Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1551: corner encounter

Latest URL: Same as St. Alan's Cathedral.

The great library of the holy capital is naturally also located in the academic area.

But because the church encourages ordinary residents to learn the knowledge of the church. The location of the large library is not only not the center of the academic area, but on the edge, closely adjacent to the civilian residential area next door.

Exit from the main entrance of the large library.

As long as you cross a street, you can see the houses where ordinary people live on the opposite side.

The front is open to ordinary people, but the back is facing the monks of the church who need them. This way of sitting has already explained certain things.

When Ronald and Costa came to the door of the Great Library.

For the first time, it is inevitable to express emotion at the grandeur of the building in front of you.

This huge building that preserves knowledge runs through the entire block when viewed horizontally, and occupies a fairly long section of land vertically.

Although it is called a library, its actual function is not just that.

The buildings of the library are distributed in a circular shape. In addition to the building for storing books, there is a vast inner garden in the center, which is convenient for people to breathe fresh air and relax when borrowing books in the library.

And with this ring structure.

The transparent architectural pattern inside and outside the library greatly improves the light rate during the day, and it is not necessary to be lit inside to read even in the daytime like some libraries.

This design is not only convenient and economical, but also greatly reduces the probability of fire.

The main entrance of the Great Library is always open to the outside world.

Being an open public place also has no defensive spells.

Ronald and Costa did not need to climb over the wall or crack the barrier, and walked in openly.

Thus, problems ensued.

—The figure of the sage gives a hint, where is the specific location?

The word 'big' in the big library is no joke.

Regardless of the number of floors, this building only covers an area larger than a football field.

It is really necessary to search blindly in such a large building.

Although the difficulty is not as exaggerated as finding a few spellcasters in the city, it is also not something that can be done with a smile.


"Sir, wait!"

Ronald sorted out several suspicious locations in his mind and prepared to act immediately.

But at this moment, Kostat in front suddenly interrupted his thinking.

looked down.

Costat was half squatting on the ground at this time, pointing to the ground and began to explain:

"There are signs of someone walking here, and the time to leave traces... no more than a day!"

Hearing such news, Ronald's spirit suddenly lifted.

Is this Costat's probability spell working?

Ronald didn't bother to praise the maid's spells, and quickly followed the other's movements and squatted on the ground.

But a few seconds passed, and Ronald found nothing.

His eyesight has long exceeded the limit of normal people, but he couldn't detect the signs in Kostat's mouth, so he could only stand up in embarrassment.

The maid obviously saw her master's embarrassment.

Before Ronald spoke, she took the initiative to explain:

"Sir, what I noticed was a very subtle change, not something that can be seen with the naked eye."

Ronald asked directly:

"Where did they go?"

Costat stood up with a nod, walked directly ahead and began to lead the way:

"plz follow me."


Because the enemy used space magic to escape once before, Ronald acted very carefully this time.

The spell he opened in advance.

This time, we only need to capture the figure of the enemy. Even if the opponent uses spells to escape again, he can still lock the target with unique effects.

Follow the trail all the way.

Both of them made as little noise as possible.

The magic power ready to cast a spell is ready, just waiting for the moment of contact with the enemy.

In this way, the two came to the third floor of the building on the east side.

When they passed the corner of the stairs, a magical barrier suddenly appeared in front of them.

Seeing something like this, Ronald didn't want to startle the enemy, so he naturally wanted to bypass it.

It turned out right after the turn, between rows of bookshelves ahead.

Several figures in robes stood here.

With just one glance, Ronald recognized one of them.

That was the eldest brother among the three Lenny brothers who had just cut off his left arm not long ago and was later rescued!

In front of this guy.

One person was holding a wooden cup, pouring the red liquid into the wound on Lenny's shoulder, which seemed to be healing.

There are two other people, gathered in front of a bookshelf, trying to break some kind of small seal with magic.

The sudden meeting exceeded the expectations of the two parties.

Only Lenny, who was treating his injuries, was clever, and his movements were so violent that even the liquid poured on his shoulders by his companions was wiped out:

"President! This is the guy!"

"He designed to kill my brother and the others!"

This shout told Ronald a fact.

Among the four people in front of me, one of them is the president, the biggest enemy of this trip!

As if responding to Ronald's gaze.

The man with a calm face, who was treating Lenny's injuries, put away the wooden cup in his hand, and then looked at Ronald calmly:

"Ronald Adler?"

"That's right."


Ronald nodded slightly, and at the same time immediately pulled out the sword of Saint Catalina.

But this place is a library.

In order to protect the precious book from damage, he did not attach it to the sword body as usual, but simply strengthened the attack with magic power.

"Lilya Colon."

The chairman, as if he didn't see Ronald's hostile attitude, instead introduced himself and chatted with the tense Ronald.

"If you didn't guess wrong, Ronald shouldn't be your real name?"

Ronald walked towards the opponent with a long sword in one hand, and at the same time signaled Costat to support him with his eyes:

"The name is just a code name, and that's what I'm going by now."

The chairman is still unmoved:

"Recourse to force is not the only way to solve the problem, I think we can have a good talk."

Now Ronald is close enough that the enemy is within range of his attack:

"Then let me ask you, what do you all want to do when you enter the holy place?"

Lilya immediately replied:

"We're here to find the relics that the church once left behind."

Ronald asked:

"Then what is the purpose of finding these relics?"


Lilya was silent for a moment, watching Ronald asking him the bottom line, even touching on the core issues. UU reading

But the man still chose to answer frankly:

"In order to return to the outside world and establish a new order."

"Some incompetent human beings trample other people under their feet and even manipulate us spellcasters just by virtue of their money advantage. Don't you think the current world is ridiculous?"

Lilya was not afraid of the sword in Ronald's hand at all.

He even took the initiative to approach, shortening the distance between the two to only two meters.

Then the man opened his arms in a fearless gesture:

"Most of the conflicts in the world come from misunderstandings and superficial deviations of opinion!"

"As people with power, we should be responsible for our actions and for the world."

"So, Ronald, sit down and talk first!"

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