Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1547: Trial Replacement

I can't tell you, I'm just a little nun in the monastery, right?

Ronald ran his hand through his hair.

The inquiries continued to involve his blind spots in knowledge, and he had been completely exposed.

At this time, if you continue to pretend to be stupid, you will not only treat the other party as a fool, but also deceive yourself.


He sighed, stretched out his upright body from the chair, and responded openly:

"Well, that doesn't look like it's going to work."

"This unknown gentleman, do you know a spell, a spell developed based on the original test, and finally named the temple test?"

"Temple trial..." Hearing this word from Ronald's mouth, the gray figure immediately understood, "This can explain a lot of problems."

"But your unfamiliarity with the classics is obvious, and you cannot be a member of the church."

"And without a corresponding identity, I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications to try the temple trial?"

Ronald turned his eyes away, and no longer looked directly at the other party:

"Didn't I just say that, times are always changing."


This is a fairly intuitive hint.

With the wisdom of the gray figure, he immediately understood the deep meaning of Ronald's words. After realizing some possibilities, the calm and calm figure inevitably became a little flustered:

"Holy capital... no, in the future, what will happen to the church... does the church still exist?"

In one sentence, change the direction of the inquiry three times.

This quick response made Ronald even more convinced that the figure in front of him was someone he could communicate with.

So he nodded immediately, and answered in a very serious manner:

"Of course the church exists, and it's doing well."

"Actually, it's because I have a good relationship with the successors of the church, otherwise I wouldn't be able to answer the first question."

Hearing such an answer, the voice of the gray figure immediately breathed a sigh of relief:

"In that case, can you enter the holy capital...?"

At this time, honesty in communication is the most important, so Ronald directly stated the current situation:

"In my time, the holy capital was already a relic lost in the long history."

Sure enough, the gray figure also stagnated.

The holy capital, a glorious city of faith, will eventually become a relic of history.

This is obviously unacceptable.

But he thought for a long time, and in the end he just let out a long sigh, and didn't make any other gaffes:

"Son, would you like to tell me something about the future?"

"And I can tell you clearly that this place has the ability to send you out of the trial of the temple, you can rest assured about this."

"I still have some urgent things to do, so let's make a long story short." Ronald first stated that his situation was urgent, and then began to summarize, "In the crisis you are facing, the church is divided into two factions, one of which stays in the Holy Capital, and the other One faction travels overseas..."

Ronald tried his best to inform each other about the later development of the church.

And in order to show his close attitude to the church, he also deliberately explained some details of his communication with church people in exchange for their kindness.

Sure enough, after his narration ended, the gray figure didn't make any hostile moves.

The other party thought for a moment.

Only a deep nod in response to this history.

Immediately afterwards, the other party did not waste time, and kept his promise and began to introduce the method of leaving the temple trial:

"To leave the trial of the temple, you need to study the scriptures of the church quite in-depth. My original suggestion is—you can stay here and study the classics seriously, which will be beneficial to you."

Ronald frowned, and was about to express his dissatisfaction immediately.

Upon seeing this, the gray figure directly added:

"However, you are short on time. As an outsider, we can find a way to provide you with another trial method. As long as you can pass it successfully, you can also leave the trial."

After all, the Temple Trial is a purposeful spell.

Under the premise that the formal process cannot be satisfied, it is understandable to use other trial content to confuse the judgment of the spell.

Ronald agreed and asked bluntly:

"What is the content of the other trial?"

Seeing this, the gray figure turned and pointed to the Cathedral of Saint Grace where they were.

In an instant, on the long corridor leading to the hall of the gods, gray figures appeared from the air, looking at Ronald with the same gaze.

In the inquiry just now, it seemed that there was only one figure in front of him.

But on the hidden side of the cathedral, there are actually more phantoms watching the entire selection process, and they also listened to the conversation in its entirety.

"The Cathedral of the Holy Grace is at the heart of the inheritance of faith."

"In order to ensure that some things are not cut off, people study spells and keep the thought fragments of the sages here personally."

"Son, use your ingenuity and answer honestly."

"You only need to clarify your thoughts with them and get approval, and then you can get the qualification to go out!"

After the words fell, the gray figure in front of Ronald slowly dissipated in the temple.

Mentally exhausted, he never let out a single sigh.

And at the position closest to Ronald, two newly appeared figures walked towards him with steady steps and asked in unison:

"First question."

"Are wizards heretics?"

Ronald replied without thinking:

"Spells in this world are all obtained from the original scriptures. The two have the same origin and are hostile, because of the similarities and differences in thought, they have gone to different paths. It is not convenient for me to evaluate the thoughts of people in the past era. But for me, the word seeking common ground while reserving differences is this the most appropriate answer under the circumstances."

The two gray figures nodded in satisfaction and then disappeared.

Then two voices came from behind:

"Heretics often say: the word faith suppresses nature and corrupts people's hearts. What do you think of this?"

Ronald immediately replied:

"Since the age of ignorance, belief has been an important means for human beings to overcome many difficulties. It may decline or even be eliminated with the development of the times, but this cannot deny that it has played an important role in human history."

The two gray figures neither agreed nor refuted.

Just because another person came from the rear at this time, and it was walking alone, not the usual two walking together.

"Latecomers, what do you think of the gods?"

Ronald offers only a very brief view:

"The real God only exists in everyone's heart."

"Hahaha!" This time, the gray figure of UU Reading walked up alone laughed happily, and even took the initiative to praise, "Yes, you are really good!"

Then without wasting any time, he instantly disappeared in front of Ronald.

After the questioning of the single figure just now, the two figures who stepped forward were obviously deliberate and cautious in their actions:

"The role of the church replacing the state, do you think this is a good thing?"

"Imperial power and theocracy are both management methods corresponding to different situations. With the progress of the times and productivity, more advanced governance methods will inevitably replace the old past."

Relying on the knowledge that belongs to the future for the holy capital, or even more distant.

Ronald methodically and calmly answered each figure's question.

For a while, the Cathedral of the Holy Grace became lively, as if a river of thought was flowing here.

(end of this chapter)

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