Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1468: canyon fortress

"My lord, Gautier was driven away by them!"

"We can't monitor their movements now, do we activate the emergency monitoring of the previously evacuated personnel?"


Above the canyon in the south, the caster of the Nine Commandments Secret Meeting] hidden in the cliff is falling into a tense situation.

This is the fortress secretly built by the Nine Precepts Secret Society.

It is quietly located in the canyon mountain which is the only road in the south of the capital.

If the enemy sends troops into the capital from this direction during the war, they can use the towering terrain to attack; if they abandon the city and retreat to the south, they can also destroy the canyon here and cut off the way for the enemy to pursue them.

For such an important place, the most professional spellcasters are naturally stationed 24 hours a day, and at the same time, the airtight defensive barrier maintains the safety and concealment of the fortress.

Unless you have a flying spell to reach the target.

Otherwise, if you want to enter here, you can only jump down from the highest point of the canyon, so that you can enter this hidden place through the entrance dug above the cliff.

But at this moment.

Among them, the elite guards of the Nine Commandments Secret Society, everyone looked anxious.

Because just like Ronald and Nicole speculated.

They are members of the Nine Rings Secret Society] who stayed here secretly, and they are also the back-ups to deal with the three of Ronald. Even the "Book of Interpretation" that was transferred from the city is now staying with its holder in the deepest part of the fortress, in a secret room that is completely isolated from detection by magic.

"Don't worry, everyone has read the information in the organization!"

In the tense atmosphere, the commander sitting here waved his hand to appease the mentality of the surrounding subordinates:

"That monster in human skin usually pretends to be a kind-hearted man. Gaultier's departure may be because he wants to continue to maintain his usual external attitude!"

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After explaining Ronald's actions, the commander went on to issue the order:

"Notify the city and let the evacuated people continue to leave, so as not to arouse the suspicion of these guys. The security officers who were originally scheduled to be released at noon put them on the street in advance to attract the attention of the enemy as much as possible force!"

People are still uneasy.

But after receiving the commander's order, the members of the Nine Commandments Secret Society in the fortress immediately went to work.

In fact, these performers can't do much.

In the game at the level of the original code holders, if they come up with ideas and put them into action, it is tantamount to a head-on confrontation with a strong one level higher than themselves.

Under the trend of fear, most people will still obey orders honestly and maintain what they should maintain


Seeing his subordinates devote themselves to his orders, the commander of the canyon fortress sighed insignificantly.

He took two steps back, sat on his chair, propped up his weak chin with his right hand and fell into thought.

Even if he could only speak to comfort his subordinates just now.

But he knew in his heart that the situation was very critical.

In the past organization and Ronald's contact records.

The Nine Precepts Secret Society] has already proved the horror of this enemy at the cost of severely damaged hands and the loss of several original books. Even a few months ago, their carefully selected battle group had met him in Larchmont and finally fell into Ronald's hands.

Such a record, such a dangerous enemy.

Any small action you face may indicate a great crisis.

What's more, the current reality that runs counter to the prophecy spell?

However, the commander is also very helpless.

In order to ensure that it would not be discovered by the three of Ronald, the spell that their monitoring cast on Gautier was a very limited and tiny technique that was engraved in the internal organs of the other party.

This spell can guarantee enough concealment.

But it is impossible to take care of other things, let alone monitor every move of the target several people in detail.

The only thing that can be determined is the position of the target and the more intense fluctuations in magic power.

"Information is limited..."

Even though the commander of the fortress has already made countless plans in his mind, in the face of the unknown reality, this is just a fantasy on paper.

At this moment, the caster thought of the actions of the president of the Nine Precepts Secret Society, and couldn't help but have a thought in his mind:

"In this case, is it possible to pray to God..."


At this moment, the canyon fortress where the casters were located began to tremble.

The violent sound went from small to loud, filling every space in the mountain in less than two seconds. In the canyon fortress, countless earth and rocks fell down in the space opened up by the casters. While the smoke and dust filled the air, the panicked crowd collided with each other and roared.

The fortress that was still here a second ago.

It only takes a few breaths, as if it is about to overturn immediately!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!".

"That monster is coming!"

"Notify your lord quickly, the normal upper part of the canyon is under attack, and the enchantment will not be able to support it!"

In the face of a surprise attack, the casters of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] have been trained for a long time, and they are naturally prepared to counterattack the enemy, and all parts are about to function.

But as their leader, the caster sitting on the command chair didn't even raise his body. UU Reading

At this moment, he was looking at the rock above his head.

As the actual controller of the entire fortress.

Unlike these subordinates who only sensed the attack coming, he actually experienced the attack that the canyon fortress was facing.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Just above the fortress, a huge living thing dug down, digging every inch of soil on the cliff, tearing, twisting, and chopping anything that stood in its way.

These include the original soil that protects the fortress, as well as the magic barrier used to conceal and strengthen the mountain.

As for the resistance and defense that the subordinates are shouting...

"Ha ha-"

A wry smile appeared on the commander's face.

how can that be?

The shock occurred within two seconds, and before everyone had time to react, this huge object had already destroyed a large area of ​​land, and even the exit passage was completely blocked.

If there is no special skill of turning death into life.

People in the fortress don't even have a chance to escape!


At this moment, the ceiling of the leader of the Nine Precepts Secret Society suddenly shattered.

He clearly saw a brownish-white tree root sticking out straight from the ceiling.

Then more and more plant roots invaded the fortress from all directions. The originally orderly fortress looked like an ant nest built by ants along the plant roots.

Witnessing the intense scene in front of him.

The caster raised his arm quietly, and displayed his original code on the palm of his hand, as if shouting loudly with his last strength:

"Come on, monster!"


The moment the voice landed.

A very thick root slammed directly at the leader.

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