Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1482: Uta Nakabayashi

Ronald and Costa were quickly on the ground.

This forest is stunning enough to look down from a high altitude. And after actually falling on the ground, you can appreciate the rare sights that are difficult to appear in other places.

The tall trees are like giants rooted in the ground.

No fire or flood, or even a change in the shape of the ground, can stop their occupation of this land.

Ronald recognized it as some kind of big tree at a glance.

Looking at their body shape that can only be obtained after growing for a long time, one knows that the life span of more than a thousand years is easy for these giant trees.

Just stand on the ground.

The ancient breath rushes head-on through the trees, making people seem to be in a dialogue with the past history.

"At least a thousand years..."

Looking at the surrounding trees, Ronald murmured.

According to the information he knew, wizards dominated the world, and finally entered the age of secrecy hundreds of years ago. Then the church age before wizards can also push this time forward.

In this way.

These trees that have experienced thousands of years naturally correspond to the period when the ancient church was active.

As long as you find the right place during the exploration process, various clues will naturally correspond smoothly.

Even without speculation or careful investigation, Ronald was sure that this was the place he was looking for.

Then, the problem arises.

What about the people from the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting? Where is the so-called ruins of the holy capital?

Ronald has been using his investigative spells.

But right now, he has found the right place, the terrain and human detection have not changed, and the ground under his feet does not show the slightest peculiarity.


"Kostat, let's split up here to have a look, and immediately notify the other party if we find anything, and then meet up."

Ronald made a decision, and the two explored from the woodland.

The large arbor with exaggerated size is not a concept at all, and the shrubs on the ground are not growing smoothly, which makes it easier for Ronald and Costa to move here.

It's just that the convenient environment has not brought smooth progress.

After searching for nearly an hour in the woodland, Ronald even spread the black fog of hell, but still found nothing.

Except for ancient history.

They couldn't find any traces of the Nine Commandments Secret Meeting] or the ruins of the holy capital. This feeling is like returning home from overtime work in the middle of the night, knowing that the door of the house is in front of you, and you can rest immediately when you walk in, but it is as uncomfortable to find that you have lost your key.

Ronald frowned and searched here.

Another half an hour passed, and his extremely fast pace had reached the end of the woodland, and in front of him was the forest area occupied by ordinary trees.

Now turn around the woodland and continue searching, will there be any gains?

Ronald felt unlikely.

Considering the special nature of the mysterious side, he and Costa should have a problem with the search method. So even if it is in the correct position, the correct result cannot be obtained.

Thinking of this, Ronald revealed his magic power.

Kostat, who was on the opposite side of the woodland, sensed this signal, and immediately turned back in the opposite direction, and the two almost met in the middle of the woodland.

Ronald asked with a hint of luck:

"Kostate, have you found anything over there?"

The maid immediately shook her head and said:

"Sir, I haven't found anything here."

"I used magic and physical means to investigate, and I couldn't even find the slightest peculiarity. It's as if—this is just an ordinary woodland, but the trees are taller."


"I see." Ronald frowned.

Neither he nor Costa found any clues. The concealment of this holy capital is really tight enough.

Where is the information being obtained now?

The secret of the holy capital, the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] who is busy with action must know.

But their core members, acting together under the leadership of the president, should be located in the holy capital at this moment.

Ronald can't turn back to the remote island now.

Then spend a lot of time excavating the ruins, and slowly find the relevant records from the temple ruins, right?

If that's the case—by the time he finds the secret of the holy capital, I'm afraid the people from the Nine Rings Secret Society will have already completed their goals and then moved on to other conspiracies and tricks!

Costat saw Ronald's troubled appearance.

The maid froze in her heart, and immediately put the charge of dereliction of duty on her own head, and knelt down in front of Ronald on one knee:

The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here..】

"Sir, this is all my negligence!"

"If Costat can find..."

"Don't do this." Ronald immediately stopped Costat's movement and pulled the maid's body from the ground. "Now is the time for us to find a solution to the problem together, not the time to find the blame."

"It's not time to give up yet, let's think about it."

Facing Ronald's reaction, Costat lowered his head.

The maid's inner emotions are mixed, including the sorrow of blaming herself for being incompetent and unable to meet the master's needs; there is also joy because of Ronald's attitude towards her.


In a disturbed mood, Costat suddenly had an idea.

next second.

Air currents began to float around the maid.

A powerful magic power was brewing quickly on her body, and the whole person slowly raised the height, and her body exuded the brilliance of magic power under the night.

Ronald stood below, and his keen perception could distinguish several types of magical power. UU Reading www. Unsurprisingly, Kostat is preparing some kind of special means to compound multiple spells.

With the passage of time, Ronald's guess has also been confirmed.

The complex magical power around Costa was finally harmoniously unified under the control of the maid, turning into a special force that filled her body.

At this time, the maid opened her hands.

Just like her slightly luminous body, a series of bright magic power threads appeared along Kostat's body, respectively connecting to the surrounding towering giant trees.

The connected trees did not change significantly.

But from Ronald's perspective, he felt that the magic power and the trees were undergoing subtle changes—Costat's operation was proceeding smoothly.


Ronald bowed his head in thought.

According to the analysis of what he observed. This ability is quite complicated, and I'm afraid there won't be any results within a few minutes.

But that doesn't mean Ronald is just standing still and watching.

Because through Kostat's spell, he thought of something in his hand—the original sin of greed].

Just now Ronald locked on to the holy capital], but because the distance was too far away, he found nothing.

Then change the target and turn the detection direction to this piece of woodland that is close to Chi Chi?

It is impossible to get nothing from these ancient giant trees!

As soon as he had an idea, Ronald acted immediately.

But this time, [Original Sin of Greed] has fed back very important information!

— Song Zhonglin]

——The ancient roots of the giant tree are rooted in the land, and they also absorb nutrients from the music and grow vigorously.

—An ancient spell shaped the woodland, these historic trees, creating and connecting a place hidden in the music.

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