Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: ballad

"He who has a purpose never easily admits his purpose."

Alian did not accept Ronald's statement at all.

Even though he was sincere, the girl insisted on a certain bottom line that could not be broken, and obviously did not intend to cooperate.

Ronald sighed.

Normally, he didn't want to force the other party to speak with the spell of speech, so he quietly launched the original sin of anger], subconsciously making the other party willing to speak.

"Miss, this news is really important, what do I need to do for you..."

"Mr. Ronald, wait for me!" Ronald didn't finish speaking, but the explorer suddenly interrupted, "Let me talk to A-Lian, and she will definitely understand what you mean."

Saying so, the explorer pulled the girl to the back of the camp, and the two began to whisper.

The explorer lowered his voice as much as possible.

But Ronald's excellent hearing could hear this conversation clearly.

"Alian, if this gentleman wants to, there are plenty of ways to get us to speak up!"

"Then he can try his way!"

"That's not what I mean—I mean that this gentleman is showing kindness to us, and you are completely unaware of it. Think about it, how would it feel if your kindness was misunderstood by others?"

"I..." A-Lian began to hesitate.

She wanted to refute, after all, the persistence in her heart could not be broken so easily.

But it happened that Ronald's psychological suggestion took effect.

After a few seconds of silence, Alian finally nodded to the explorer.

"Well, I'll tell him something, but it doesn't mean I'll help him find the city."

After the exchange, the explorer and the girl returned to the campfire.

Alian is a straightforward character, and immediately re-established a dialogue with Ronald:

"Sir, I can tell you something."

"It's a folk song that has been sung by us for a long time, reminding people not to touch those dangerous things."

Expressing her attitude, Alian didn't wait for Ronald to speak, and directly began to sing a cappella:

"The night the sun goes down,

The ancient wise elders imprisoned the dark city on the earth.

The cold mist, devouring life,

The long river flows, wears away wisdom,

If it asks your name, remember not to answer.


This ballad is not too long, and the rhythm is easy to learn and remember.

A-Lian sang this song of vigilance for future generations in just over a minute, and then concluded:

"Anyway, the place mentioned in the song is near the plain."

"Aren't you a wizard too? Then you should understand how dangerous the things left by the ancient times are. I suggest you not take risks. As for those guys you mentioned, they must be hopeless!"

After finishing speaking, A-Lian was unwilling to continue speaking.

She turned her head back to the tent, and then fell silent, leaving the explorer to give Ronald a smile.

"Mr. Ronald, Alian comes from a traditional forest guard family, and usually has no relationship with local people in the southern continent. She doesn't have any malice towards you, it's just that she has always lived like this."

Throughout the process Ronald was observing the psychological changes of these people.

He naturally knew the attitude of the explorer and A-Lian, so he immediately smiled back:

"I'm grateful to have news like this."

"But to be honest, I suggest that you better hurry up and stay away from here."

"I'm sure I won't do anything to you, but if I have a fight with the enemy and someone escapes when I'm powerless, it's very likely that I will bump into your team."

Having said that, Ronald's expression became serious:

"Since you embarked on the road of adventure with some preparation, I believe the situation in the south can also be seen in your eyes. What attitude does the Nine Precepts Secret Society have towards ordinary should know."


Ronald's reminder made the explorer fall into deep thought immediately.

He dared to form a team to go deep into the wilderness. Of course, he had made detailed preliminary preparations. With the help of the information in the explorer circle, he also roughly understood that Ronald in front of him was not the kind of malicious person.

Compared with what he had seen and heard in the city under the control of the Nine Precepts before entering the wilderness, the brave and resourceful explorer immediately made a decision.

"Thank you for your reminder, sir."

"Since this is the case, I will definitely be responsible for the safety of my players."

The explorer bid Ronald farewell, and returned to camp to give his orders.

Ronald thought that the opponent would withdraw from the wilderness.

But after listening carefully, I found that the explorer asked his companions to pack up the camp, not to go back home, but to set off overnight, go upstream along the river, and go as deep as possible.

For them who go deep into the wilderness.

The actual difficulty of going back home and continuing to move forward is the same.

Compared with the stable decision to stop here, it really is the choice of this kind of person to go forward bravely.


Ronald thought of his former friend and couldn't help smiling.

If possible, he would like to chat with the other party a few more words.

But right now both sides have reasons to act, so after a brief farewell, Ronald chanted the spell again and took Costa to the sky.

Communication with the explorers took only a short time.

So when the two of Ronald returned to the air, UU read www.uukanshu. There is almost no change around com, and everything they see below is the same as they saw when they came.

Under the moonlight, the maid saw Ronald's calm expression, and felt something in her heart:

"Sir, do you seem to have an idea?"

Ronald said bluntly:

"The song A-Lian sang just now gave me a clue."

Costat recalled the lyrics, but found no clues indicating the location of the holy capital:

"That should be just a song to warn future generations, and it doesn't clearly indicate the location of the holy capital?"

Ronald directly stated his opinion:

"Kostat, the lyrics say 'the ancient wise elders imprisoned the dark city on the earth.' Do you think there is anything in the scene before us that can be related to this description?"

"You mean..." Kostat's eyes lingered below.

Plains and mountains stand on both sides, and the quiet night wind blows through the air, caressing the tall trees and making rustling sounds. On the dark land, only the flowing river reflects the bright stars, which looks like a luminous ribbon wrapped around the earth.

Costat's breathing gradually decreased, and at this moment everything seemed to be quietly watching the two in the air at night.

In this kind of quiet thinking, her eyes gradually stopped on the giant forest with a height of 100 meters below:

"You mean the trees!"

"That's right." Ronald nodded to admit the maid's thoughts, and at the same time manipulated the spell to let the two of them land down, close to the woodland at the junction of the plain and the mountains, "These giant trees have grown for a long time, and they can definitely be called ancient. The elders, and the plants rooted in the earth, also fit the description of the following lyrics."

Ronald decisively judged:

"Under the premise that the geographical environment is also in line, there are almost no other possibilities!"

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