Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1548: Return to the orthodox

"Okay, this trial is here enough."

When Ronald was talking to many gray figures, and the figures in the Cathedral of the Holy Grace had been reduced to one-third of the original figure, a voice suddenly interrupted the question-and-answer process.

Ronald recognized who the voice was.

That was the only figure who stepped forward alone and laughed at the same time.

Although he couldn't see the other party's gray figure at this moment, his voice echoed in the Cathedral of the Holy Grace:

"I just went to the monastery to check. Those outsiders have been executed on the spot, but some people suddenly disappeared."

"I'm afraid the outside world is undergoing some changes."

"And our esteemed guest, shouldn't waste too much time on us old guys."

Hearing someone disappear, the outside world changes.

Ronald's body froze suddenly, breaking away from the excitement of the heated discussion.

He wanted to speak immediately, asking the other party to let him leave the temple for trial.

But the owner of the voice that terminated the question and answer clearly understood Ronald's current needs.

Before Ronald could open his mouth, the light scene in front of him began to twist and change.

He reacted instantly.

This is the inevitable change after leaving the trial—I am leaving the trial of the temple!

The other party kept his promise and was ready to let him go.

Only at the last moment of leaving, there was a small episode.

Almost at the moment when the brilliance in front of Ronald was completely distorted, the voice reminded:

"Give you a hint."

"The church in the monastery, the great library in the city, these two places, and..."

Before the reminder was over, Ronald felt the tactile sensation of his feet landing on the ground again. Although he heard the two place names clearly, he still couldn't help complaining:

"Can't we finish talking about this kind of thing?"

Ronald was quite helpless, and then turned his head to look around.

When all the spells in his body recovered, he also returned to the door of the former monastery chapel.

The simple and quiet chapel is the same as before.

The only difference is that only one of the five members of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] who were entangled with Ronald before is still standing here.

That was the eldest of the three Lenny brothers.

This guy was calm and calm, and he didn't know what method he used in the critical moment, but he forcibly broke free from the shackles of the temple trial and returned to reality.

At this moment he knelt on the ground, his voice was full of grief and pain:

"No, no... no no no!"

"Brother, Eric, you..."

Amidst the shouts, he also sensed Ronald's appearance.

The caster's voice stopped abruptly, and he immediately stood up from the ground, turned his head and looked fiercely at the nun who just appeared behind him:

"You! Damn monster, I want you to pay them with your life!"

"Hehe." Ronald showed a relaxed smile, "It makes me look like a villain."

"But in this way, there is no need to pretend to be this identity."

Ronald smiled as he walked forward.

As he approached the enemy, the nun's appearance finally began to change.

The long golden hair shortened, and the gray pupils reappeared.

While his whole body was shrouded in magical aura, he held the sword of St. Caterina hidden on his body again in his hand.

Ronald turned the blade in his hand:

"Don't worry, I'll call you to meet your dear brothers right away."


In an instant, the flames of [Power of Solar Power] covered the pitch-black sword.

Ronald's speed also changed from slow to fast.

He stepped on the ground with one foot, and at the same time as a stone tablet engraved with the inscription of the deceased was shattered, he himself also crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and arrived in front of the eldest brother among the three Lenny brothers as if teleporting.

The long sword was raised high, and the flame and blade cut down together.


Blood splattered, and Lenny's screams suddenly sounded in the square.

At the critical moment, he tried his best to dodge.

But Ronald's speed clearly exceeded the range of a normal caster.

Even though he avoided fatal injuries, he still couldn't escape the reality of losing his left arm after a single encounter.

The eldest brother among the three Lenny brothers had his entire arm severed by Qi Gen, bleeding profusely.

He stepped back quickly with his right hand, grabbing the broken arm firmly.

The terrible sun's fire was still burning on the wound, but the severe pain also briefly drove the hatred out of his mind.

At this moment, he thought of the president's instructions to them.

—It’s okay if there are many people.

—But if one person encounters an enemy like Ronald, trying to escape is their only option.

"Karna, the chariot warrior, was born of the sun **** and the virgin Kunti. He was born with armor, and he wore earrings, shining brilliantly!"

Another flame rose from the square.

The same power from the sun shrouded [Power of the Sun].

The two persons are equal, melted together in an instant, regardless of each other, and then dissipated.

On the other side, Ronald, who made a contribution with one blow, also changed his eyes.

From the content of the mantra chanted by the other party, he knew that the original scripture should be an Indian epic.

Although he is not familiar with Indian epic stories, Ronald also knows that there are some very exaggerated concepts in them.

You can't give the opponent a chance, you must kill him immediately!

"The greatest increases in the productivity of labour, and the greater dexterity, skill, and judgment in the exercise of it, seem to be the result of the division of labour. . . "

Ronald immediately recited the spell.

[Invisible Hand] was born next to the enemy immediately, pinching the elder brother of the three Lenny brothers in the middle, trying to pinch this physically broken man to death.

The spell didn't work.

Under the oppression of the invisible force, the armor with flames and shining like the sun gradually emerged from the opponent's body at this moment.

The enemy chanted the incantation aloud:

"Karna wears the armor of God and was born as a chariot warrior. You must know that he is a supreme part of the sun god!"

[Invisible Hand] failed to work, but Ronald also attacked at the same time.

The moment he stomped the ground to pieces again, the blade in his hand slashed fiercely at the enemy in front of him.


The blade is like a blunt sledgehammer, knocking the enemy away.

However, the defensive power of the armor summoned by spells is astonishing.

Ronald only split the flame attached to it, but failed to actually split it.

"It's hard enough!"

Ronald shook his hand.

In the next second, the flame of [Power of Solar Power] faded from the sword of Saint Karina.

There was no longer any flame on the sword, but its own black glow shone, and even the blade seemed to become sharper than before.


Ronald pursued closely, and before the enemy landed, he slashed again with his sword.

There was a crisp sound on the sun-like armor.

The hardness of this thing is beyond imagination, but this time, before the enemy flew out, Ronald changed hands at the same exaggerated speed and made another sword strike, precisely slashing at the position hit by the previous sword strike!

The absolute suppression of speed gave him the confidence to control the battle.

This time, he even mobilized the original magic power to strengthen his own strength, raising the speed of this blow to an unimaginable level.


Sure enough, this time the sword of St. Caterina not only cut off the flames.

The divine armor that was originally as stable as Mount Tai, this indestructible body protection spell, was finally cut out of cracks under brute force.

Ronald continued to push.

The long sword was about to cut off the enemy in an instant.

But at this moment, the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] caster who was about to be slashed by the sword suddenly disappeared in front of him.


Ronald froze. UU Reading

There is no enemy in eyes or spell perception.

Only the high-temperature air scorched by the flames remained in the square at the entrance of the chapel like him.

Standing where he was, Ronald frowned.

Although it was only a momentary detail, with his eyesight, he still saw some clues.

Before the eldest brother among the three Lenny brothers disappeared, the air around him showed a distorted state. Considering that the opponent can break through the [seven-string seal], forcefully enter the holy capital, and even escape from the trial of the temple...

There must be such an enemy.

A spell involves space, and even the content of the original scripture itself with a high probability, so the caster is dangerous in this respect!

(end of this chapter)

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