Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1467: inferred enemy track

"Now, you can go."

In the basement, Ronald was explaining his thoughts to Costa.

Nicole was not idle during this time, she just turned around and ordered to Gautier, who had just been released from prison not long ago:

"However, my personal suggestion is that you'd better leave this city immediately, otherwise if we 'happen' to meet in the city later, then don't blame me for being too ruthless."

"This... I understand!" Gautier was stunned for a moment, but his eyes quickly recovered.

He resolutely turned around and walked towards the big pit that the four of them had crashed into when they came down. His body was no longer sensitive for his age, and he jumped out of the basement directly.

On the face of it—

Ronald and the others can continue to control the caster and drive each other in the process of searching for the "Book of Interpretation".

But actually?

Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] Now that they are plotting against Ronald and the others.

So in order to ensure the smooth progress of this plan, it is necessary to monitor the actions of the three of them during the period to deal with various possible emergencies.

How can they monitor Ronald and the others smoothly?

- using spells

If any one of these three guys is singled out, it is the highest level of combat power on the mysterious side, and it is easy to wipe out ordinary people.

While trying to lock them with spells, it also hides the perception of these three guys.

The difficulty of this kind of thing is no less than annihilating all three people in a frontal battle, and there is no way to choose from the beginning.

If you can't use spells directly, you can only use devious policies.

The problem thus comes to the human side.

Gaultier, who was rescued from prison by Ronald and the others and forced to lead the search for the "Book of Interpretation", naturally became the best target for this candidate.

When Ronald and the others met Gautier for the first time, what was the state of each other like?


This old man who knew the basics of the Nine Precepts Secret Society] let others do things in a state of complete loss of consciousness.

With the means and abilities of the mysterious side.

Naturally, there is a body camera that can remotely monitor the three of Ronald without disturbing them.

Gautier himself may not have known this.

But when Ronald and the others discussed it openly, and after Nicole's superficial attitude.

This once high-status caster was naturally unwilling to step into the muddy water again.

Instead, leave directly and decisively, and at the same time try to find a way to check or deal with the possible surveillance on yourself.

Just like that, Gautier's figure quickly left the underground laboratory.

Next, Nicole retracted her gaze, and naturally looked at the remaining guys controlled by Ronald's words.

The gaze of the investigator girl instantly became cold and dangerous.

Gautier also provided them with the news of the "Book of Interpretation". Considering the hostile position of the other party and the Nine Precepts Secret Society, it is not a problem to let it go.

But these guys in the laboratory are completely loyal to the Nine Precepts Secret Society], and they are out-and-out enemies in every way!

Nicole naturally didn't have the idea of ​​showing her lively and cheerful character to the enemy.

So, during the short period of less than three minutes when Ronald explained the idea to Costa, Nicole walked past the practitioners in the laboratory one by one while drawing runes on her hands.

At this time, Nicole really acted like an ace investigator on a sneak mission.

All the people she passed by, without exception, quickly fell to the ground under the attack of the rune spell, and their chests lost their ups and downs in the blink of an eye.

There is almost no magic power overflowing here, outsiders can't perceive the existence of spells, and it even looks like a relaxed and freehand walk. After a few breaths, everyone in the basement fell to the ground.

The only ones who could stand and talk were Ronald and the three of them.

Nicole turned back to Ronald, put on her unique cute smile and asked:

"Well, to Costa, explain clearly?"

Ronald nodded in response:

"Go, let's go directly!"

Get rid of this decoy and misleading lab.

The three of Ronald left from the ground, but then, uncharacteristically, they did not continue to search.

Standing on the ground of the residential area, Ronald recited a spell.

"Starting from the relationship with the entire earth and sky, we will begin to form our cognition!"

Under the blessing of the extremely high speed of "Astronomical Masterpieces".

The three of them accelerated vertically from a corner of the city, and in a blink of an eye they reached high above the sky.

Looking down.

It was early morning, but the city was still in chaos.

While adjusting the runes on her body, Nicole shifted from a covert action to a frontal combat state, and at the same time asked Ronald:

"Ronald, since you said that just now, you must have an idea now, right?"

Ronald nodded slightly.

He didn't answer Nicole, but stretched his hand into the distance, pointing to the wilderness around the city under his feet.

Nicole immediately understood what Ronald meant:

"You mean these guys are hiding outside the city?"

Ronald nodded and answered:

"That's right, if the members of the Nine Precepts Secret Society want to achieve their planned goals, they cannot stay in the city first."

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"They know a lot of my spells. UU Reading understands that such behavior will greatly increase their chances of being discovered. Especially with my special detection spells for people, even if they hide in a place that can isolate detection In the enchantment, there is no guarantee of 100% safety."

When Ronald said this, his voice faded away, and Nicole followed the logic of the investigator's thinking and said:

"But at the same time, as the people who stay here and try to delay our actions, they also need to be close enough to the city so that they can respond to emergencies in time!"

"This determines that they cannot be too far away from the city!"

What Nicole thought was exactly the same as Ronald's analysis.

And when the girl showed her deduction process, Rhonas also had a panoramic view of the terrain around the city below, and then picked the most suspicious target among them:

"The terrain nearby is the most suitable only here."

Ronald was referring to a canyon south of the city.

Two mountain-like cliffs stand under the morning light in the east, half of them are as bright as the newly lit sky, and the other side is still shrouded in darkness.

I don’t know how many years ago, the water flow carved a straight Kangzhuang Avenue between the two cliffs, and then the years passed quietly, and the source of the water flowing here has long disappeared, leaving only this gully as a place for people to walk here. the way.

Ronald is pointing here.

It is because the cliffs on both sides of the canyon have a high enough altitude. As long as people are at this height, they can easily overlook the surroundings and even all the buildings in the south of the city.

In the canyon is the straight passage leading to the southern gate of the city.

It is also convenient for them to rush back to the city in time to deal with problems when they find problems.

Looking around the entire metropolitan area, this is the only place where the watchers are most suitable for guarding!

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