. And mastering this ability is not a fundamental change at all. The essence of having power , This is like the gap between an unarmed person and a person with a sharp knife."

Ronald followed the other party's words and continued:

"So your purpose is to let everyone in the world learn spells and plunge into the sea of ​​mysticism?"

Lierya's expression gradually became wild:

"Of course, and more than that!"

"Although the power of magic will not change the essence, it is a path, a path leading to the essence, a path that can truly transform life!"

"The future of mankind lies here!"

The meaning of Lilya is quite clear.

If Ronald was still the one who just came to this world and knew nothing about reality, he might not be qualified to comment at this moment.

But Ronald has been to [Sifangtian] and saw the final outcome of that reality.

He also knew the reason why the holy capital was once destroyed.

But such words have no effect on those who have fallen into obsession.

Ronald sighed, and simply pointed out the current reality:

"The [Nine Precepts Secret Society] has ruled the southern continent for a while, but in the reality I have seen with my own eyes, I haven't found the changes you mentioned."

The policy implemented by [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] is different from what the other party said.

This is an irrefutable fact.

Faced with such questioning, the president of [Nine Precepts Secret Society] still didn't feel any guilt, but replied in a natural tone:

"There is always a gap between ideal and reality."

"We must realize that most people in this world are ignorant. Even if you put the right way in front of them, they will not use it to pursue a higher realm, but will use it to persecute others, and even destroy our original life. Good plans in place."

Ronald's tone became cold:

"So, as the people in power, UU Reading will take the initiative to screen these people?"

Lilya did not deny it, but admitted it generously:

"I've come to my senses."

"It's a necessary sacrifice in the pursuit of a better future."

Ronald finally asked:

"Just now you also said that you used to have no power. So what if you are also a member of ordinary people and become the part that is determined and abandoned?"


Lilya didn't answer immediately.

And Ronald raised his long sword at this moment, motioning Costa to the side to do it immediately:

"It seems that our talk has collapsed."

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